Monday Monday .... And suddenly Im transported to my youth - TopicsExpress


Monday Monday .... And suddenly Im transported to my youth listening to the Bangles song Manic Monday. Im feeling like Mondays are full of hurry up and wait in our house. We try to limit the yelling in our house. Matt and I do yell at the kids from time to time but both of them react differently but not well to that kind of parenting so its usually not there. Most of the yelling comes from Em. EXCEPT when we are yelling from the main level upstairs for her or downstairs for her or Christian. Today was no different. I caught myself yelling upstairs to her as she is being the pokey little puppy this morning. I paused for a second. Thats when it hit me. Thats when I realized, its buffered. Thats why it doesnt bother her as much. Shes tired. Shes claiming she didnt sleep last night. She did. I was up off and on last night. I checked on her everytime. She slept HARD though. So I hope (and pray) its a great day for her. Shes not wanting to wear the wrist brace today even though you can see how much pain shes in without it. Its Monday. Well muddle through and manage. How about you?
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 13:07:32 +0000

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