Mesopotamische EntwicklungsGesellschaft - Mezopotamian Development - TopicsExpress


Mesopotamische EntwicklungsGesellschaft - Mezopotamian Development Society (Registered) THE MOST REQUESTED DAILY & ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSSERVICE ON KURDISTAN FOR THE HIGHLY INVOLVED PEOPLE VISIT & SUBSCRIBE (or unsubscribe) MESOP NEWSLETTER ON OUR WEBSITE : Editors Facebook: facebook/guy.debod / twitter: Guy Debord @1Debord1 TODAY’S COMPLIMENTS TO MESOP Thank you for your excellent reports. Dr. Denise Natali TODAY’S MESOP COMMENTARY : Do ‘Syria,’ ‘Iraq’ & ‘Lebanon’ Still Exist? / THE TOWER MAGAZINE Jonathan Spyer - Senior Fellow at the Inter-Disciplinary Center at Herzliya. 14.2.2014 - Until recently the Middle East looked like the rest of the world: divided into countries with clear national borders, and power divided accordingly. But then something changed. - Read more: WEST KURDISTAN (SYRIA) MESOP INSIGHT ON SYRIA: “Peace talks deadliest period in 3 years!” On Friday, the United Nations voiced concern over a possible major assault by regime forces against the opposition-held town Yabroud, noting a concentration of military forces in the area. Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday that President Barack Obama has requested new policy options for Syria as the countrys crisis worsens. - The death toll, which is no longer tallied by the UN, has spiked since the Geneva talks began, with almost five thousand deaths since January 22, the deadliest period in the three-year “Inter-Rebel Fighting Enters a New Phase as Salafists Declare Open War on ISIS,” by Daniel Abdallah For Syria Comment, February 14, 2014Three days ago, the inter-rebel fighting entered a new phase. For the first time, Salafist factions have openly publicised their attack on the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham and the feircest battles have moved from the Northwest to the East of Syria. Ahrar ash-Sham (AS) and Jabhat an-Nusra (JN) – al-Qaeda’s official branch in Syria – are officially at war with ISIS. Read more: HRW to investigates Amuda killing & underage fighters of PYD 15.02.2014 - BasNews, Syria - Human Rights Watch has travelled to Amuda to investigate the killing of six protesters by the Democratic Union of Kurdistan’s (PYD) military wing, People’s Protection Unit (YPG) in June 2013. Read all: ANALYSIS FROM THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE FOR NEAR EAST POLICY AN ASSERTIVE PLAN OF ACTION FOR SYRIA : Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs & International Development, House of Commons, Canada Featuring Andrew J. Tabler - February 12, 2014 - Washington Institute senior fellow Andrew Tabler addressed a Canadian parliamentary hearing on the latest developments in the Syrian war. The following are his concluding policy recommendations: - Read all: Women & Girls From Rojava Being Sold In Refugee Camps in KRG According to an article appearing Yeni Özgür Politika, women and girls from families living in refugee camps under KDP administration in Hewlêr and Duhok are being sold to wealthy buyers from as far away as Mosul, Baghdad, Dubai, and Qatar. – Read all: MICHAEL R. “THE DISCOVERER” The US gets the Kurds wrong — again / In Iraq, we ignored them until we discovered that they were our best allies. Now those in Syria are being neglected. - Michael Rubin | Wall Street Journal - February 14, 2014 - Read all: NORTH KURDISTAN (TURKEY) TODAY’S MESOP QUOTATION : WORD IN CHANGE I) “Greater Democracy is the Solution for Turkey’s Kurdish Issue” 13 February 2014” Abdullah Öcalan / Rudaw II) “Despite all the efforts to drag the Kurdish people into the Gezi Park protests, Kurdish politicians distanced themselves from the protests and the Kurdish people did not voice strong opposition when PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan defined the corruption probe as a coup attempt against the government. Even prominent PKK dissidents think that Öcalan has adopted the correct stance about both the Gezi Park protests and the corruption probe.” CIHAN beta 12-2-2014 Long Life Leader APO THE COPRESIDENCY OF KCK EXECUTIVE COUNCIL / TO OUR PEOPLES AND THE PUBLIC OPINION On the 15th anniversary of the international conspiracy against Leader Abdullah Ocalan, we strongly condemn all the forces taking active part in the conspiracy. We pay our grateful tribute to those martyrs who sacrificed their lives during the resistance under the motto you cannot darken our sun. We greet with respect Leader APO who showed a great sagacity and made enormous efforts rebutting the international conspiracy. – Read all: Dec.17- the settlement process & the Kurds TR_ISTA - 12.02.2014 