Michael Tellinger – AUSTRALIAN TOUR July 2014 Lost - TopicsExpress


Michael Tellinger – AUSTRALIAN TOUR July 2014 Lost Civilisations of Southern Africa – Advanced Technology of the Ancients UBUNTU Contributionism – A Blueprint For Human Prosperity Presentation Outline: Long before the Egyptians saw the light of day, an advanced civilisation of humans lived in southern Africa mining gold. These were also the people who carved the first Horus bird, the first Sphinx, built the first Pyramids and built an accurate stone calendar right in the heart of it all. Adam’s Calendar is the flagship among millions of circular stone ruins, ancient channells, agricultural terraces and thousands of ancient mines, left behind by the Anunnaki and a vanished civilisation which we now call the FIRST PEOPLE. I will cover the following subjects in my presentations. • The Lost Civilisation of Southern Africa • Origins of Humankind • Adam’s Calendar and the Stone Circles • Gold Mining Empire of The Anunnaki • Ancient Advanced Technology • Nature of Reality – Sound and Cymatics • The Rise of Consciousness Today • Exposing The Banking & Corporate Fraud • What do we do when the global economy collapses • Convergence of Science – Spirituality and Consciousness • UBUNTU Contributionism – A world without money Perth: Saturday 19th July; 6.30—9.30pm Mount Hawthorn Main Hall, 197 Scarborough Beach Rd., Mount Hawthorn Sydney: Wednesday 23rd July; 7—10pm Wesley Conference Centre, 220 Pitt Street, Sydney NENSW: Saturday 26th July; 7—10pm Mullum Civic Hall, 55 Dalley Street, Mullumbimby Brisbane: Wednesday 30th July; 6.30—9.30pm The Albion Peace Centre, 102 McDonald Road, Windsor (opp Albion Railway Stn) Enquiries: Glennys Mackay, 07 3849 6450 or email: [email protected] TICKETS: $30 each at the door ($45 for couples), or pre-paid via NEXUS Magazine SE Qld: Saturday August 2nd; 2.30—4pm NEXUS Conference, Novotel Twin Waters Resort. https://nexusmagazine/events/nexus-conference More About The Presentation Scholars have told us that the first civilisation on Earth emerged in a land called Sumer some 6000 years ago. New archaeological and scientific discoveries show that the Sumerians and even the Egyptians inherited all their knowledge with an earlier civilisation that lived at the southern tip of Africa more than 200,000 years ago… mining gold. These mysterious people left behind more than 10 million stone ruins scattered throughout southern Africa. They carved detailed images into the hardest rock, worshipped the sun, and were probably the first to carve an image of the Egyptian Ankh – key of life and universal knowledge, 200,000 years before the Egyptians came to light. My research reveals many of the latest scientific measurements and presents the evidence that this vanished civilisation had an astute knowledge of the laws of nature and the generation of FREE ENERGY from Mother Earth for all their needs. They used the power of sound, resonance and frequency as a source of energy, which underpins my scientific conclusions. In my humble museum in the heart of this ancient city, I have collected a staggering display of unexplained tools and artefacts that have never been understood before, and present us with evidence of advanced technology by the ancients. My work touches critical issues around the subject of Unity Consciousness. The more we push the boundaries of science, the more we come to understand the universal mind – the creative source of all things in the multiverse and beyond. It seems that the knowledge we gain from quantum physics brings us closer to understanding the true nature of reality, the meaning of creation and our place in it as conscious beings. I do believe that the frontiers of multi-dimensional science is guiding humanity to find our way back to source – back to unity – from a deeply divided and manipulated species, lost in space and time. How do we connect the origins of our species to the confusing world we live in today? Only by understanding our mysterious past, the origins of money and the rise of the royal bloodlines, can we make sense of where we are heading today. Why life is so hard and why we have to struggle so much to stay alive. I will share a model for a new social structure called CONTRIBUTIONISM – A World Without Money – based on the African philosophy of UBUNTU, that proposes how we should move from a money-driven society to a society driven by people, their talents and their passion for life. In communities where everyone contributes their natural talents or acquired skills to the greatest benefit of all in their respective community – and money has no meaning. For those new to this work - I have been one of the leading activists against the banking cartels in South Africa since 2010 and my personal experiences in the High Court has helped me to expose the unlawful and corrupt banking sector to the people in SA. My new book UBUNTU Contributionism – A Blueprint For Human Prosperity, was released in Feb 2014 and contains detailed information and guidelines how humanity can achieve UTOPIA on this beautiful planet of abundance. In 2010, I founded the UBUNTU LIBERATION MOVEMENT and the political party called the UBUNTU Party, in South Africa – which contested the national elections in SA on the 7th May 2014. The result is that the UBUNTU Movement now has members in over 200 countries and is laying the foundation for communities of abundance while showing the way to freedom from financial slavery and a Blueprint For Human Prosperity. There are currently about 12 countries starting UBUNTU parties. This action is rapidly growing into a trans-border, trans-national movement of higher consciousness that is infiltrating the corrupt political arena, injecting a good virus of consciousness. As far as we know, this has never happened before on our planet. It now seems that we are truly the ones we have been waiting for – so let us stand united and deliver a new world for all of us. I look forward to sharing all this exiting and uplifting information with the people of Australia.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 07:31:56 +0000

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