Monday 15.12.14 UNRE to become Standalone University By - TopicsExpress


Monday 15.12.14 UNRE to become Standalone University By Geraldine Gubuli THE University of Natural Research and Environmental Science Campus in Maprik District will soon become a standalone university. The Minister for Higher Education, Science, Research and Technology and the Member for Gazelle in East New Britain Province Hon. Malakai Tobar was in Maprik District last week to officiate the official handing over of the UNRE from Vudal Campus in Eat New Britain to the National Government. When the institute is taken by the Government, it will be called the Papua New Guinea Institute of Rural Technology. According to Mr. Tobar, the institute is part of the Government’s aim to set up institutions in all the communities in the country. “In East Sepik, this institution will become a university with a variety of schools to educate not only your children in Maprik and the Sepiks, but also other students from all across PNG in science, medicine, law and business. Mr. Tobar was accompanied by many well educated people from East Sepik with high positions in the country including the Member for Maprik Open Hon. John Simon. He told the landowners and visitors to Bainik that he has a responsibility to see that there is an increase in the number of students being accepted into the tertiary institutions increases in 2015. “I came here to announce that UNRE campus here in Maprik will soon be removed from Vudal in East New Britain and will become a standalone university managing its own affairs called the . I will come again in March next year to sign documents and agreements with the landowners and the responsible people to turn this center into an institute of its own,” said Mr. Tobar. He said that this is part of his responsibility to make sure that there is space for students in the tertiary institutions by having more standalone institutions and university centers in the country. He told the people gathered that there are many people from East Sepik Province who holds high positions especially in the education department in the country. “With many Sepiks administering many educational positions in the country, I think it is time Sepik has its own university to manage and educate its people on its own soil,” said Mr. Tobar. He said that his first reason to visit the college was to see that the center becomes a university by next year and to also recognize all the agreements which have been made between which parties over the years. While many people were not fully aware of the main reason for having UNRE to become a standalone university of its own, people’s confusions and concerns were addressed by their Member Mr. Simon. Mr. Simon told the people that for many years, the college has not seen students being enrolled and students educated in Maprik, in this college. He also commented that having students being educated in the district saves children’s lives and avoids many struggles that may be faced by the students and the parents which affects students’ learning. “Every year we have students travelling to other parts of the country that has tertiary institutions to for students to further their studies. I think it is time we have a tertiary institution in our own district that could educate our children and the students from other parts of PNG,” said Mr. Simon. He elaborated that having a university in the district could save another life of students studying in other districts as we do not want to see another coffin on the plane when we want to see our children. “We also continue to see students having problems with accommodations and parents looking for extra money to send to their children every week or fortnightly. Furthermore our children are being exposed to the life without the guidance of their parents,” said Mr. Simon. ENDS// Caption: 1. The Minister for Higher Education, Science, Research and Technology and the Member for Gazelle in East New Britain Province Hon. Malakai Tobar, the Member for Maprik Open Hon. John Simon and the Team who is working on setting up the PNG Institute of Rural Technology in Maprik District. 2. The Minister for Higher Education, Science, Research and Technology and the Member for Gazelle in East New Britain Province Hon. Malakai Tobar receiving gifts from the people of Maprik District during the announcement of turning UNRE intoPNG Institute of Rural Technology.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 03:06:31 +0000

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