Miracles happen when you shift from operating out of fear into - TopicsExpress


Miracles happen when you shift from operating out of fear into love. You must come to a mental space of love. Love is kind and forgiving. Love is not angry. No miracle can take place in your life if you are holding on to pain. You also have to speak the right things. Whatever you speak so shall you reap. So if you are speaking things like I AM in pain. I am angry. This is hard. That is why that is what you are experiencing. You must curve your language. Speak and ask God the right questions. Instead of asking God WHY is this happening, ask God WHAT do you want me to do to do? (Why requires explanation. What requires ACTION.) When you ask God the right questions, he gives you the right answers. Right now you need guidance to know what choices and decisions & ACTIONS to make for your life. You dont need an explanation. Get that guidance through asking God the right questions. Also you must realize your self value. That is what determines what you really deserve. So realizing your value takes some inner work that you must do for yourself. What you are worth is what people will give you in exchange for who you are. If you dont think u deserve what youre getting, then INCREASE your worth. And lastly you must get out of victim mode. And take responsibility for what youve created in your life. You chose that man. You chose those experiences. So you cannot be mad at them. That is not to blame you, its simply to say get into forgiveness of yourself and of others, realize your worth, realize your power stop being upset at the past and press forward. These things that Im telling you are not easy. And it does not happen overnight. But the only way to free yourself from this pain is to begin right now and pull yourself out of victim mode. With the words that youre speaking, the thoughts that you are thinking, the love that you feel in your heart for yourself and for others, and the expectations that you set out of yourself. All of this is CRITICAL to moving past this. I cannot give you any answers or any solutions. This is your work that you must do on your own. I do hope that helps. I usually do not respond to emails such as this because I am not a therapist. I am here to coach people toward success. If you want success you must start with these things that Ive shared. Give yourself some time be patient, heal & forgive. With love --SCS ...Response to a woman in need of healing. I pray it helps you too. (Or anyone who needs it)
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 04:51:21 +0000

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