Mind you, these are the same judges that give mercy to convicted - TopicsExpress


Mind you, these are the same judges that give mercy to convicted murderers and no remorse to the victims family or THE TAXPAYER who supports these murderers for the rest of their lives by paying their medical bills, food, lodging which includes prison personnel and facility. Yes, we vote in these pansy judges that dont go by the way laws were first written. The lawmakers we vote for are responsible for changing the laws through the years to weaken the laws that were first written and encourage new murderers to think nothing will happen to them. I am sorry but the ARIZONA MAULING CASE is one of those MISS JUDGED CASES THAT THE JUDGES ONLY CONCERN WAS FOR THE DOG AND NOT FOR THE PAIN AND SUFFERING AND LOSE OF ONE EYE FOR THE REST OF THE CHILDS LIFE. LET THE JUDGES DECISION REST ON THE JUDGES CONSCIOUS.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 02:56:23 +0000

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