Monthly Predictions For All Sun Signs.:). ARIES 1st October to - TopicsExpress


Monthly Predictions For All Sun Signs.:). ARIES 1st October to 31st October This month demands cautious approach towards your relations!!! Career On professional front, this month indicates a good time for Aries professionals. Some unexpected professional opportunities may surprise you this month. You will earn a lot of appreciation, recognition and rewards for your innovative ideas. Those Ariesans who were struggling hard to get their first job could get success this month. If you are a student and appearing for competition exams or job interviews, you would finally see a breakthrough and success this month. But do well to keep your over confident attitude at bay, because hard work is the real success mantra. Finance On the financial front also, you will see the effects of your professional success. By the end of the month, you can see some bonuses or arrears coming your way. It can be foreseen that if you invest this money into bonds or property, it would give you some good benefits. But you are advised to investigate thoroughly before making such investments. However, this month you could spend big bucks on luxury items. But despite of all these expenses, your savings would remain intact. In fact, your saving for this month would be more than ever. Romance On the romantic front, things are expected to sail smoothly for the first half of the month. You will be able to balance your work and family well. However, during the later half of the month, things may go awry and occassional turbulance may disturb your otherwise peaceful relations. It would be good for your relationship if you maintain a docile approach. This advice goes to both married and unmarried couples. If you are into a relationship, try to give your partner some space this month for your over possessive behavior may bring in arguements and tiffs. It makes sense to analyze the situation first before reacting upon anything. Health Health wise, this is a average month for you. You will feel heathy and will be able to take care of your responsibilities in a better manner. However, it makes sense to be careful towards your health for any negligence may lead to serious health issues this month. In addition, during the later half of the month you may face some minor problem related to body aches, which could be result of work load at your work place. TAURUS 1st October to 31st October Stars warn you to be on your toes this month!!! Career On the professional front, if you are dealing with customer support, business development then you would be able to bring some high value customer or good amount of business for your organization through your contacts. Your efforts and hard work will bring you recognition and perks this month. The month seems to be a wonderful time for you where you will find a window of opportunity open for you. New job offers will come your way but consider every aspect very carefully if plan for a job change. Finance The month ahead indicates good flow of income, so you would have a comfortable month regarding income. Your expenses will be under control and that will give respite to your savings. You may plan to invest on bonds and shares this month. But do investigate before spending on stocks and shares. In addition, stars indicate a favoarble time for those planning to spend on purchase of vehicles. Romance On the romantic front, relationships would need special attention from your side. You should make every possible effort to fulfill the emotional need of your partner and try to avoid any kind of argument as much as possible for bitter arguements may soon take the form of quarrels which may lead to separation, temporary or permanent. Definitely, this month cannot be said very favorable to enter into any new relationship so if you are planning to propose some then it’s better to postpone the same for this month. Health Health wise, this month is going to be favorable for you where you could be able to enjoy a healthy routine and take care of your responsibilities. It makes sense to try meditating to get rid of fatigue and tirednes that you have been facing for quite a while now. GEMINI 1st October to 31st October This week seems to be an average time for you on all fronts!!! Career On the professional front, you will remain in high spirits due to the happenings around you. You will experience positive vibes from your superiors and peers. You will remain talk of the town due to your achievements and good performance. However, a few of your colleagues may develop a sense of jealousy due to this, but don’t worry this would not affect you in any ways. Your performance may invite some big responsibilities towards yourself along with promotion in your position. Finance On the financial front, the flow of income would remain ordinary; no exceptional gain can be expected during this month. The more you save, the more expenditure would come in. Hence, you would not be able to add much into your monthly savings. Despite of unexpected expenditure during this month, you would not face any sort of financial crunch. This would happen only because of your budget planning and compromising approach. Also, you could hope for good returns from the investments done in the past that are on the verge of maturity. An unexpected source of income seems to be getting opened during this month. Romance On the romantic front, you could hope for a rosy period during the whole month. Gemini people who are already in a committed relationship or into married relations could execute their plan for a vacation, which was in the making since long. There is also good hope for those cancer people who are seeking approval for their relationship from their elders. Single Gemini people can take full advantage of this month to propose the person of their dreams. Starting up of a new relationship is on the cards. Health Healthwise, this is a good month for you. You would feel physically and mentally fit, which help you a lot in dealing with every situation during this month. But