Mom Post: Can you please post anon? Not looking for advice - TopicsExpress


Mom Post: Can you please post anon? Not looking for advice really, just encouragement and reassurance that this is normal in an almost teen. Some back story: my ss11 has always had issues in school and has suffered from a lot of emotion issues. His dad, dh, tends to get mad a lot and break things/throw things/cuss like a sailor, and ss11 has picked up on this. He is the exact copy of his father: when he gets mad or something doesnt go his way, he turns violent. Its never been anything too major. He was in counseling before until the therapist recommended dh get involved with some relaxation techniques etc. and he refused; the poor therapist was unsure what more she could do without involvement from dad, so ss11 stopped going altogether. Fast forward to today: we received 3 phone calls from teachers. One saying ss had freaked out in class about doing his work - he overturned some chairs by force (kicking I believe), dropped the F word multiple times, and refused to do the work they assigned him. Second was about ss failing Social Studies. Third was another teacher saying ss had lost it again in the hallway after being corrected and was screaming and kicking lockers etc. When dh and I confronted him this evening, he had the worst meltdown Ive ever witnessed. He screamed at his dad that he was ruining his life (when I say scream, I mean the is someone dying kind of noise); he kicked the walls in his room; he threw a bin full of Legos across the room, as well as a few other items; he was crying hysterically; he was smart-mouthing dh. It was honestly quite scary. (Dh and I have an almost 2-year-old, and Im afraid for him to pick up on that behavior and follow the cycle.) The scariest part for me was about 3 minutes after all the commotion, he came skipping through the kitchen happy as could be that dh and him were going to the grocery store to run an errand. I mean, a total opposite ends of the spectrum kind of moment - from extremely angry and sad to extremely happy. Anyway, I dont really have a question so much as Im just hoping for some reassurance that this is normal. Ive never had an almost teenager, so Im not sure what to do. I just worry so much that hell be that kid at school that does something violent to act out because hes pushed past his breaking point. Also, dh didnt seem to think the behavior was strange. Weve been together 3 years and Ive yet to see ss11 that emotionally crazy; yet dh questioned me as if he wasnt sure what I meant when I said that was a very bipolar argument. RP by Mommybit No Bashing Allowed
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 01:47:12 +0000

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