Merry Christmas…….. Ellie continues to keep us on our toes. - TopicsExpress


Merry Christmas…….. Ellie continues to keep us on our toes. Life is busy and hectic but for the most part it has been going really well. She has been going to her preschool three days a week for a couple of hours and she loves it. She does really well and they are so sweet to love on her and meet her needs. It is so good for her to get out of the house and be around other kids. One night last week, I was washing dishes. I had left her on the floor to play. All of the sudden she said, “look mom I’m walking by myself!” I about fell out because I was pretty sure I had left her on the floor but now I was questioning it. When I looked down, she was up on her knees and crawling along. To her that was walking. At least she was halfway there. For two years we have tried to get her to crawl but she wouldn’t do it. So this was a huge step in some progress. She still walks really well just holding your finger but can’t quite do it on her own yet. Her hearing seems to be just fine but her vision continues to be good one day and a little off the next. There are more and more hairs showing up on her head but still not an overall return. She will take quite a few bites of food if you offer it to her but she doesn’t seem to have the desire to eat very much. The Sunday before Thanksgiving, we had gotten up to go to church. As soon as we walked in the doors, Ellie started crying and her right side got pretty weak. We had some Deacons pray over her before we left. We were pretty sure we were headed to Vanderbilt once again. She wouldn’t really talk to us so we took her home, gave her some Tylenol, and she slept for about 30 minutes. She woke up feeling really good and laughing. She had a pretty good cold at the time and best we can come up with was that it triggered a little seizure. Well the same thing happened this morning. She has another cold. We went to go to physical therapy and in the parking lot she just started crying. It seems as if having a virus may have triggered another seizure. She slept very peacefully once we got home. When she woke up she seemed to feel pretty well. Thank you Jesus! Prayerfully we won’t be headed to Vanderbilt later today. Do it Lord! Sadie is all about Christmas. We have our outside lights on a remote control. She knows how to get the remote out of the drawer and hit the button to turn them on and inflate the inflatables. We have a blow up Elf on the Shelf. His name is “Chippy.” We know when she has turned them on because she’ll come running saying “Chippy up!” Pretty much all of the decorations and holiday movies have been a hit with her. She was all about Santa Claus until we went to put her on his lap. Now we have our own classic photo of her screaming her head off. One month from today, she will be two. Just doesn’t seem possible! PRAISES • To God be the glory for everything! • Ellie started walking and crawling on her knees all by herself. • Ellie has been back her preschool, BYCS, and loving every minute of it. • The birth of Jesus Christ! Please pray for…. • That this morning’s events aren’t the result of something more serious. That she will continue to feel better as the day goes on. • Ellie’s cold. That she would fight it off quickly. And that viruses will never affect her in this way ever again. • No more seizures. If this is in fact what is happening. That her brain would fire just as it should on earth as it is in Heaven. • Eating, Walking, and hair. We await your return. • The next MRI is February 19th. That it would once again reveal healing that they just can’t explain. • My Aunt Gloria has been in and out of the hospital now for two weeks. They haven’t been able to pinpoint what is wrong. We pray for healing and a correct diagnosis. • My Sister-in-Laws Dad, Dale. He fell 45 feet at a construction job on Sunday. Miraculously he only suffered a broken wrist. We pray for quick healing and that nothing else will present itself. • Karsyn. The other little girl here in Nashville that beat AT/RT just like Ellie. Now she is fighting a virus that has had her in ICU for 3 weeks. They were able to get her off of ECMO this week but her little lungs have been so unhealthy. We just pray that somehow, someway, all of this has been to heal her lungs once and for all • Mike’s moms husband, Neal. He hasn’t been feeling all that well lately and they are waiting on the results of some tests they have run. • All of the above…Do it Lord! How is it already December 23rd? Wasn’t it just July? The events of the last few days have taken some of the anticipation and cheer out of the holidays. As we sat here for the last four hours waiting for Ellie to wake up to make sure she was ok, it was easy to worry about missing Christmas because you are or could be in a hospital. But the fact of the matter is that Christmas this year will come and go. You might miss some activities and not experience some of your traditions as you thought you would. But there is not one thing that we can do or say, cook or prepare, experience, decorate, or buy that will keep December 25th from being what it has always been. The birthday of Jesus Christ. Emmanuel. God with us. Whether home or in a hospital, still God with us! That’s what matters. Once again reminded today that this is what it is really about. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Still standing with our Shining Light of God’s Promises and praying for continued miracles! Blessings! Mike, Kerri, Ellie, and Sadie
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 21:44:54 +0000

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