Moma, as I sit here tonight with a very heavy heart and tears - TopicsExpress


Moma, as I sit here tonight with a very heavy heart and tears streaming down my face I think of you! I cant believe tomorrow will be seven years since I lost my life line! I know you are in a better place and wouldnt come back for anything I cant help but be selfish. To wish you were here! I miss you so much everyday! People said it would get easier but it doesnt! It feels like yesterday. I miss you so much! I remember how you would sing Satin Sheets with that beautiful voice just for me because it was my favorite! I miss hearing it. I see you holding Dust Man in your lap and cuddling! Him looking up smiling. You let him watch scary movies even though I didnt wont him to. He knew he was special and had you wrapped! He loves you so much and misses you so much everyday! I see the pain in his eyes and heart! He always ran to you so he didnt get in trouble by me. You sang to him. He misses your homemade pound cake you made just for him every week to eat by himself! Hasnt had one since. You forgot to teach me that! He isnt little anymore he has grown to be a smart, athletic and handsome young man! Baseball is still his life. He says you are his baseball guardian angel! I wish you were here to see him! I remember Cici being born sick! You were always there! I could call you anytime day or night. You made a song just for her that you made up. As she grew you changed the month! I still sing it to her. She asks about u daily. She was only six months and now seven years old! She has fought many battles and won! I know through each you were holding her hand! She still struggles with some. But I know you have her in ur wing! I wish u could see her now. You would be proud of both of them. Moma I remember the morning u went home! Letting go was the hardest thing ever! I remember singing to you then Satin Sheets and Cicis song as I rubbed your hair and face. I can close my eyes and still feel your touch! I didnt wanna say Goodbye but I knew you were tired! I didnt get the to tell you all I wanted to. I didnt get to tell you how special you were, how much I appreciated everything you ever done for me, and what a wonderful mom you were! Especially how much I loved you! I am glad Dustin got to tell you he loved you for the last time! God made that possible! I remember after that 20 minutes later you went on life support and never spoke again! I saw your tears and his! I heard you tell him and all your girls how much you loved us! I know you didnt want to go because u said it. But I know you grew tired! The last few minutes with you loving you and singing to you instead of you to me I will always cherish! God made a special person when he made you! I am honored he allowed me to be your daughter! Life changed for me. I have made mistakes and learned from them! I try hard now to live like u raised me! If I start to mess up send me a sign! Moma I love you! Life isnt the same! I wish you were here. I miss you! Oh what I would do to have one more hour with you! If Heaven had a phone line that reached here, I would keep the number busy! I know you watch over us everyday! Your my guardian angel! I could not have had a better mom and a better guardian angel! Soar your wings high with Daddy! Please tell him I miss him and love him! I told you I would be okay you could go home but I couldnt say goodbye because I know its not goodbye! I know one I will see you and daddy again at Heavens Gates! You will be waiting to welcome me home! Until then sing your sweet voice with God and the Angels. Moma please save me a place right between you and daddy! Im coming home one day! I know we will see each other again! So as I wait please continue to watch over me and my family! My strength got weak but I got it back just knowing yall are waiting on me! I love you moma! I love you! I miss you! If there was stairs I would come visit! I wish I knew just what you and daddy were doing! Moma I hope you know I love you more than anything! Thank you for making me the woman, wife, and mother you did. Thank you for teaching me values. Thank you for for teaching me about God! Since you left I have a hole in my heart! My heart hurts but I know you are happy and not tired and suffering anymore! I love you and miss you! Gone home but not forgotten My mom Patricia Johnson Larrimore! 2-12-1955 to 10-22-2007! I love you! Love your baby girl Jennifer!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 03:24:50 +0000

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