Monday, 1 July 2013 Walk in Silence. Rejoice in My Master - TopicsExpress


Monday, 1 July 2013 Walk in Silence. Rejoice in My Master Plan. Children of My Divine Heart,Rejoice in Me. I Am that I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am, the Author of All Things. I come to you in love. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender at once. Give Me permission to minister to you. I desire to speak to your hearts. I so ardently desire to have you with Me in Paradise some day. Beloved, persevere. Accept all trials in silence. Do not scream. Do not voice your opinions, and attack My messengers. Remain faith filled. Embrace your crosses. Follow Me. I will mold you into instruments of grace, if you let Me. I have great need of workers for My vineyard. Serve in all humility, and accept the trials that come with the territory. Much persecution awaits those who call themselves My children. Persecution will assist you on your walk to holiness. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Walk in silence. Rejoice in My master plan. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Sunday, 30 June 2013 Do Not Let Satan Rob You Of Your Peace Children of Love,Love speaks to you now. Open your hearts. Surrender. Do not fear. Give Me permission to minister to you once more. This day, I have plans for you. Do not let your hearts be troubled. As events foretold escalate all over the world, you must remain at peace. Do not let Satan rob you of your peace. He will devour you, if you allow him entry into your hearts. Break free from his traps, and machinations. Do not keep sin upon your soul. Be righteous. Be holy as your Father on High is holy. Keep your gaze on Me. Walk in all humility, and obedience. Do not stray from the fold. Keep My precepts, and endure all things in love. Do not judge others. Love them even when they hurt you. Abandon your pain to Me. Offer up thanksgiving for all that befalls you. Miracles await those who make themselves obedient unto Me. Obey, and expect Me to come to your defense. I love you, Little Ones. You would do well to remember this. My love for you is everlasting. I bless you now. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Saturday, 29 June 2013 The Pleasures of The Earth Will Pass Children of My Divine Heart,Hear Me. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am that I Am. I Am, the Author of Life, speaks. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender. Give Me permission. I will work miracles in you. My grace will be granted to all those who make themselves obedient unto Me. My favor will rest on those who accept to work in My vineyard. Beloved, I desire to instruct you now. My Little Ones, hear Me. Do not compromise on virtue. Do not abandon My ways. Hold fast. Keep your gaze on Me, and rejoice in all things. Great miracles await those who persevere in love, and who honor My most holy name. Be counted amongst the Saints upon your passing Beloved for this is all that matters. The pleasures of the Earth will pass but the treasures you store up for Heaven will last eternally. You must grow in holiness, and persevere each day. This is not an easy task. Nothing that is worthwhile is ever easy. Satan has deceived many. Millions believe his lies. Every day, men store up great wealth, and refuse to share their fortunes with the masses. They will lose their souls for this reason. Beloved, you are called to share all that I place at your disposal. Do not forget to bless your brothers, and sisters when I bless you in any way. Share. Be content with what I place at your disposal. Do not pray for an increase in material things unless you truly plan on sharing what I will send your way. Be warned. Share in love. You will never run out of food, when you share with the needy. I count on you to make this teaching known to others, and to live it to the fullest. I bless you, Beloved. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Friday, 28 June 2013 Uproot All Sin From Your Lives Children of My Divine Heart,I Am the Great I Am. I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I rejoice in you. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender. Surrender, and keep no area of your heart from Me. Surrender, and rejoice in what awaits you all. Give Me permission to transform you for My glory. Give Me permission to guide you back to Me. You refuse My help. You shut Me out. Children, do not be of the world. You must break free from consumerism, break free from impurity, and all forms of disobedience. Hear Me. You can not continue to sin as you do, and expect My favor to descend on you. Do not engage in activities that separate you from Me. Mortal sin divides us. Do not keep a single mortal sin upon your soul. Seek out My consecrated Sons, and be right with Me. I will then bless you beyond imagination. Go to confession, and keep My ways. I Am, your Father on High, is holy. As heirs to My Kingdom of Love, you must remain holy. Follow My example, and uproot all sin from your lives. I love you so. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Thursday, 27 June 2013 Fight For A Life Eternal Children of My Divine Heart,I Am that I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am, your Father on High. Rejoice in Me. I seek you out. I walk the Earth in search of obedient souls. Accept My invitation to change. I now raise an army of prayer warriors to do My bidding. Will you join My ranks? Beloved, abandon your plans. Abandon your dreams. Live for Me. Nothing else matters. The greatest battle the world has ever known now unfolds before you. It is a spiritual battle. The only battle worth engaging in. Beloved, raise your voices to Me in prayer, and fight for the Truth. Fight for a life eternal. Nothing else matters. I desire to have you all with Me in Paradise. Persevere in love. Do not abandon your faith. When times get rough, pray for the grace you need. I will swiftly answer you. Be vigilant. Be truth filled. Walk in humility, and lead others back to Me by example. I count on you more than ever. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Wednesday, 26 June 2013 Humble Hearts Will Quickly Attain Perfection Children of My Divine Heart,Rejoice in Me. I Am the King of Kings. I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega, your God. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender now. Do not delay. Give Me permission to minister to you. You are wounded. You suffer tremendous pain. You are so broken. All areas of your lives suffer because of the sin you bear. Beloved, let go. Return to Me. Let go of your need for honor, for riches, for status. Be free. Break free from the grip of Satan upon your hearts, and souls. Break free, and rejoice in what is to come. Your lives will testify to My glory. Your lives will lead many back to the fold. Give up your lives to Me. I will bless you beyond imagination when you do. Trust in Me. Trust in Me always. Walk in obedience, and in humility. Humble hearts will quickly attain perfection. I love you, My Little Ones. Abide in Me. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Tuesday, 25 June 2013 Do Not Keep Sin Upon Your Souls Children of Love,Open your hearts to Me. I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am that I Am. Serve Me in all obedience. Obey My commandments, and keep My precepts. Do not remain deaf to My pleas. Honor Me in all that you do. I have plans for each and every one of you. My plans are perfect. Do not question My ways. Be joy filled. Let all that you say, think, and do, bring Me glory. Remain joy filled. Do not let your hearts be troubled. As events foretold come to pass, you must grow in obedience, and serve your brothers, and sisters in love. Failure to comply will have tremendous consequences on the lives of all men. Unite, Beloved. Unite, and pray without ceasing. Do not abandon Me. Walk in all humility, and keep your eyes on Me. Rejoice in that My victory will be complete. Victory will be mine, and mine alone. Glorify My most holy name. Strive for holiness. Do not keep sin upon your souls. Seek out My consecrated Sons, and be right with Me. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Monday, 24 June 2013 Do Not Accept The Sin, But Love The Sinner Children of My Divine Heart,I seek you out. I Am that I Am. I Am. I Am the Great I Am. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender all things dear. Surrender your very lives unto My care. I have plans for you. I have plans to transform you in love. Give Me permission to minister to you. Allow Me to mold you into receptacles of My mercy, and love for time is of the essence. Accept My invitation to grow in holiness, My invitation to lead others to the fold. Millions are now lost. Millions still refuse My love. Millions remain deaf to My pleas, and have decided to enter into covenants with Satan. They fail to understand that they will reap an eternity of torment. They have grown distant, and have mastered the art of shutting Me out of their hearts and lives. Beloved, help Me now. Pray. Pray without ceasing. Love as never before. Extend your open arms to those I place upon your path. Welcome them back into your lives. Do not accept the sin, but love the sinner. Make a special place in your heart for the lost. Pray. Pray each day, and persevere in this labour of love. I count on you to serve in all obedience. I love you so. I leave you My kiss of peace. I bless you now. Shalom Sunday, 23 June 2013 Do Not Question My Ways Children Created For My Glory,I Am that I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am. Open your hearts to Love. Surrender in all confidence. Give Me permission to transform you. I desire to bless you beyond imagination. Events escalate all over the Earth, and many remain deaf to My pleas. Millions refuse to obey My laws. Millions have rejected My teachings, and act as though they command all things. Millions have been deceived by Satan, and will be thrown into the fires of Hell unless you are generous with your time, and prayers. Do not abandon your brothers, and sisters. Pray. Pray as never before. Kneel down before Me in adoration. Kneel before your God, and implore My mercy on the souls of those you love, on the souls of millions you have never met. Kneel, and trust in Me. My ways are mysterious. My ways are designed to bring many back to the fold. My ways are perfect. Do not question My ways. Honor Me. Follow My instructions, and hope in things to come. I Am, your Father on High, will raise an army of prayer warriors within the coming months. Persevere in this mission. Offer up thanksgiving for My mercy, and love. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Saturday, 22 June 2013 Love A Little More Each Day Beloved,I wait on you as always. I Am that I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender. Give Me permission to transfigure you. I search the Earth for obedient hearts. Very few grow in holiness each day. Millions are on the road to perdition, and have closed their hearts to Me for all time. Millions have entered into covenants with Satan, and they think that they will enjoy everlasting happiness. They err. They have been duped by the Prince of Darkness. They have let down their guard, and will reap nothing but torment in the end. Pray My Little Ones. Pray for the conversion of sinners. I need all My Children with Me in Paradise. Pray, and call down My mercy upon the souls of the lost. Be merciful. Persevere in this labour of love. Pray without ceasing. Trust in Me to answer your petitions when the time is right. Love a little more each day. Do not judge. Do not abandon Me when trials weigh you down. Love. Trust in Me, and keep your gaze on Me. Your sacrifices will bear much fruit when you endure all things for My glory, and My glory alone. I bless you now. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Friday, 21 June 2013 Prayer Will Unite Us Children of Love,I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am that I Am. Love speaks. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender. Give Me permission to transform you for My glory. I have plans to change you. I have many plans for you. Beloved, do not refuse Me entry into your hearts. I have been patient with you. I desire to abide in you. I desire to raise you to sainthood. Will you allow Me to work in you? I promise to be gentle. My Little Ones, draw near to Me. Pray. Pray always. Prayer will unite us, and I will transform your hearts when you allow Me to. For the time being, you must be docile to My voice. Remain obedient, and hope in Me. Pray for all those I have placed on your path. Be faith filled. I hope in you. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 21:23:45 +0000

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