those Gemini people who are facing Blood Pressure related issues could be forced to see their doctors. Try including Yoga in your daily fitness regime. CANCER 1st October to 31st October Expect some really good time ahead this month!!! Career Professionally you would get some good work opportunity as well as responsibility which would enhance your status on professional front. Especially second half indicates promotion or enhancement in your professional status, where you would also get good support from your superiors. A fair share of Cancer natives would start their careers during this month. All in all, the whole month of October can be said very favorable and progressive period for Cancerians with respect to career and profession. Finance Income wise, the whole month indicates favorable results, but you cannot hope for any significant gain or rise in income. However, your expenses would be completely under control and it would be a major help to balance your finances very well. Though it is not a bad time to invest on bonds, shares or equities, do not expect any short term benefits this month. In addition, it makes sense to avoid investing in properties for you may not find a lucrative deal this month. Romance On the romantic front, the whole month could give you a very pleasant experience to Cancer. So a large number of cancerians would start their romantic relationship or would get first romantic experience. Those who are trying to obtain the consent of their parents for their relationship can take advantage of this month. Those who are trying to convert their relationship into married life would also get success regarding the same. Interestingly, those cancerians who are ready to expand their family can also take advantage of this month, where the whole month would be supportive for the conception of child. Health Healthwise, generally this is a good month for you. Unlike previous month, you will enjoy a good health throughout and accomplish your responsibilities in a better way. But it makes sense to embark on a new fitness regime to stay fit in the upcoming months. LEO 1st October to 31st October This month will be a challenging yet progressive time for you!!! Career Professionally, you would get some good work opportunity as well as enhancement in your status during the first half of the month. However, during the second half of this month, you should avoid taking any risky or major decision related to your career. If you are a businessman, then the first half of the month indicates getting some good business proposal and partnership which would fulfill your business need in long term. As month would progress, your actions would require more focus and substance. Ensure that you keep you languid attitude at bay this month. Finance Financially, the month indicates good rise in your income or making some good profit through your business/career. So there are chances for good increment in your salary or to make good profits, if you are into business. However, your expenses would be under control throughout the month, so you can take some major investment decisions during the month. This month seems to be a time of financial prosperity for you. Romance Regarding romance life, the whole month indicates very favorable results for Leo people. Especially those who are trying to go for an arranged marriage or to convert their romantic life into married life will get success during this month. So those Leo people who are in marriageable age and trying to find out their prospective partners should take better advantage of this month. Those who are already in married life or in a committed relationship would get better enjoyment of romantic pleasures. Health Health wise, whole month can be said a favorable period. You will feel healthy and will be able to take care of all your responsibilities in a better manner. However, some of the elderly Leo people may experience problem related to pain in joints or breathing related issues. VIRGO 1st October to 31st October This month would unfold as a great time for you!!! Career On the professional front, certain work opportunities would keep you engaged throughout the month. You would be able to culminate some long pending assignments successfully. This month will see you putting your best foot forward each time. However, stars dont seem to be working in your favor. You will not get results as expected and someone else will take the credit of your work. You will feel victimised by this partiality. However, we would advise you to keep to your wits for everything will fall in place by the end of the month. Your efforts and dedication will be appreciated by the end of the month. Finance On the financial front, this is a good month, with respect to the flow of income. Your flow of income would remain satisfactory throughout the month. However, your expenses may run your savings in rough weathers, espcially during the second half of the month. You are advised to adopt a compromising approach and refrain from splurging; otherwise, you may face a turbulence in your financial planning. Do not expect any monetary gain from external sources other than your regular income. Romance On the romantic front, this is certainly a good month to express your feelings to your spouse. You may surprise him/her with your romantic attitude. This behavior of yours would help you bring some spice into your married life in which was going through ‘not so good’ phase from past few days. This is a good month unmarried Virgo people as well. Stars are indicating that you are soon going to get the love of your life. But you should be very cautious while accepting the proposal, this could be a fling. This advise goes for both Virgo men and women. So, take enough time before getting into committed relationship. Health You are at the right pedestal on health front. Your concern for health is paying you rich dividends. You feel yourself very chirpy, vibrant, energetic and full of life. Entertainment, pleasure activities will be invigorating. Your positive mind set, and cheerfulness will