Milaadunnabi Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam 12th Rabeeul Awwal: the - TopicsExpress


Milaadunnabi Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam 12th Rabeeul Awwal: the holy birthday of Muhammad peace be upon him Brothers and sisters At present, a new conspiracy is being spread out in the social media that 12th Rabeeul Awwal is not the birthday of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. I would like to share what I have found as the historical evidences with the respected readers on behalf of 12th Rabeeul Awwal. Before presenting the main body of discussion, let us come to know about a great historian as this subject belongs to the historical facts. And he is Imam Muhammad bin Ishaaq Who is Muhammad bin Ishaaq? His full name is Abu Bakar Muhammad bin Ishaaq. He was born in Madeenah Munawwarah in hijree 85. Imam Muhammad bin Ishaaq spent most of his life in madeenah Munawwarah and he is the first historian who worked on the noble life of Muhammad peace be upon him and wrote the first biography of the prophet peace be upon him entitling ‘Seeratu Rasuulillaah’ that means ‘the biography of Rasuulullah (peace be upon him). What did the world renowned Islamic scholars say about Muhammad bin Ishaaq? 1. Imam Sufyaan Thawree said, I had been sitting in the circles or gatherings (halaqah) of Imam Muhammad bin Ishaaq for more than 70 years. I never saw any body making any complaint against him. Taarikh e Baghdaad: Imam Khateeb Baghdaadee:227/1 2. Imam Shu’bah said, Imam Ibn Ishaaq should be called ‘Imamul Muhadditheen’ because of his extraordinary and unprecedented excellence in hadeeth. Taarikh e Baghdaad: Imam Khateeb Baghdaadee:218/1 3.Yeaheaa bin Mu’een said, Imam Ibn Ishaaq is thiqah or reliable in narrating the hadith. Taarikh e Baghdaad: Imam Khateeb Baghdaadee:218/1 4. Imam Sufyaan bin Uyainah said, Imam Ibn Ishaaq is the Ameerul Mu’mineen in hadith. 5. Imam Bukharee said about his teacher Alee bin Abdillaah, He (Alee bin Abdillaah) used to accept the hadith narrated by Imam Ibn Ishaaq in different mas’alah. Note, If you read the famous book ‘Searu A’laamin Nubalaa’ written by Imam Zahabee Rahimahullaah, you will get all information mentioned above. Somebody can try to convict Imam Muhammad bin Ishaaq saying that he is not out of allegations. I will request you to read the book ‘Searu A’laamin Nubalaa’. In this book Imam zahabee has proven mentioning these allegations that not a single complaint against Imam ibn Ishaaq is acceptable and real. Opinion of Imam Ibn Ishaaq about the birth day of Muhammad peace be upon him: The world renowned Islamic historian Ibn Hishaam said, Imam Ibn Ishaaq said, the prophet peace be upon him was born in 12th Rabeeul Awwal in Aamul feel (the year when Abraha came to Makkah with elephents to attack on the ka’bah.) Refference: ‘As Seeratun Nabawiyyah’: page-208 History book: ‘Taareekhul Islaam’ written by Imam Zahabee Chapter: Mauliduhul Mubaraku sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam In this history book, Imam zahabee rahimahullaah mentioned some hadiths regarding 12th Rabeeul Awwal. He said about the first hadith what he mentioned in his book that this is not authentic, but he did not make any comment on the other hadiths he mentioned in that chapter. If these hadiths were not authentic then he would make comments on them as he did for the first one. I do not need to mention the first hadith that imam Zahabee said as weak but I would like to mention the other hadiths mentioned by this great Imam. 1.Imam Zhuhree said, Sa’eed bin Musayyab said, Rasuulullaah sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam was born in 12th Rabeeul Awwal. 2. Ma’ruuf bin Kharbud said, the prophet peace be upon him was born in 12th Rabeeul Awwal. History book: ‘As Seeratun Nabawiyyah’ written by Imam Ibn Katheer Vol-1, page-199 Imam Ibn Katheer mentioned several opinions of the Islamic scholars about the birth day of the prophet peace be upon him in his this masterpiece, for instance, Someone said, 8th Rabeeul Awwal Someone said, 10th Rabeeul Awwal Someone said, in the month of Ramadaan. Someone said, in the month of Safar. Then Imam Ibn Katheer said, Besides, some scholars said, 12th Rabeeul Awwal. Imam Muhammad bin Ishaaq supported this date. Moreover, there is a hadith found on behalf of 12th Rabeeul Awwal that hazrat Jaabir and Ibn Abbaas Radiyallaahu anhumaa said, the prophet peace be upon him was born on Monday in 12th Rabeeul Awwal in Aamul feel (‘the year of elephant’ when Abraha came to Makkah with elephants to attack on ka’bah.), he accepted the prophethood (nubuwwah) on that day, his Mi’raaj happened on that day, and his intiqaal was done on that day. After mentioning these opinions, Imam Ibn Katheer said about his own opinion that this is