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Mezopotamian Development Society (Registered) THE MOST REQUESTED DAILY & ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSSERVICE ON KURDISTAN FOR THE HIGHLY INVOLVED PEOPLE MESOP : PEACE & WEALTH FOR GAZA – WITHOUT HAMAS Top Hamas Official Osama Hamdan: Jews Use Blood For Passover Matzos In a recent TV interview, Osama Hamdan, top Hamas representative in Lebanon and a member of the Hamas political bureau, said: We all remember how the Jews used to slaughter Christians, in order to mix their blood in their holy matzos. Following is an excerpt from the interview, which aired on the Lebanese Al-Quds TV channel on July 28, 2014. View the Video clip: MESOP : WATCH HAMAS PROPAGANDA VIDEO Gaza Video: Fighters Infiltrate Via Tunnel, Kill Israeli Soldiers By Scott Lucas July 30, 2014 09:15 - Video posted on Tuesday by the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, shows its fighters infiltrating Israel via a tunnel, attacking an outpost, and killing an Israeli soldier at close range as he lies on the ground. - Israel said that five of its troops had been killed in the Monday attack near Nahal Oz. Israel’s official military objective in the airstrikes and ground offensive into Gaza is the demolition of the cross-border tunnels. Warning — Graphic Images: eaworldview/2014/07/gaza-video-fighters-infiltrate-via-tunnel-kill-israeli-soldiers/ MESOP : HAMAS OPERATES WITH CIVIL LIVES – ON IRANIAN ORDERS Deputy Iranian Foreign Minister: We Have Been In Touch With Hamas Throughout The Current Crisis In a July 27 interview on the Lebanese Al-Manar TV channel, Deputy Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian said that Iran was in constant contact with Hamas. During the recent crisis, we were in direct contact and held consultations with Hamas, with Ismail Haniya, and with Hamas Political Bureau head Khaled Mashal, he said. Following are excerpts: Click here MESOP OPINION : DELUSIONAL PERSPECTIVES What’s Wrong With Being Reasonable About the Middle East? Lee Smith – The Hudson Institute – United States - The weekend saw the heaviest fighting in Gaza with 13 members of theIDF and dozens of Palestinians—87, according to Palestinian officials, killed. Hamas claims to have abducted an Israeli soldier, which if so may yet further raise tensions. While the escalating bloodshed is naturally upsetting to any sane person, there is a way out, according to New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof. Luckily for both Israelis and Palestinians, the prescription for peace is a simple one: We need “to de-escalate, starting with a cease-fire that includes an end to Hamas rocket attacks and a withdrawal from Gaza by Israel. For Israel, this is a chance to use diplomacy to achieve what gunpowder won’t: the marginalization of Hamas. Israel might suggest an internationally supervised election in Gaza with the promise that the return of control to the Palestinian Authority would mean an end to the economic embargo.” Read more: MESOP : A GREAT WOMEN IN IRAQ ! Muslim Iraqi News Anchorwoman Wears Cross in Support of Christians Dalia Al Aqidi, an Iraqi news anchorwoman and Sunni Muslim, wearing a cross in support of Assyrians/Christians in Mosul, Iraq. Beirut (AINA) — An Iraqi news anchorwoman working for the Iraqi cable TV Sumaria, headquartered in Beirut, has begun wearing a cross in support of Assyrians/Christians in Mosul, Iraq MESOP DOCUMENTARY : WATCH & CLICK FOR VIDEO Did ISIS order FGM? July 28, 2014 - From Straight Talk - The ISIS terror group denies reports that they ordered the genital mutilation of all Iraqi women and girls. TODAY’S MESOP ANALYSIS : BY STRATFOR / THE KURDISH PARTY SPLIT As Stratfor has stressed throughout the dispute between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government, Iraqi Kurdistan not only faces enormous external challenges in its bid for independence, but it must also deal with its own demons. The split between