Mormon Mafia Mayhem What do Cliven Bundy, Harry Reid, Mitt - TopicsExpress


Mormon Mafia Mayhem What do Cliven Bundy, Harry Reid, Mitt Romney, Ted Bundy and Glenn Beck all have in common? The title gave it away I know. Mormonism. They are all followers of the sect of mormonism. Now when you look at this from the outside you wonder what the connections might be that are not so obvious. The sect is controlled by a group at the top that demands abeyance from the peons below. Peon number one that we need to look at is Cliven Bundy (Ted Bundy was the serial killer in case you are confused already) the rancher at the middle of a dispute with the Federal Government and the Bureau of Land Management (an un-Constitutional Thug squad). Clive has been a pretty independent dude all his life and has never followed the will of the rulers of mormonism. How so? Cliven has never supported the Master of the Nevada Fiefdom on behalf of the mormon hierarchy, Harry Reid. Now that means that old Cliven has run amok of the wishes and therefore the rule of those in charge. He has not bent the knee to the masters or their delegate thug Harry the Hammer Reid. Now he is being punished for it. What is interesting to me is how quickly Glenn Beck rose to do the bidding of the power structure of his mormon masters and is attacking Bundy with a fury not seen since that black Houston thug and resident racist Sheila Jackson Lee took umbrage with George W. Bush for daring to be President. Beck has now exposed himself for the puppet that he is. How so? When was the last time that Glenn Beck peeled back the onion and exposed his mormon buddy and Cliven Bundy punisher, Harry Reid? There is nothing wrong with Harry Reid you proclaim as the bile settles in your mouth.....There is everything wrong with Harry Reid and Glenn Beck when they attack a man who just happens to be right in standing on the Constitution and the actual Rule of Law, not the rule of convenience used so often by those who have agendas. We have now seen the agenda of Glenn Beck and that unsettled feeling that I have had knowing that he is a mormon shows me that he marches to a drummer whose beat is determined by those in Salt Lake City and mormon headquarters. Doing their bidding in the Bundy challenge to the lawless has shown him for what he really is. Someone that we need to stop supporting in favor of one who needs our support in spite of the fact that he is a mormon who wont bow to the masters of his faith. I would rather side with the Founding Fathers who knew that the call to choose you this day whom you will serve meant bowing the knee to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and His commands and the Law that supports His justice and righteousness. Sorry Glenn, you just lost the most important thing that I could have given you, my respect. - Dr. Jim Garrow -
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 19:09:24 +0000

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