Mindful Conversation is a great way to stay sane and strengthen - TopicsExpress


Mindful Conversation is a great way to stay sane and strengthen relationships during holiday gatherings. It may be the yoga of the supper table. Here are some tips excerpted from Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach. Listen from the heart 1. Be aware of the feelings and sensations that occur throughout your body while listening. 2. Watch the judging mind. This doesnʼt mean you must agree with whatever is said. Rather, you are honoring the other by offering your full presence and attention. 3. When another is finished speaking, give some space for what they have said to settle. 4. Deepen your awareness of the other by asking yourself “What might this person be experiencing?” Speak from the heart 1. Try not to prepare and rehearse what you will say in advance, especially while another is speaking. 2. Let what you say arise from your immediate stream of experience. 3. Speak slowly enough to stay mindfully connected with your body and heart. Pause, relax and attend. Let the body be your anchor. Choose a point in your body where you feel the rising and falling of the breath most easily. The more you practice staying aware of this point, the more readily youʼll sustain an embodied presence when you are with others. Hold the whole process with Radical Acceptance, forgiving yourself and others again and again for being perfectly imperfect.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 14:53:25 +0000

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