Michael Savage Brings Bigotry and Anti-Semitism to the - TopicsExpress


Michael Savage Brings Bigotry and Anti-Semitism to the Airwaves By Camille Jackson MSNBC learned the hard way. Resisting a lengthy campaign by human rights groups that asked that it not hire radio talk show host Michael Savage, well known for his bigoted on-air vitriol, then-MSNBC President Erik Sorenson gave Savage a major television talk show last March, saying Savage hadnt said anything hateful on MSNBCs air — at least not yet. Then, in July, Savage described a caller to his new show as a sodomite and a pig, and told him to get AIDS and die and to go eat a sausage and choke on it. The cable news network fired him within hours. MSNBC had reached its limit. But to others, Savages astounding bigotry was simply money in the bank. Savage had lost his shot at big-time television, but all was not over for the man whose bestselling 2003 book, The Savage Nation, was still bringing in sizable royalty checks. Originating station KNEW-AM 910 in San Francisco, station owner Clear Channel Communications, and the Talk Radio Network syndication group chose to keep Savages immensely popular radio show, also called The Savage Nation, on the air. After all, KNEW had just lured Savage away from local rival KSFO-AM a month before his firing. And Savage was, as knew understood, a cash cow. His drive-time program, aired for four hours a day, five days a week from a station in what is arguably Americas most liberal metropolitan area, is ranked No. 4 among the nations radio talk shows. As many as 7 million people around the country — most of them white men aged 35 to 55, according to the industry-watching Talkers Magazine — listen to The Savage Nation through some 330 affiliated stations. To them, Savage is a celebrity. That Savage is also a bigot is well known. He has called inner-city victims of gunfire ghetto slime. He refers to non-white nations as Turd World countries. Latinos, he says, breed like rabbits. He regularly bashes gays and liberals. But there is one type of group hatred that Savage, who claims to have coined the phrase compassionate conservative in 1994, long held in relative check. Although he called Jewish talk show host Jerry Springer hook-nosed, attacked a fictional ACLU lawyer named Mark Nobodyberg, and referred to Sen. Joseph Lieberman as throwing his bagel into the ring of the presidential campaign, Savage avoided sustained, on-air expressions of anti-Semitism. Not any more. Jews From New York Last November, Savage went after the Southern Poverty Law Centers president, Richard Cohen. Savages ire came in response to the Centers lawsuit against former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore for installing a Ten Commandments monument in the states judicial building. After vowing to defy a federal appeals court, Moore was removed from office by fellow Supreme Court justices despite protests from some Christian Right activists and others. On Nov. 13, during one of many furious tirades that month about the Southern Poverty Law Center, Savage responded to a caller who seemed to agree with him about the case, but who questioned what appeared to be Savages Jew-baiting. What do you mean I am trying to stir it up? Savage demanded. A guy like Cohen, who is obviously a Jew from New York, is going after a decent Christian man. What am I supposed to do? Sit here and take crap from him? I think he is a vile human being who ought to be arrested for a hate crime. And I am not going to mince words. And I guarantee you that he says goy behind the scenes. (Goy is a Hebrew word for a non-Jew that, depending on its usage, can be derogatory. Savage also uses the plural goyim.) At one point in the exchange, Savage seemed ready to advocate violence against Jews. But he stopped short of spelling it out. Ill tell you the truth, its enough to break your heart to see what this country has become, he said. And I have a lot of things that I really want to say today, that Im going to have to control myself and not say, because there are things that need to be done that I cant say. But the countrys at a terrible, terrible balancing point. Savages self-control didnt last long. Later in the same broadcast he mocked Jews in a fake Brooklyn accent and laid out a justification for anti-Semitism. Thats next isnt it? Savage asked. From these verminous Brooklyn College lawyers, isnt it? Go down South and have a tee-hee over the goyim. Laugh at the goyim. Go down there and take away the crosses and they cant touch you, huh Mr. Cohen? [Mock laughter.] Mr. Cohen, and you wonder where anti-Semitism comes from. Let me strip the mask off it for you today, because if you think Im going to mince words you are mistaken. It comes from situations like this, when you have a New York Jew like Cohen going down South into the heartland of Christianity and stealing the religious symbol from Christians.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 02:21:40 +0000

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