the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party was bound to resurface, and that gap appears to be widening, particularly after the Peshmerga took over the Kirkuk oil fields. Iraqi Kurdistan Attempts to Bypass Baghdad, by Way of Texas Geopolitical Diary Stratfor - MONDAY, JULY 28, 2014 - 17:31 - The commotion surrounding Iraqi Kurdistans ongoing feud with Iraqs central government spread to the Texas Gulf Coast over the weekend. The U.S. Coast Guard, Department of State, Department of Homeland Security and National Security Council were sent scrambling when a tanker tried to offload 100,000 barrels of Kurdish crude. Read all: NORTH KURDISTAN (TURKEY) MESOP : TURKISH TANKS ARE FULL / KURDISH PIPELINES HALTED July 30, 2014 - By Humeyra Pamuk & Orhan Coskun – Reuters - ISTANBUL, Turkey,— Oil pumping in Iraqi Kurdistans pipeline has been halted for the past week as the storage tanks in the Turkish Mediterranean port of Ceyhan are full, industry sources and an energy official told Reuters on Wednesday.There is no flow at the moment and it has been stopped about a week ago because the storage tanks at Ceyhan are full, even the back-up ones, one source familiar with the matter said. Read all: SOUTH KURDISTAN (IRAQ) MESOP : HERO’S COMPLOT ! / Cronyism still rules the PUK By Mufid Abdulla: Kurdistan Tribune – 30.7.2014 - In this year’s Iraq parliamentary elections, the PUK won 18 seats and this kept them in a position to take the post of presidency of Iraq, like last time. We don’t know exactly why the PUK did well in the elections to the Iraqi parliament but not to the Kurdistan parliament and I believe we need to do more study on this subject. Over the last several months of PUK internal struggle, according to my soundings, most party members and probably a majority of the Kurdish public favoured the presidency going to the PUK’s second deputy leader, Barham Salih. Read all: MESOP FOCUS : Baghdad ‘Cannot Win’ in Tanker Claim, Hawrami Warns By RUDAW 30-7-2014 - ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The Kurdistan Region’s energy minister said Wednesday that Iraq has filed a lawsuit in the United States to seize Kurdish oil on a tanker anchored in the Gulf of Mexico, but that it “cannot win.” Read all: MESOP : WHO HAS BOUGHT THE KURDISH OIL ? ABOUT TALMAY TRADING July 30, 2014 – REUTERS + CNBC - HOUSTON,— The buyer of Iraqi Kurdistan crude oil sitting off the coast of Texas is a company called Talmay Trading of the British Virgin Islands, CNBC has learned. According to documents seen by CNBC, Talmay, using a London shipbroker, hired AET Offshore Services of Dallas, Texas, on July 17, 2014, to unload roughly 1 million barrels of crude in the United Kalavytra, currently located off the coast of Texas near Galveston. Efforts to reach the ship broker were unsuccessful. Read more: MESOP LATEST : Kurdish Oil Production Seen Doubling Next Year by Goldman Sachs By Grant Smith & Claudia Carpenter Jul 30, 2014 – Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurds, sparring with the nation’s central government over their right to export crude, may almost double oil production next year and triple it this decade, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said. The Kurdistan Regional Government could bolster output to about 540,000 barrels a day by the end of 2015 if it can expand pipeline capacity and surmount marketing constraints, analysts including New York-based Head of Commodities Research Jeff Currie said in a report yesterday. Read all: MESOP LATEST - Miladinov warning: ISIS cannot be stopped only by two options 30 July 2014 10:00 – SHAFAAQ:COM - Shafaq News / The Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Nikolay Mladenov warned leaders of Iraq that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria “ISIS” organization cannot be stopped unless by accelerating the formation of a technocrats government or a government that does not exclude anyone. Read all: MESOP : THE MIDDLE EAST