the most authentic opinion to the jumhoor Ulama (majority of the islaamic scholars) Please read this book, you will get in details what has been mentioned here. History book: ‘As Seeratun Nabawiyyatu Wa Akhbaarul Khulafaa’ written by Al-Haafizul Kabeer Abuu Haatim Muhammad bin Hibbaan Page: 7 Imam Abu Haatim said, the prophet peace be upon him was born on Monday in 12th Rabeeul Awwal in Aamul feel. History book: ‘Uyuunul Asari Fee Funuunil Maghaazhee Wash Shamaa ili Was Seari’ written by Al- Imaamul Haafiz Ibn Sayyidin Naas Vol: 1, page-38 He said. The prophet peace be upon him was born on Monday in 12th Rabeeul Awwal 50 days after the occurrence of the attack of Abraha on Ka’bah in Aamul Feel. History book: ‘Ar Raudul Unf’ written by Imam Suhailee Vol-1, page-300 Imam Suhailee gave priority to the opinion of Imam Ibn Ishaaq regarding the birth day of the prophet peace be upon him in his masterpiece. He said, Imam Ibn Ishaaq said, the prophet peace be upon him was born on Monday in 12th Rabeeul Awwal in Aamul feel. History book: ‘Subulul Hudaa War Rashaadi Fee Seerati Khairil Ibaadi’ written by Imam Muhammad bin Yusuf As Swaalihee. Vol-1, page-334-336 In this history book, Imam Swaalihee gave the priority to the opinion of Imam Ibn Ishaaq and said, the prophet peace be upon him was born on Monday in 12th Rabeeul Awwal in Aamul feel. Then he said, We have to follow it. World famous book: Al-Latwaa iful Ma’aarif written by Imam Ibn Rajab Hanbali Page-137 Imam Ibn Rajab Hanbali (the world renowned Imam of Hanbali mazhab) mentioned the different opinions of the Islamic scholars in this regard then he said, ‘The most authentic opinion about the birthday of the prophet peace be upon him what the majority of Ulama accepted is 12th Rabeeul Awwal. This is the opinion of Imam Ibn Ishaaq and other world renowned Islaamic scholars. History book: ‘Bahjatul Mahaafili Wa Baghiyyatul Amaasili Fee Talkheeswil Mu’jizhaati Was Seari Wash Shamaa-ili’. Written by Imam Abu Zhakariya Imaaduddeen Al-Aamiree Vol-1, page-51 All Ulamaa unanimously came to the point that the prophet peace be upon him was born on Monday and the opinion of the majority of Ulamaa is that the prophet peace be upon him was born in 12th Rabeeul Awwal. This is the most authentic opinion. History book: ‘As Seeratul Halabiyyah Fee Seeratil Ameenil Ma’moon (other name is Insaanul Uyoon) written by Imam Alee bin Burhaanuddeen Al Halabee. Vol-1, page-93 In this book he said, the birthday of the prophet peace be upon him was 12th Rabeeul Awwal. Then he said, We have to follow it. History book: ‘Taareekhu Twabaree’ written by al Imamu wal Faqeehu wal Mufassiru wal Mu’arrikhu Abuu Ja’far Muhammad bin Jareer At Twabaree. Chapter: Zikru mawlidi Rasuulillaah Vol-1, page-262 Imam Ibn Jareer At Twabaree said, it was 12th Rabeeul Awwal. He mentioned the opinion of Imam Ibn Ishaaq as the evidence and said, Imam Ibn Ishaaq said, the prophet peace be upon him was born on Monday in 12th Rabeeul Awwal. History book: ‘Al-Kaamilu Fit Taareekh’ written by Ibnul Atheer Chapter: Zikru Mawlidi Rasuulillaah Vol-1, page-355 Allama Ibnul Atheer also mentioned his opinion as that of Imam Ibn Ishaaq in this regard and said, Imam ibn Ishaaq said, the prophet peace be upon him was born on Monday in 12th Rabeeul Awwal. Note: If you read this book, you will get that somebody tried to say and convince the readers in the footnote that a man found in his analysis that it was 9th Rabeeul Awwal. But this is a reminder for you that this is somebody‘s opinion put there to confuse the people. The author of this great history book Imam Ibnul Atheer’s opinion is 12th Rabeeu;l Awwal like all other world renowned Islamic scholars and historians. And in that way, some people are trying to add something in footnotes in different famous Islamic books to confuse the people and to make divisions among the people and to make ways to allow fitnah to enter into the Muslim society. So beware of these footnotes, rather you should go directly into the main page of the book and try to understand its message. History book: ‘Deewaanul Mubtada e wal Khabari Fee Taareekhil Arabi wal barari’ known as ‘Taareekhu Ibn Khaldoon’ Written by Abdur Rahmaan ibn Khaldoon Vol-2, page- 407 The world renowned historian Ibn Khaldoon said about the birthday of the prophet peace be upon him in his famous history book, The prophet peace be upon him was born in 12th Rabeeul Awwal in Aamul Feel. In conclusion, I hope that this article will help you remove any confusion if you have and there is no way to ignore this very strong opinion about the birthday of the prophet peace be upon him what the majority of Ulama accepted and used to believe.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 16:15:21 +0000

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