Mid Term Election Strategy - TopicsExpress


Mid Term Election Strategy This illegitimate terroristic reign of terror in the White House will never be at war with terrorists because they are in alliance and fund them its just another smoke screen and strategy for the Mid Term Elections. The people of the United States are at war with ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, drug cartels and this illegitimate terroristic reign of terror currently squatting in the White House. Obama the criminal traitor fraud and his illegitimate reign of terror will reverse role put up executions and use Human Sacrifices that have become a trade mark for this illegitimate reign of terror currently squatting in the White House. These same terrorists have been funded by Obama including and not limited to; ISIS or ISIL; the Muslim Brotherhood; the drug cartels; and other terrorists that have taken an active role in the continued annihilation of our troops; the rape, tortured, and execution of our Ambassador Stevens, the execution of our Navy Seal teams; the executions of over 300 law abiding Mexicans; the rape, torture and execution of Maria Gamez the Mayor of Mexico who linked our government to the drug cartels: and the annihilation of over 50,000 Christians in Syria. Obama the criminal traitor fraud and his illegitimate reign of terror have released high profile terrorists to join in the war against America; released high profile drug cartel members; armed ISIS; armed the drug cartels; armed the Muslim Brotherhood; armed our enemies while terminating our patriotic generals; patriotic soldiers; while trying fervently to disarm the United States and our soldiers in rules of engagement. Obama the criminal traitor fraud and his illegitimate reign of terror have perpetrated acts of treason that have resulted in Human Sacrifices throughout their illegitimate reign of terror. Human Sacrifices Human Sacrifices have become a strategy and trademark of this illegitimate reign of terror currently squatting at the White House by sheer lawlessness without warrant, prosecution or conviction. Once too many Massacres, one too many stand down orders and one too many acts of treason that have resulted in Human Sacrifices too many to be coincidental. This illegitimate terroristic regime of terror is funded by anti-Americans, our enemies, hatred and racism. Obama had in fact procured the presidency by connivances, frauds, perjuries, rigged elections resulting in the criminal coup de tat of the United States and the lawlessness we continuously witness on a daily basis at every level of government. Human Sacrifices have been performed for the Mid Term Elections do not be fooled by this illegitimate terroristic regime that have perpetrated and committed numerous acts of treason and have broken every law in the United States of America. These criminal traitor frauds are the terrorists within and have no credibility and have with premeditation and intent opened our borders and flooded our country with ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, drug cartel members and every illegal anti-American misfit in the United States. While calling in federal agents and troops to round up cows for grazing on federal land. No matter what color, creed or religion its time to take back our nation and stop these Human Sacrifices and lawlessness being witnessed throughout the United States in the interest of God, Country and Justice! Joseph Christian Henry Ardito
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 14:37:13 +0000

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