Monday Morning advice to kick off your week: 1. Stop caring - TopicsExpress


Monday Morning advice to kick off your week: 1. Stop caring what other people think. Thats a conscious choice to allow other people to take the steering wheel out of your own hands. The most lost people on earth are the ones whose life and identity revolve around other peoples standards, opinions, or expectations. You dont owe anyone any explanations or need anyones permission to life your life as you see fit. 2. Realize what your movitation is for doing things- is it intrinsic or extrinsic? (In other words, are you doing things to build yourself or to allow the opinions/validation from other build you instead?) If you dont know know, trust me, other people can tell you the answer with zero hesitation. 3. Accept yourself for who you are and who youre not. Yup, you might have stretch marks and cellulite. Yup, you may not make a ton of money right now. Nope, you werent born a Kardashian. And that is absolutely, 100% fine. Moreover, if youre unhappy with who you are or are lacking things in life you desire, put the work in to have the life you want instead of whining or expecting it to just happen for you. 4. A beautiful sequence of good and bad decisions have lead you to where you are right now. The sooner youre cool with that, the more at peace youll be. 5. Calculated risk-taking and planning is the only way youre going to change the circumstances of your life right now. There may not be anyone to hold your hand when you jump, and believe me, it takes blind faith. Your life will be exactly where it is right now in 5 more years if you dont decide to make a change. Only you truly know if that works for you or not. 6. Imitation is just that- imitation. Its neither good nor bad. Therefore, stop worrying about it so much. Even the best impersonator in Vegas isnt quite right. The figures in Madam Tussauds wax museum might be dead-ringers but they dont have the soul. (Which would be terrifying if they did, btw.) Nobody is a carbon copy, so stop living in paranoia by looking behind you all the time. Its just a waste of energy. Fitness people, this is especially for you. Way too many comparisons, way too much fretting about what everyone else is doing and why. Who cares? Carve your own path, stop worrying about what every other person is doing, and stop caring who theyre shooting with... because none of it matters. Trust me. The fitness stuff, especially modeling, is temporary for most of us. Dont forget a backup plan for when all this stops. 7. People were not meant to live on pedestals, so stop putting others so high above you. Its risky for both people involved. One risks a bruised ego from a huge fall and the other risks being severely disappointed that their idolized deity is just a human being like anyone else. Stay grounded and hopeful. Wandering around with your eyes on the sky makes you vulnerable to bashing into things and missing whats in front of you. Keep your eyes forever forward on the horizon and youll be ready for anything coming tomorrow. 8. When you make the choice to remove the emotional hype and drama out of most problems, there is almost always a very simple solution sitting right in front of you. 9. Live your life with empathy for others instead of resentment if someone wrongs you. Anger is the assassin of joy and fills you with poison. Having a softened heart and perspective will improve your day to day life and allow you the ability to deflect the negativity people try to send your way. Not always easy, but always worth it. 10. Acceptance isnt the same thing as agreement. Learn the difference between the two and you will thrive.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 15:39:57 +0000

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