Message for Europe from the National Federation for Animal - TopicsExpress


Message for Europe from the National Federation for Animal Protection in Romania (FNPA) Message for Europe: vimeo/75658757 (email in English and German) ENGLISH text --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear all, As most of you already know, the Constitutional Court decided on September 25 that the law regulating mass euthanasia is constitutional. By this decision the Constitutional Court has contradicted its own previous decision from January 2012 (whereby it regulated that euthanasia may be applied only as a last method, only after the authorities have applied all solutions, correspondingly, and such solutions had failed to reduce the number of the strays on the streets or to eradicate the strays situation). The Constitutional Court has proved (together with the Parliament, Government and President) to lack verticality in favor of the abuse of power. In the same day, the President has promulgated the law! The dogs may now be put to sleep and the representatives of the NGOs are not allowed to even be present! The Sanitary Veterinary National Authority and the Veterinary College – institutions which in any other country other than Romania fight and defend the welfare and life of the animals (in Romania these authorities act against the interests of the animals) – are not strangers to this situation. The Veterinary College has introduced in the law the fact that euthanasia must be done in compliance with the Euthanasia Code which was drafted and issued by the Veterinary College! Thus dogs may be “euthanasied” with also carbon dioxide, carbon oxide, potassium chloride, nitrogen, electric shocks, penetrating capitive gun – cruel methods non-acceptable in EU The Sanitary Veterinary National Authority has banned from the law the right of the NGOs to assist at the euthanasia of the dogs from the shelters! This law which legalizes mass euthanasia of the dogs does not only severely breach the human dignity and the physical and psychological welfare of the Romanian citizens but any ethical and European norms regarding animal protection and management! As you all know, this incredible war against the strays has been started by the case of the 4 year old boy, which was presumably killed by strays. From the moment the facts were presented in the way that Ionut was killed by 5 stray dogs, without any type of investigations, without any type of evidence, without any verified information. A large variety of essential arguments and evidences have appeared and they continue to appear, which clearly indicate that this case was willingly fabricated. However the press and media ignore them all! A video which demonstrates the gentleness of a stray dog in relation to a child, in a park in Bucharest: Actions! What can still be done! We intend to start claims with the European Court for Human Rights, Venice Commission, European Court of Justice, nonetheless all these procedures will take time and will not stop the massacre now! We intend to start legal actions in Romania as well and to contest in court the legality of the Euthanasia Guide, however, these actions will take time as well, and the former experience and background clearly show that correctness and justice are not winnable in Romania. All these procedures may have effects later on, nevertheless we need solutions NOW to stop the massacre! TODAY STARTS THE COUNTDOWN OF THE 14 DAYS! For the moment, the only real chances of the dogs are your actions, the actions of the officials and authorities in your countries as well as the recommendations of the European Parliament and European Commission. Therefore, related requests and claims with these two European institutions are extremely necessary. Romania breaches the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals ratified by Romania in 2004, namely Article 13 – “Exceptions to the principles laid down in this Convention for the capture, the keeping and the killing of stray animals may be made only if unavoidable in the framework of national disease control programmes”. In this respect, any citizen of the EU may file a COMPLAINT TO THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES concerning failure of Romania to comply with European law, thus of the Convention (you can download that form in your own language from the link: EMAILS TO THE EUROPEAN COMISSION may also be sent by FILING THE FOLLOWING FORM ON-LINE: We kindly ask you to continuously SEND PROTESTS to: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] You may use the protest letter below or your own draft Subject (example): Stop dog massacre in Romania! Madams and Sirs, Mass killing is simply not the answer and is totally