add charm in your personality. Overall, it seems to be an extremely favorable and fun filled month. LIBRA 1st October to 31st October The month seems to be a wonderful time for you!!! Career On the professional front, this month would remain as your previous month was. Some of your actions would give you good results, while some of them may backfire upon you. Some of your decisions made in the past may prove fatal for your oarganization. This may upset your superiors and bosses. The workplace stress may get you caught into a scuffle with the authorities this month. We advise you to mantain a docile approach for reckless behavior at work may run your otherwise fruitful career into rough weathers. In addition, take any major decision in a collaborative manner by consulting with your superiors or people having equal capacity as you. Finance On the financial front, you are advised to calculate every penny before spending. Though your income and expenses will remain balanced normally, some sudden losses in equities or shares would break your bank during the second half of the month. Some of your colleague or relative may advise you to invest some money in bonds. However, your stars indicate that this is not the right time for any sort of risky investment. some offers may sound too tempting and fruitful, yet it makes sense to ignore investing for some time. Romance On the romantic front, you will enjoy a good romantic pleasure throughout the month, except at some occasions where misunderstanding may come in ruin your mood. However, both of you are right at your place; it’s only the interpretation of words that is creating all this fuss. Try not to over react and analyze everything after considering ground realty. For single Libra people, this is a good month for you to seek approval of elders and society on your relationship. Things would easily turn out towards a positive way. If you are married and trying to expand your family, this is a good month to take advantage. Health Healthwise, generally this is a good month for you. Unlike previous month, you will enjoy a good health throughout and accomplish your responsibilities in a better way. However, it makes sense to start a new fitness regime and start jogging and light excercises to stay fit in the months to come. SCORPIO 1st October to 31st October Be ready to manage your expenses well this month!!! Career On professional front, you could be very productive during this month. However, the result might not be justified with the efforts made by you. Your creative thoughts may bring some good business ideas, but the implementation of the same could not be easily feasible. Professionally you may also face certain hurdles in achieving your target or desired outcome set by you. This inconsistency may even claim your job. We advise you to take a backseat this month and avoid implementing any new ideas. Those who are in business may also experience the same effect and may end up loosing a sustantial business this month. Finance During the first half of the month, your effort to enhance your income would not materialize. However, during the second half, you would get the desired level of your income. Controlling expenses might be an issue with you this month, but it will not harm your financial prosperity on a large scale. Even then, you should not take any major financial decision during this month. It makes sense to avoid investing in bonds, shares and equities this month. In addition, also refrain from investing in properties during this month. Romance Regarding romance life, there could be certain confusion during this month. Especially those Scorpions would become victim of this situation who are in early days of their relationship. Newly married scorpion couples might face such situation due to interference of their in-laws or their own parents. Refrain from getting into scuffles and arguements, especially during the second half of the month for it may even lead to break ups which may be temporary or permanent. Single scorpion must avoid proposing their love this month for there are strong chances of rejection. Health Health wise, whole month can be said a favorable period. However, workplace stress may give you occassional headache and body ache. So, try relaxing you mind and body a bit this month. Go for jogging and do light excercises to maintain your health. SAGITTARIUS 1st October to 31st October The month ahead will be a progressive yet cautious time for you!!! Career On professional front, the work load at work place might make you a little worried about the successful completion of current project. However, by the end of the month, the project would get completed successfully. For this, you may have to work extra hours and even during weekends. The best part is that, in this scenario you would get a very good cooperation from your peers and subordinates. Despite of having some personal commitments, you would be able to impress your superiors while keeping your commitments. You will find new job offers coming your way this month but your astral signature says this is not a very good time for you to change your job. So stick with your job for now and postpone your plans of changing your job. Finance Financially, this month shows a good flow of income till the end. However, you have some pre-planned expenditures for this month, even then things will go smoothly. Inspite of spending a good amount on luxuries, you would see a good flow of income. The reason behind this is maturity of your long term investment, which would bring unexpected flow in your pocket. Property related matters may get sorted this month. If you are planning to buy or invest in property, things will remain in your favor. Romance On the romantic front, you will enjoy a good romantic pleasure throughout the month, except at some occasions where misunderstanding may come in ruin your mood. However, both of you are right at your place; it’s only the interpretation of words that is creating all this fuss. Try not to over react and analyze everything after considering ground