Message is most effective and best conveyed because the language - TopicsExpress


Message is most effective and best conveyed because the language is simple and easy to read. This book conveys a message that is universal. It deals with a lot of questions that we all have in this era of so called progress and technological advancement which has put ones faith and beliefs we grew up with on the back burner. Then a book like the Dialogues with the Prophet Mohammed comes into publication that starts answering a lot of questions to awaken ones soul and open up doors to reality and to rekindle ones faith. The book starts with the concern that is foremost in everyones mind today, and that is to do the youth of today and where they are heading in this world of violence and turmoil. Their mannerisms and non tolerant and self-serving attitudes have to change to those of more compassion and humanity. The society and future of world rests upon them. They can make a difference, most assuredly. The book confirms the notion of reincarnation and of Karma as well. The law of nature cannot exist without reincarnation..........our deeds always account for each incarnation. No one is exempt. The book also answers questions about the political turmoil that has gripped the world today. It talks about the events that transpired on September 11 and whether it was meant to happen. This question, no doubt, has been on everyones mind. The startling revelation confirms that They were transgressors and evil doers. All the children suffered a shameful death. The motive behind Ossama Bin Ladens terrorism is defined as, He is an evil doer in all aspects. He uses the religion as a base for his actions. He has no real belief. He is a total transgressor. A dark man whose only motive is revenge. He spares no one for his quest and His inhuman actions are everything against the principles of Islam. As for Islam, The fanatics use my name and Gods name in vain. Killing, rioting, or fighting was never my way. When did I ever profess or teach that hurting another human being was justified, no matter what the cause, especially when it is done in religions name? Never have I wanted to have such mass turmoil and injustice done. I have always sought peace and peaceful measures. This puts Islam in absolute clarity regarding those transgressors who have brought so much violence and terrorism to society at large; calling it Jihad in the name of religion. Still talking about the political front, the questions about Americas role in trying to resolve the Palestinian issue, their involvement in Afghanistan and its part in Global peacemaking are the burning issues that have dominated most generations around the globe. The startling revelation can make a difference if given attention Being a super power they dictate much decision making. They are weary of having to face consequences for their actions. However they are responsible for the global situations at present. They have been aware of the Palestinian problem for nearly 4-5 decades and never seriously had it resolved. As for Afghanistan, They felt that they had been invaded despite their best security measures. It was an ego problem. However, looking back, it didnt bring the perpetrator to justice, but only hurt the innocent masses and made many thousands homeless and in total dismay. Solution is offered and attention should be paid. The U.S. President again is on attack, but he fails to understand the underlying reason of their attacks and demands. It is a good idea to hit any issue at its core, rather than ignoring the substance or basis of the terrorist attack. Grim and bleak predictions of the future with hope are given with forewarnings like. There will be many mishaps and painful incidents yet to come. A lot to comprehend and to realize to take responsibility for our own actions, I dare say. Man is also a master of his\her destiny and of their future. He can make changes to his destiny. And with the universal message of Love, Peace and Unity, every one of us can make the difference.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 13:56:56 +0000

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