unacceptable in the civilized world of today. MASS NEUTERING is the only LONG TERM solution for the decrease of the stray dogs phenomenon, as it aims to the source of the problem. Law 258/2013 regarding the mass euthanasia of the dogs is against the provisions of the European Convention ratified by Romania, it clearly contradicts the European norms regarding animal protection, it is contrary to all the conclusions of the studies performed by specialized institutions as the World Health Organization (WHO) that concluded that dog slaughter has no result on the dog population in the street, it is contrary to all conclusions and results deriving from the mass euthanasia and killings in Romania, it is contrary to all results obtained in Oradea, Lugoj, Cernavoda and in other countries where “catch, neuter and return” lead to the almost complete eradication of the strays situation. The law regarding the mass euthanasia destroys morality, human dignity, it gravely affects the physical and psychological welfare of the society and it denies the constitutional right to physical and psychological integrity. We ask the President, the Government, the Sanitary Veterinary National Authority, the City Halls to show morality, wisdom and common sense and to prevent the implementation of a monstrous law, not dignified for the present century and which will not lead to the resolving of the problem. We ask the European Commission, European Parliament to have a decisive and strong position and to make use of any legislative possibilities in order to stop the massacre of the dogs in Romania. In case the authorities in Romania persist in abusing their power like the Constitutional Court has done by adopting a decision contrary to its previous decision, persist in pursuing reprehensible decisions, persist in demonstrating brutal and immoral behavior, continue to apply aggressive and corrupt actions, all part of a program for implementing a horrible massacre and which is in contradiction with the civilization degree which Europe has reached, WE REQUEST THAT ROMANIA IS EXCLUDED FROM THE EUROPEAN UNION! Name, country Thank you! Carmen ARSENE GERMAN text --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message for Europe: vimeo/75658757 Liebe Tierfreunde, so wie die Mehrheit unter Ihnen weiß, hat das Verfassungsgericht am 25. September entschieden, dass das Gesetz der Massentötung verfassungsgerecht ist. Durch diese Entscheidung hat das Verfassungsgericht Rumäniens die eigene Entscheidung vom Januar 2012 ( worin bestimmt wurde, dass die Euthanasie nur als letzte Lösung angewandt werden kann, nur nachdem von den örtlichen Behörden alle Lösungen entsprechend angewandt wurden und nicht zur Verringerung der Hundeanzahl oder zur Beendung des Phänomens geführt haben) widersprochen. Das Verfassungsgericht hat somit (neben dem Parlament, der Regierung, dem Präsidenten) das Fehlen der Aufrichtigkeit und die des Machtmissbrauchs bewiesen. Am selben Tag hat der Präsident Rumäniens das Gesetz unterschrieben und in Kraft treten lassen! Die Hunde können auf jeden Fall getötet werden, während die Vertreter der Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NRO) kein Recht haben zugegen zu sein! Die Nationale Tiermedizinische Behörde und das Kollegium der Tierärzte – Institutionen die in jedem Land außer Rumänien für das Wohlergehen und das Leben der Tiere kämpfen und nicht gegen sie – haben zugestimmt. Das Kollegium der Tierärzte hat in das Gesetz die Vorgabe eingebracht, dass die Tötung nicht mehr allein durch die in der Europäischen Union akzeptierte Einschläferung (Vollnarkose und danach Todesspritze) durchgeführt wird, sondern sich den Richtlinien des rumänischen Kollegiums der Tierärzte (einer Art Tierärztekammer) zu folgen hat. Das bedeutet: Die Hunde dürfen mit Kohlendioxiden, Kohlenoxiden, Kaliumchloriden, Stickstoff, Stromschlägen/ Elektroschock, Bolzenschüssen „euthanasiert“ werden, grausamen und qualvollen Tötungsmethoden, die dem Begriff der Euthanasie widersprechen. Die Nationale Tiermedizinische Behörde hat durch das Gesetz das Recht der unabhängigen Tierschutzorganisationen beseitigt, bei der Euthanasie der Hunde in der Verwahrung anwesend zu sein! Somit verletzt dieses Gesetz, welches die Massentötung der Hunde legalisiert, nicht nur die menschliche Würde und das psychische und physische Wohlbefinden der rumänischen Zivilgesellschaft, sondern auch jede ethische und europäische Norm hinsichtlich des Schutzes und der Tierhaltung! So wie Sie wissen wurde dieser unglaubliche Krieg gegen die herrenlosen Hunde durch den Fall des 4-jährigen Knaben, Ionut, unter der Annahme dass er von herrenlosen Hunden ermordet wurde, ausgelöst. Seit der sofortigen Entscheidung, dass Ionut von 5 herrenlosen Hunden, ohne