Message to lawyer and general public if your wondering why im non - TopicsExpress


Message to lawyer and general public if your wondering why im non compliant to the super soilder program is because its way more then just me exercising for example anytime i leave home some an member or affliate of tje intelligence agency breaks into my house spit in my food or do something foul to were i have to throw away food items sodas because theh leave things to let me know there breaking into my house plus they dont want to learn from me the NGA INTELLIGENCE wants to learn how to defeat me. Why else would i not get a recruiter sent instead i was wanred to hide my prints and made to feel like a criminal and deserve jail instead of being treated like any other athelete plus im daily dehumanized anytime the military attacks you with a drone make you feel less then humam and alsodaily the NGA ATTEMPTS to force feces out my rectum so with that being said how can you focus on compliance with so much negativity because of the NGA intelligence i lost a wife, house two dogg two jobs and apartmemt and my olympic dream so why and how can one think of compliance. Now i can only eat certain thing and so much food intake this whole human experimenration is a waste of money and time like i would love to see the reports of them dehumamizing me how do you explain that as an INTELLIGENCE AGENCY THIS IS LIKE there trying to put me in sometype of state of mind to see how i would perform under certian conditions but why i have to loose my everything being in this program and what is the military gaining by my me being an human experiment zapping a mans private area over a 100 times a day is dehumanizing and why my martial arts is good enough to watch but not good enough to get sent trainers from military staff thats why i say they have somthing planned for me in a negative way to many negative come from this MK ULTRA SUPER SOILDER PROGRAM AMD NO ONE IS EXPLAINKNG TO ME THE NEGATIVE TO ORGANIC BRAIN IMPLANTS WHY IS THAT. YOU CANT WORK EAT SLEEP LIVE LIKE A YOUNG MAN SO HOW CAN SOMEONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND PRACTICE MARTIAL ARTS
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:25:01 +0000

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