Moms Rant: This isnt Motel 6--we dont keep the lights on for you. - TopicsExpress


Moms Rant: This isnt Motel 6--we dont keep the lights on for you. We pay electric bills and, I dont see anyone paying a daily rate so, yeah...if you arent here at lights out and door locking, you will need to find a better hotel. We arent Merry Maids: First, we are old, wise and cranky so, throw the merry part out. As for maids--nope. I brought you all up to do chores. Although I did most of what you couldnt do, you still were taught responsibilities. I dont vacuum around your feet. You pick the feet up, along with your butt, and help with the vacuuming. I know you had your polio vaccine so, there is no excuse for you not cleaning up your own mess. We arent Burger King. You cant have it your way. I make dinner. If you dont like what I cooked, there is nothing else on the menu. You grew up with my cooking and you certainly look healthy from it. If fast food or QT tacos fit your fancy, you are welcome to get it. But: We are more like Capital One--Whats in YOUR Wallet? Usually, not much, if anything but, we dont extend credit here so, revert back to the Burger king SLogan. We are not a car dealership. We wont give you a car. You have to earn one. You have to have a job and you have to have money for insurance, gas, repairs and what have you. We go by another car dealerships slogan: “The best way to get back on your feet – miss a car payment.”. That goes for a cell phone: Can you hear me now? Good. I have been told that I am harsh on my 19 year old son that, has been in jail, arrested several times, was a runaway and put into state-mandated care because even THEY couldnt stop him, lost thousands of dollars after keeping him out of jail and paying for house arrest which, the day it came off, so was he. Why did he do all of this? Because, mom was mean and had rules. He couldnt stay out all night, get things for free, wear metal things hanging out of his lips and nose, and live in the house for free. He had to have a job--OMGOSH, I am the meanest mother in the WORLD!!! And, Im proud of it :) I grew up poor but you didnt know you were poor. We didnt whine on that fact. There was someone always worse off than you and, you had a roof over your head, food on the table and, to get something, you had to earn it. I brought my kids up the same way. Even when we had the money, I didnt change the rules. Life has changed and God hasnt changed His Word. If a man (or woman) doesnt work, they dont eat. Parents are not here forever and, when we are gone you are going to have to figure it out, anyway. Why not know how to do it already? I have kids at home that listen. Granted, they learned a bit of Snoberland Park and think a request to help with something comes after 15 more minutes of facebook or snapchat. Nope--It means, it is now. Even Sherlock Holmes told his fine companion, “Watson. Come at once if convenient. If inconvenient, come all the same.” Rant done....I love my children to death and Praise God for them but, when it comes to life, some need a hard lesson in order to succeed. I would rather see them succeed than to be always relying on someone else to get what they want.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 17:42:01 +0000

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