11:24:50 CIHAN BETA - When we look at the statements made about the corruption probe launched on Dec. 17, 2013, we can see that the Kurdish people have reacted differently to the extraordinary developments that we have experienced since the probe became public than people living in the western parts of the country. – Read more: CONFESSIONS & MORE DOPE FROM HEVAL MICHAEL R. (MESOP) Should Abdullah Öcalan Be Freed? Michael Rubin | @mrubin1971 02.14.2014 – Commentary Magazin - On February 15, 1999, a Turkish commando operation captured Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan in Nairobi, Kenya. Öcalan had been on the run since international pressure on Syria had forced Syrian leader Hafez al-Assad to demand Öcalan no longer call Syria his home. Michael M. Gunter, a professor of political science at Tennessee Technological University and a prolific author regarding the Kurdish issue, interviewed Öcalan at his Damascus residence shortly before the PKK leader departed Syria. Read all: Süleyman Hamit Müftigil against Barzani, Erdogan, Ocalan? More leaks in Turkey as result of Gülen and AKP power struggle: Bu kongre sonrası İmralı (Öcalan) bertaraf edilecek, artık tekrar silahlı ve çatışmalı bir dönem geliyor, Barzani de bertaraf edilecek, Erdoğan da bertaraf edilecek. Tam anlamıyla bir darbeden söz ediyor. Başbakan Erdoğan indirilecek, Öcalan ve Barzani devre dışı bırakılacak, çatışma yaşanacak ve onlar kendi iktidarlarını kuracak. – Read all and watch VIDEO: New leaks – more trouble : Turkish businessmen insults Kurds, while doing business in Kurdistan region Most likely Gülen movement behind the leaking of these recordings to create problems between AKP and KDP (also PKK). These businessmen very close to the AKP. Read all: SOUTH KURDISTAN (IRAQ) Political Deadlock over Cabinet Formation about to End 15-2-2014 – HAWLER/ Kurdistan region, KNNC: 146 days have passed since the September 2013 General Parliamentary Elections of the Kurdistan region and the top five parties with the most votes are finalizing their steps towards forming the eighth cabinet. – Read more: Salary crisis hits Barzani’s cabinet 15-2-2014 – BasNews - Salary crisis in Iraqi Kurdistan Region has arrived to the cabinet of the Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani who has ordered only half of the salary of his cabinet members should be paid. – Read more: Barzani & Mustafa agree to improve KDP-Gorran ties 15-2-2014 – Basnews - Massoud Barzani and Nawshirwan Mustafa the leader of Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) an main opposition Change Movement (Gorran) agreed on boosting ties between the two parties. – Read more: ANALYSIS OF NEAR EAST POLICY FROM THE SCHOLARS AND ASSOCIATES OF THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE BAGHDAD-KRG NEGOTIATIONS: CLOSER THAN EVER TO A FAIR DEAL PolicyWatch 2208 - February 14, 2014 - By Michael Knights - Baghdads promising offer on oil exports and revenues could provide vital breathing room to build a permanent revenue-sharing law, and Washington should encourage the Iraqi Kurds to sign on. Read all: PKK fighters go from Germany to Afrin / PYD (PKK) Kämpfer von Deutschland nach Syrien Shakur spricht ein Deutsch, wie man es in deutschen Fabrikhallen hört. Nach 15 Jahren in Saarbrücken ist er nach Syrien zurückgekehrt: «Ich kann nicht in Deutschland sitzen, während meine Heimat im Krieg versinkt. - Die PKK ist nicht nur das Assad-Regime losgeworden. Auch viele Kurden, die mit Öcalans Ideologie der hierarchielosen kommunalen Selbstverwaltung und der Überwindung des Staates nicht einverstanden sind, mussten gehen. Basler Zeitung – 12. Feb. 2014 Öcalans Scharfschützinnen Von Amir Ali, Afrin. Aktualisiert am 12.02.2014 – Basler Zeitung Der Bürgerkrieg in Syrien hat die jungen Kurdinnen und Kurden radikalisiert. Tausende kämpfen im Norden des Landes gegen die al-Qaida und für ein freies Kurdistan. - Ein Optimist hat bereits eine Starbucks-Filiale eröffnet. Grün strahlt das runde Logo durch die schwarze Nacht, die das Städtchen verschluckt hat. Grün wie die Hoffnung. – Volltext: Deutschland-Kurs für syrische Flüchtlinge: Schwulsein verboten, Nazis erlaubt? Aus Beirut berichtet Ulrike Putz - Lehrerin Zeinab Artel: Was ist in Deutschland erlaubt, was tabu? - SPIEGEL ONLINE – 15.2.2014 Syrische Flüchtlinge, die nach Deutschland umsiedeln, müssen vorher einen Kurs für kulturelle Orientierung absolvieren. Es geht um Mülltrennung, Nazis, Schwulenrechte. Und die Frage, wo man in der Bundesrepublik sein Schaf schlachten darf. – Volltext:
Posted on: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 15:28:32 +0000

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