More movie reviews for you. “Hitchcock” is about the making of - TopicsExpress


More movie reviews for you. “Hitchcock” is about the making of Psycho starring Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock and Helen Mirren as his wife Alma. Also has Scarlett Johansson as Janet Leigh, Jessica Biel as Vera Miles, and James DArcy as very creepy Anthony Perkins. I would highly recommend the movie. Never been a big Anthony Hopkins fan, but he did a wonderful job as Hitchcock. Helen Mirren was excellent as always and there was more than one moment that you forget it is Scarlet Johansson playing Janet Leigh. The shower scene (still doesn’t show anything) is amazing. “Hide Park on the Hudson” is top notch, especially if you like historical dramas. Laura Linney stars as one of (and probably most innocent of) FDR’s mistresses. FDR is played superbly by Bill Murray. The other main thrust of the story is the visit by the King and Queen of England to solicit help for the enviable WWII. Virginia and I have visited FDR’s home a couple of times. Wanted to feel more strongly that I had been there, but it never captured the place completely. Such is Hollywood. Great movie, however. “Quartet”, is dominated by Maggie Smith. Surprise, surprise!! It is a movie directed by Dustin Hoffman about a retirement home for British musicians and singers. Good little movie. Not as strong as the other two, but fun. Now for the bad. “Hick” is one of the worse movies I have seen in a while. In many ways down right disgusting and I have a wide tolerance for almost anything. Even a cameo from Alec Baldwin couldnt save it.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 23:35:57 +0000

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