Nachforschungen, ohne Beweise, ohne Informationen getötet wurde, sind inzwischen eine Menge von Beweisen zum Vorschein gekommen und weiterhin erscheinen, dass dieser Fall zurechtgebastelt wurde, wobei die Presse alles ignoriert! Ein Video welches die Sanftmütigkeit eines Straßenhundes im Verhältnis zu einem Kind in einem Park in Bukarest beweist : Aktionen! Was kann man tun! Wir beabsichtigen Aktionen beim Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte, der Kommission in Venedig, dem Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union zu unternehmen, aber diese werden dauern, also werden Sie das Massaker nicht jetzt stoppen! Wir beabsichtigenden den Start von legalen Aktionen auch in Rumänien, sowie Widersprüche bei der Instanz der Leitung der Euthanasie, aber auch die werden dauern, während die Erfahrung beweist, dass die Korrektheit und das Recht in Rumänien nicht zu haben sind Aber die haben späte Wirkungen, während wir JETZT Lösungen finden müssen um das Massaker aufzuhalten! Ab heute beginnt das Zählen der 14 Tage! Im Augenblick, die einzigen Chancen der Hunde sind Ihr Druck, der Vertreter Ihrer Länder und die Verfügungen des Europaparlaments und der Europäischen Kommission. Darum sind der Druck dieser zwei Institutionen äußerst notwendig. Rumänien verletzt das Europäische Übereinkommen zum Schutz von Heimtieren welches von Rumänien im 2004 ratifiziert wurde, und zwar den Artikel 13 – Ausnahmen für das Fangen, Halten und Töten – „Ausnahmen von den in diesem Übereinkommen niedergelegten Grundsätzen für das Fangen, Halten und Töten streunender Tiere können nur gemacht werden, wenn sie im Rahmen staatlicher Programme zur Bekämpfung von Krankheiten unvermeidbar sind“. In diesem Sinn kann jeder Bürger der EU ein Schreiben AN DIE KOMMISSION DER EUROPÄISCHEN GEMEINSCHAFTEN WEGEN NICHTBEACHTUNG DES GEMEINSCHAFTSRECHTS betreff der Nichterfüllung seitens Rumäniens der Verpflichtung der Respektierung des Gemeinschaftsrechts, also der Konvention (das Formular kann in jeder gewünschten Sprache heruntergeladen werden, hier: richten. Ebenfalls kann man EMAILS AN DIE EUROPÄISCHE KOMMISSION senden IN DEM MAN DAS ON-LINE FORMULAR senden: Ich habe die Bitte an Sie, PROTESTE ZU SCHICKEN an: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Sie können den untenstehenden Protestbrief nutzen oder ein eigenes Schreiben verfassen.: Subject (example): Stop dog massacre in Romania! Madams and Sirs, Mass killing is simply not the answer and is totally unacceptable in the civilized world of today. MASS NEUTERING is the only LONG TERM solution for the decrease of the stray dogs phenomenon, as it aims to the source of the problem. Law 258/2013 regarding the mass euthanasia of the dogs is against the provisions of the European Convention ratified by Romania, it clearly contradicts the European norms regarding animal protection, it is contrary to all the conclusions of the studies performed by specialized institutions as the World Health Organization (WHO) that concluded that dog slaughter has no result on the dog population in the street, it is contrary to all conclusions and results deriving from the mass euthanasia and killings in Romania, it is contrary to all results obtained in Oradea, Lugoj, Cernavoda and in other countries where “catch, neuter and return” lead to the almost complete eradication of the strays situation. The law regarding the mass euthanasia destroys morality, human dignity, it gravely affects the physical and psychological welfare of the society and it denies the constitutional right to physical and psychological integrity. We ask the President, the Government, the Sanitary Veterinary National Authority, the City Halls to show morality, wisdom and common sense and to prevent the implementation of a monstrous law, not dignified for the present century and which will not lead to the resolving of the problem. We ask the European Commission, European Parliament to have a decisive and strong position and to make use of any legislative possibilities in order to stop the massacre of the dogs in Romania. In case the authorities in Romania persist in abusing their power like the Constitutional Court has done by adopting a decision contrary to its previous decision, persist in pursuing reprehensible decisions, persist in demonstrating brutal and immoral behavior, continue to apply aggressive and corrupt actions, all part of a program for implementing a horrible massacre and which is in contradiction with the civilization degree which Europe has reached, WE REQUEST THAT ROMANIA IS EXCLUDED FROM THE EUROPEAN UNION! Name, country Besten Dank! Carmen ARSENE
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 15:31:02 +0000

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