realty. For single Saggitarius people, this is a good month for you to seek approval of elders and society on your relationship. Things would easily turn out towards a positive way. If you are married and trying to expand your family, this is a good month to take advantage. Health Healthwise, generally this a favorable month for you. However, some minor issues related to urinary infections may trouble you during the week. But they would get treated easily with proper medication. CAPRICORN 1st October to 31st October This month will unfold as a very progressive time!!! Career On the professional front, you are advised to remain cautious and do not flow with the causalities of office environment. Because in the end, you are accountable for your assignments. You may find your self surrounded by lots of gossips and office politics, try to keep yourself away from them as you would get yourself into serious trouble. You would not face major work related challenges; all you need is a smart approach to deal with the unhealthy office environment. Also keep your temper in check and avoid getting into arguements with your supriors for it may lead to loss of face and reputation in office. Finance Financially, this month shows a good flow of income till the end. However, you have some pre-planned expenditures for this month, even then things will go smoothly. Inspite of spending a good amount on luxuries, you would see a good flow of income. The reason behind this is maturity of your long term investment, which would bring unexpected flow in your pocket. Property related matters may get sorted this month. If you are planning to buy or invest in property, things will remain in your favor. Romance On the romantic front, you are going to enjoy a good romantic pleasure throughout this month. There would be smooth sailing throughout the month. Single Capricorn people who are planning to propose some or going to start a new relationship in form of marriage can foresee a long and happy bonding together. Even those, who are looking to get approval from their elder over their relationship, can expect positive results from family and society. There are also good chances for those who waiting to get marry since long. Health Healthwise, this is a good month for you. However, some of you who have been suffering from nervous disorders and other nerve related issues may be forced to see a doctor. Yoga is perhaps the best tool to keep all health related issues at bay. So try different Yoga asanas and you will be able to stay fit this month. AQUARIUS 1st October to 31st October This month promises to be a good time!!! Career On the professional front, you would get some good work opportunity and responsibility which would enhance your status at work place. You could be more focused towards your goal. So you would also get desired results of your efforts as well as appreciation from higher ups. Those Aquarians who are trying to find some place in professional field after completion of their education would also get some good opening during this month. Finance Financially, the whole month indicates very good income for you. You may expect some unexpected gain which could be related to your previous investments. In addition, your justified and balanced expenses may further strengthen your financial status, but you should avoid taking any risky financial decisions this month. Romance On the romance front, life is not expected to be so smooth this month. It would be good for your relationship if you maintain a docile approach, especially during the second half of the month. Any sort of aggressive behavior towards your partner may result in separation which could be temporary or permanent. This advice goes to both married and unmarried couples. Aquarius females are advised to control their emotions, be it good or bad, so as not to hamper their relationship. It makes sense to analyze the situation first before reacting upon anything. Health Health wise, generally this is a favorable month for you. However, it makes sense to embark on a new fitness regime to stay fit and healthy throughout the month. In addition, those who have not been keeping so well in the past may try some light excercises and Yoga to stay healthy and fit. PISCES 1st October to 31st October Get set for a joyride this month!!! Career Professionally, there would be good appreciation of your management style which would enhance the overall productivity of your organization. You may also come up with some good business ideas as well as implementation plan of same. Promotion or increments in your professional status will keep you delighted this month. New job opportunities will also come knocking your door this month. A large number of Pisces people would start their careers during this month. Finance our professional success will bring in comfortable financial status for you this month. Even then, you might feel dissatisfied with the actual outcome with respect to income. Level of expenses might also go beyond your control at some point. So there is a need to work on minute details also with respect to expenses. However, the good flow of income would take good care of your expenditure. Thus, there is no need to be much worried about it. Romance Regarding romance life, the whole month indicates stability. You could be able to enjoy very good romantic pleasures throughout this month. Those of you who are facing certain problems or ups and downs on their relationship front would also be able to stabilize the relationship. If you are planning for a child, then this is a good month to conceive. Health This month you will make some pretty wise choices that help you improve your health and increase your fitness levels. Your eating habits will be much better and will also help you deal with your weight problem. A good diet and positive thinking will make a huge difference to your overall well-being this week. Avoid taking stress for it may ruin your heath.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 08:24:36 +0000

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