Monday August 4th, Evening Prayer Reminder!!! Blessings for your - TopicsExpress


Monday August 4th, Evening Prayer Reminder!!! Blessings for your Monday Evening, Prayer Warriors!!! Just Keep Praying And Believing In Gods Miracles!!! We have quite a few very sick ones that desperately still need Our Prayers. Im asking all those who will, to Please join me at 8 and 9pm central in pray!!! Our Little 9 yr.old Brianna was transferred to Childrens in Mobile. They were going to do emergency surgery since her appendix had ruptured but the infection from the ruptured appendix is in her liver, gall bladder, stomach and all in her little body. Because she is to weak to undergo surgery shes on strong antibiotics and morphine. They had to put in another pic line because she keeps throwing up and as soon as they can they will put in a feeding tube. When shes well enough to be discharged theyll put in a port to continue the antibiotics at home for about 6 months. Little Brianna is in serious condition and still needs our continued prayers. Please pray that God will provide healing for her and comfort and strength for her family!!! Our Little Hopes chest is closed. They are leaving the skin open and hooked to a wound vac to make sure there is no infection. Mommy says she is now sporting a new dialysis catheter and she is heavily sedated, but looks better today. They did a CT scan and there is a part of her brain that did not get oxygen. They said something about watershed and they dont really know anything. Please pray that Little Hope will remain stable, that her heart continues beating strong, for her lungs to improve, that her kidneys start producing more urine and that nothing is wrong with her brain!!! Our Sweet Little Hayden was miserable coming out of the anesthesia today (which mommy said isnt like him.) He had a breathing tube along with the scope and theyre sure that caused the discomfort. He was pretty junky from the breathing tube but doing well. He perked up when they got to the room and slept for over several hours. They got his feeds started to make sure his stomach and intestines are working okay while maintaining a stable sugar. When he shows he has this under control they will be headed home. They will return in the morning for his 6 hr EEG. Please pray Hayden will have a speedy recovery and all will go well with his EEG tomorrow!!! Our Little Baby Kaiden was taken to the ER again. He was running fever and has a horrible cough. His fever broke and the Dr said it is a virus. Please continue your prayers for Baby Kaiden that he will get well soon and also pray they can figure out something with his formula!!! Our Little Twin Baby Gray has been sick all week. They did more blood work and a urine culture on him. His blood work came back showing a secondary viral infection (not a bacterial infection) so he didnt have to be admitted for IV antibiotics. He was still running fever yesterday and feeling puny. Little Twin Baby Mason cant come home until Baby Gray is completely well. Please lift up your prayers for Baby Gray that he will get well soon and that Baby Mason can come home from the hospital!!! Our Sweet Shannon was at Brookwood Hospital yesterday. Her blood pressure was 214/176 and she was throwing up, having chest pains and she had blood in her urine. She is back home now. She had a kidney stone. Please continue your prayers for Shannon and pray she will recover real soon!!! Our Sweet Kelsey was very sick yesterday. Today her counts were up a little thats a good sign. Shes feeling a little better but she is still in pain!!! Pray for Kelseys counts to continue to go up and pray for her pain to stop!!! Praise Reports!!! (1) Baby Hallie saw her cardiologist today. They did an EKG and X-ray and Dr Roten said shes looking good. Her numbers are good and her heart is functioning as expected. Praise God!!! Theyre waiting on a call for the cathe date for next month. Then the surgery. Hallie still needs prayers for her up coming surgery so please continue to pray for her!!! (2)Baby Jacks eye exam is complete and he did great!!! The Dr said everything looks great and they will repeat in 2 wks. Praising God for His Blessings!!! (3) Our Little Matthew has been doing very well. He hasnt had any appointments. Hes cutting his 5th tooth and sitting up on his own on and off!!! Thank You Jesus!!! Please continue to pray for those listed above and their parents and family members!!! Continue praying for those who need Jesus as their Lord and Savior!!! Pray for All Our Other Babies, Our Prayer Warriors, Those whos Love Ones have journeyed beyond, Everyone on Our Prayer List, Our Soldiers And All Family Members!!! Pray for All Those we dont know!!! Prsy For God To Bless America!!! Let me take a moment to say Thank You to Carolyn Lanier for stepping in for me for the weekend. Thank You Carolyn you did an excellent job!!! God Bless You!!!♡ Im Praying, Thanking God For His Daily Blessings And Always Believing In Miracles!!!♡
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 00:34:12 +0000

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