"Modern geopolitics uses the concept of “north” most - TopicsExpress


"Modern geopolitics uses the concept of “north” most frequently with the definition “rich” — “the rich North ”, and also “the advanced North ”. This connotates the whole aggregate of the western civilization, giving its basic attention to the development of the material and economic side of life. “Rich North ” is rich not for being cleverer, or more intellectual, or more spiritual than the “South” but because it builds its social system on the principle of maximizing the material which can be taken from the social and natural potential, from the exploitation of human and natural resources. The racial image of “Rich North ” is linked to those peoples having white skin, and this feature lays at the roots of the various versions, explicit or hidden, of “western racism” (in particular Anglo-Saxon). The success of “rich North” in the material sphere was raised to a political and even “racial” principle in those countries which were the avantgarde of industrial, technical and economic development — i.e. England, Holland, and later Germany and the US. In this case, material and quantitative welfare was equalled to a qualitative criterion, and on this base the most ridiculous prejudices about “barbarism”, “primitiveness”, “underdevelopment” and “untermenschlichkeit” of southern (i.e. not of belonging to “rich North”) peoples were developed. Such “economic racism ” was especially clearly shown in the Anglo-Saxon colonial conquests, and afterwards its embellished version was introduced in the most rough and contradictory aspects of the national-socialist ideology. Thus, often Nazi ideologists simply blended vague guesses about pure “spiritual nordism” and “spiritual arian race” with vulgar, mercantilistic, biological racism of the English kind. (By the way, precisely this substitution of categories of sacred geography with categories of material and technical development was also that most negative side of national-socialism which led it, eventually, to its political, theoretical and even military collapse). But even after the defeat of the Third Reich, this kind of a racism of the “rich North” has not disappeared at all from political life. However its bearers became first of all the US and their atlantic partners in Western Europe. Certainly, in the most recent mondialist doctrines of “rich North” the question of biological and racial purity is not stressed, but nevertheless, in practice, in its relations with the undeveloped and less developed countries of the Third world, the “rich North ” also today shows only “racist” haughtiness, typical both of the English colonialists and of the German national-socialist orthodox followers of Rosenberg. Actually, “rich North” geopolitically means those countries where forces directly opposite to Tradition have won - forces of quantity, materialism, atheism, spiritual degradation and emotional degeneration. “ Rich North ” means something radically distinct from “spiritual nordism”, from “hyperborean spirit”. The substance of North in sacred geography is the primacy of spirit above substance, the definitive and total victory of Light, Equity and Purity above the darkness of animal life, the arrogance of individual passions and the mud of base egoism. “Rich North” mondialist geopolitics, on the contrary, means exclusively material welfare, hedonism, consumer society, the unproblematic and artificial pseudo-paradise of those whom Nietzsche called “the last men”. Material progress of the technical civilization was accompanied by a monstrous spiritual regress just of sacred culture, and consequently, from the point of view of Tradition, the “wealth” of modern “advanced” North cannot serve as a criterion of genuine superiority above material “poverty” and technical backwardness of modern “primitive South ”." Moreover, material “poverty” of the South quite often is conversely linked to the conservation in southern regions of the genuinely sacred forms of civilization; this means that behind such “poverty” a spiritual wealth is sometimes disguised. At least two sacred civilizations still exist today in the Southern space, in spite of all attempts from “rich (and aggressive!) North” to impose on everyone its own measure and path of development. These are Hinduist India and the Islamist world. As the Far East tradition is concerned, there are various points of view: some see even under the layer of “Marxist” and “Maoist” rethorics some traditional principles, which were always undiscussed for the Chinese sacred civilization. Anyway, even those southern regions inhabited by peoples saving their devotion to very ancient and almost forgotten sacred traditions, all the same in comparison with atheized and utterly materialistic “rich North”, exhibit “spiritual”, “rigorous” and “normal” features - whereas the “rich North” itself, from a spiritual point of view, is completely “abnormal” and “pathological”.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 00:22:41 +0000

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