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More and more on Kevin Annett - Six Nations - Haldimand Tract - Beliefs versus Facts - Friday, 22nd November 2013 - A Roll Call of the Con Artists, Rabble Rousing Activists, Extortionists, etc. Working at Six Nations. This will be the shortest post of the over 40 hammered out in the last three weeks (obviously I must think I have a lot to say). The reason for being so parsimonious here is that someone has completely upstaged me, and has given an amazingly insightful look into the cast of characters that plague Six Nations - including one, Kevin Annett, who has somehow convinced people that he found a virtual ossuary of human bones at a residential school (apparently the author is referring to the Mohawk Institute). I had not heard his name mentioned before, although I have blogged about the search for skeletal remains at the Mohawk Institute, said investigation being based only on hearsay and stories. Anyway, this was a way out there con - and people fell for it. The article is a very sad tale of people ripping off members of Six Nations; and members of Six Nations ripping off others. All very sordid, but very compelling since everything that the author says rings true. A lot of now familiar names, and / or groups factor into the big picture. And all this at home, or in our back yard. The author titles his article, The Mess at the Six Nations: Unions, Anarchists, Marxists & Con Artists .......... The cast: 1) Kevin Annett (apparently non-Native) - alleged con artist who conned Six Nations out of funds 2) Occupy Toronto 3) Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) 4) Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) 5) Haudenosaunee Development Institute (HDI) 6) Aaron Detlor (unknown whether Native or not) - Lawyer, and legal adviser for HDI) 7) Jason Bowman (non-Native) - alleged to be either a con artist or insane, provides legal advice to the Mohawk Workers 8) Toronto Media Co-op (TMC) - a radical anarchist publication with alleged links to CAW and HDI 9) Alex Hundert (non-Native as are all those noted below) - Jailed Anarchist involved in the G20 riots 10) Judy Rebick - Ryerson University, Political Sciences - alleged involvement with Kevin Annett 11) Winnie Ng - Ryerson University, Political Sciences - alleged involvement with Kevin Annett 12) Steve Watson - CAW, alleged association with Black Bloc and other anarchists 13) Tom Keefer - CUPE, alleged radical anarchist 14) Others - the connections involved a nexus of elements tied through their Marxist philosophy, and willing to use violence and other anti-social tactics to attempt to get their point across Please read the following to see the interconnected parts - please click here genuinewitty/2012/09/04/the-mess-at-the-six-nations-unions-anarchists-marxists-con-artists (copied below). DeYo. Link: ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Mess At The Six Nations: Unions, Anarchists, Marxists & Con Artists… Logo for the Six Nations rebels…(see comments section below) I first became interested in what is happening at the Six Nations when I heard about Kevin Annett- a con artist who lied to the world about finding a mass grave of children’s bones nearby an old indian residential school. Through my investigation into Annett, the more I learned about people who are influencing this community, the more sad the situation appears to be. Many people there are being manipulated… Occupy Toronto was deeply involved with the Six Nations, it is from observing them that I learned about community’s connections to anarchists & Marxists. It is also where I began to learn about the connections to the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW), a number of their people appear to be involved- The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) is also. First let me begin with a story about windmills. The band council approved a deal with Samsung and Pattern Energy to build what they are calling “one of the world’s largest wind and solar projects,” on Six Nations Land. Residents of the Six Nations were involved throughout the consultation- including Jan Longboat dunnvillechronicle/2012/05/30/six-nations-approves-energy-deal, a respected elder who had the unfortunate incident where Kevin Annett called her a “black operative” genuinewitty/2012/07/21/jan-longboat-a-victim-of-kevin-annetts-smear-campaigns. This is where the Haudenosaunee Development Council (HDI) steps in- a small group of radicals who disagree with the band council. They are represented by Aaron Detlor, a lawyer who coincidentally commented on my article about Jason Bowman yesterday genuinewitty/2012/09/03/hot-news-jason-bowman-declares-himself-spokesman-for-the-mohawk-nation/#comment-5512 (and says that Bowman is either a con-artist or insane). Despite the fact that the band council had democratically approved the project, the HDI insisted that Samsung fill-out a ‘development application’ and that they pay a $7,000 application fee. Many people see this as an act of blackmail… At one point, Detlor came out and made a claim that there was a grave site involved ”An archeological issue is different than a wind mill issue, it is digging up our ancestor remains without permission.” Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to find any information to back that claim. But, it echoes of the dispute at Toronto’s High Park where there is a claim of a grave, but investigations failed to find any evidence. A group of radicals marched to the construction site to protest- when they got there, they began to pull Samsung’s markers out of the ground. In the end, Samsung took the easy way out and paid the “application fee”. I’m sure it was a good business decision for them ($8k is nothing in a multi-million dollar project)- but, I really have to question if it was good for the people of the Six Nations. This act gave a lot of perceived credibility to a small group of dissidents. I learned about the Samsung story from the Toronto Media Co-Op (TMC). They are a radical anarchist publication, with strong connections to the CAW (and possibly funding). TMC has taken an superordinate interest in development projects at the Six Nations- they also have deep connections with the radicals who have been working with the HDI. Alex Hundert, an incarcerated Anarchist who led the planning for the violence at the G20 is also close to this group. He also works quite closely to Judy Rebick who was the CAW-Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice and Democracy at Ryerson University in Toronto. Winnie Ng is the current CAW-Sam Gindin chair. Both Rebick and Winnie Ng are connected to the promotion of Kevin Annett’s fraud against the people of the Six Nations. Also connected to the HDI is a man named Steve Watson. He’s a National Representative of the CAW who self-identifies as nowtoronto/news/story.cfm?content=128591 ”a rank-and-file militant” member of the union. He’s also a participant in the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP)- an organization that is deeply integrated with Black Bloc and other anarchists. Let’s move onto CUPE- because, as you know, wherever there are violent anarchists one typically finds their fingerprints. In this case it is through a man named Tom Keefer. He’s a radical anarchist who runs a rather unsavoury anarchist publication named “Upping the Ante”. Keefer is also a grad student who is currently working on his thesis titled “The Political Economy of Energy Transitions: Marxism, Thermodynamics and the Limits of Capitalist Development”. That’s quite a mouthful! Keefer is also an active member of the CUPE 3903′s First Nations Solidarity Working Group 3903fnswg.wordpress. I’ve written about the 3903 before- anarchist & Black Bloc leader Ashleigh Ingle genuinewitty/2012/05/16/anarchist-ashleigh-black-bloc-leader-and-teacher-for-the-1 (from Occupy Toronto) is a member, as was Occupy Edmonton’s Chelsea Flook (sister of Occupy Toronto’s Taylor ‘Pottymouth’ Flook.) Do you see the pattern happening here? The 3903 has put a lot of effort into stirring-up the pot at the Six Nations, as has the CAW. Members from both organizations have been getting their claws into a small group of misguided Six Nations radicals and helping to stir-up trouble. But, that’s what Marxists do- the they believe that the only way they will achieve their ‘revolution’ is to stir up violent conflicts. The big question that still lingers in my mind is why hasn’t the government done anything to fix this situation? Are they ignoring it because it is valuable to them to have such division in indigenous communities? Or, perhaps, are they directly involved? I know that’s quite a statement- there’s a lot of research to be done before it could be concluded that the government is influencing something so nefarious. That said, there are a lot of clues that could lead one to considering this is a possibility. First, let’s take the Black Bloc & anarchists. As I wrote last week genuinewitty/2012/08/29/are-canadian-black-blocs-working-with-the-government-police, there are a lot of people out there who believe that the Black Bloc and the police may have deeper relations than have been admitted. Quebec Provincial Police were caught promoting Black Bloc tactics at Montebello, so it isn’t something that is out of the question. And, also, there’s the question of ‘anti-poverty’ organizations and how, in the US, they have been used by government to push secret agendas in the past. [See jpeg in comments section below FBI Informer Is Linked To Right Wing Violence.......] More important than the speculation are the real facts before us. The government has known about Kevin Annett’s scam for years and yet they have let him continue. Equally, there is no evidence that the government is doing much to stop what’s been happening at the Six Nations. It seems that the only person to ever get arrested is Garry McHale genuinewitty/2012/08/23/more-hate-speech-from-canadas-radical-left. I’m not the only person who has noticed the government’s inaction. I’ll continue to share information as my investigation proceeds. Until then, if you are someone in the government, show us that you are on the right side- you can start by arresting the con-artists. I’ve given you enough information now to make an arrest- the fact that the RCMP and the federal Attorney General have been silent should be an embarrassment. And, if there are fellow researchers out there who are working on the same story, please contact me. The more of us who get together to uncover this mess, the more likely we will stop it from continuing. If our government won’t do anything about it, at least we can… Link: genuinewitty/2012/09/04/the-mess-at-the-six-nations-unions-anarchists-marxists-con-artists Related articles Kevin Annett Doesn’t Only Steal Survivor’s Stories (He steals their....... genuinewitty/2012/08/30/kevin-annett-doesnt-only-steal-survivors-stories-he-steals-their-signatures-too genuinewitty/2012/08/31/whos-the-new-canada-party-feat-kevin-annett-harsha-wallia-pat-atkinson genuinewitty/2012/08/29/are-canadian-black-blocs-working-with-the-government-police genuinewitty/2012/08/02/why-eco-terrorism-is-a-real-and-present-danger-to-british-columbia genuinewitty/2012/08/06/the-story-of-my-stalker-alex-hundert-featuring-judy-rebick genuinewitty/2012/09/04/mediawatch-toronto-media-co-op-pleasures-the-caw-by-mourning-the-last-crown-vic
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 15:03:56 +0000

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