INSTITUTE US plans largest ever sale of Hellfire missiles to Iraq 30-7-2014 - The United States plans to sell 5,000 Hellfire missiles to Iraq in a $700 million deal, officials said Tuesday, as Washington tries to help Baghdad retake ground captured by Sunni militants.The US government, which has been reluctant so far to take military action in support of Baghdad, has rushed hundreds of the missiles to Iraq to help the Shiite-led government counter jihadists, who have seized areas north and west of the capital. Read more: MESOP PORTRAIT : In Iraq’s Mosul, resistance rises from rubble July 30, 2014 Updated: July 30, 2014 – THE NATIONAL - BAGHDAD // The dynamiting of some of Mosul’s most precious heritage has spurred a group of students and officers into the first act of armed resistance against the Iraqi city’s Islamist militant rulers. Read all: WEST KURDISTAN (SYRIA) MESOP SYRIA SHORT CUTS : 100 PEOPLE KILLED YESTERDAY – NO INTERNATIONAL REACTION The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported opposition fighters detonated bombs in tunnels under the northern city of Aleppo killing at least 13 pro-government forces. The bombs were placed in two or three tunnels under historic parts of the city. The coalition of rebel brigades, the Islamic Front, claimed responsibility for the attack, which was not reported in Syrian state media. Meanwhile, Human Rights Watch released a statement saying the Syrian government has continued using barrel bombs against civilians, despite a February U.N. Security Council resolution. The group documented 650 new damage sites that appeared to be hit by barrel bombs since the resolution was passed. The Security Council is scheduled to meet Wednesday for its fifth report on the resolution. YPG operations continue in west of Kobanê canton ANF - KOBANE 30.07.- An operation which was initiated by the YPG-YPJ against the ISIS gangs under the name of ‘retaliation for Kobanê martyrs’ on the western front of Kobanê is continuing. MESOP SHORT CUTS WEST KURDISTAN : ISIS gangs have been attacking Kobanê since the beginning of July. On the western front, new operations were launched by the YPG and womens defence force YPJ on Tuesday 29 July.Meyso Ebdo, a member of the YPG-YPJ command council of Kobanê, stated that dozens of ISIS gang members were killed during clashes and that the village of Jebel Faraj was liberated by the YPG-YPJ fighters.Stating that they launched an operation at 02:30 in the morning, Meysa Ebdo said that the operation was continuing and that strategic points and a tank belonging to the ISIS gangs had been destroyed, Meysa Ebdo added that the ISIS gangs were surrounded in many places. He added that after the YPG had liberated Jebel Faraj ISIS gangs had retreated. THE GERMAN KURDISH CHAPTER MESOP: DIE EINSCHLÄGE RÜCKEN NÄHER / FINIS DIALOG Putin-Vertrauter: „Es wird Krieg in Europa geben“ / STEINMEIER BESTÄTIGT DIESE GEFAHR Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten | Veröffentlicht: 29.07.14,- Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin rechnet mit einem Krieg in Europa. Das geht aus einer Bemerkung eines Vertrauten Putins im Zusammenhang mit dem Yukos-Urteil hervor. Auch Bundesaußenminister Steinmeier sieht den Frieden in Europa bedroht. Der Rubel geriet erneut unter Druck. Read all: MESOP MEINUNG : Die Hamas macht Schule / Von Stefan Frank & Lizas Welt Seit dem Beginn der gegen die Hamas gerichteten israelischen Operation »Protective Edge« wurden im Gazastreifen mehrmals Raketendepots in Schulen gefunden, die von der UNRWA betrieben werden. Was zunächst unvorstellbar scheint, wird erklärbar, wenn man um die Verfasstheit dieser UN-Einrichtung und ihre Verflechtung mit der Hamas und dem Islamischen Jihad weiß. Ein neu erschienenes Buch beschäftigt sich eingehend mit dieser Problematik. Stefan Frank hat es gelesen. Volltext:
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 07:49:51 +0000

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