Mort Rosenblum, whom I have known for almost half a century, I - TopicsExpress


Mort Rosenblum, whom I have known for almost half a century, I make reference to his most recent article “Yes We could. So Why Don’t We?” With Levi’s slipping off his hips, brilliance spilling off his typewriter, has informed, influenced and sometimes even changed the world in which we live. The man’s got credentials to say what he feels. We need to pay attention to what he’s got to say. I may not agree, but I am not foolish enough to disagree without serious consideration to his thinking. With that caveat, let me react to three main points that, I believe, he was trying to make to us. “--First, we need a firm grip on global realities.” As a person, who has spent half a century trying to understand the human condition in terms of psychology and communication from a personal to an international level, I must agree with Rosenblum’s 1st premise 100%. I would add, in order to get a firm grip on global realities: we must get a grip on the logic and rhetoric used to describe reality by those leaders who say they perceive it accurate. Context determines meaning, and perception determines reality. We have seen and suffered the truth of this remark throughout our history. We have been doomed and dominated by the dictatorial thinking, while much of the time, that fact is wrapped in lovely words that turn into the realities. Lyndon B. Johnson’s war on poverty, which I was a part of, did little to reduce poverty and most of the war was over the fiefdoms they created in poverty-stricken neighbors. The words were right and in many cases the actions as well, but in the long run a good idea didn’t make a “great society” greater. I too have lived in many parts of the world and saw the way people reacted when they met new people who came from America. It was usually a blend of excitement, curiosity and hope. Why was this a general reaction to many of us Americans who travel the world? I believe the answer is in the image and ideas expounded by our founders 4543 words in a constitution. That astounded the world some 225 plus years ago, we as Americans are still associated with that thinking and positive belief. The problem here is perception. When freedom for me means that limiting yours, we dash hope and replace it with disillusionment. A firm grip on global realities, suggests we stop the denial which today makes Nero’s 64 AD fiddling in Rome sound like Paganini. Denial, these days, is a matter of distorted perceptions supported by fallacious facts presented by hair blown airheads reading text that supports biased viewpoints. Getting the straight scoop on daily global events is not a crapshoot. Unfortunately it’s usually a load of crap, presented by “true believers” who endanger understanding and promote polarization. A firm grip on global reality requires an awareness of the fact, that we are losing touch with the facts of our world. Rosenblum may be one of the most exasperating people I know. In my experience there is no one alive who deserves the label of “Reporter” or “Journalist” more than him. When people, without credentials, sit behind the news desk and thank their viewers for sending in raw footage of an unexplained event and call them “citizen journalists”, I feel like beating them over the head with one of the many books about real journalism. People such as Scott Pelly, Bob Schieffer, Charlie Rose and many more professionals in print do their best to erode the ever growing tower of Babel. “--SECOND, we have to elect people who remember their oaths of office.” Thomas Jefferson, who said, ”You get the government you deserve,” didn’t reckon on the 24/7 onslaught of bias perceptions twisted to fit a prepackaged view of reality. We have reached a point where we seriously consider electing Wiener wagers to govern one of our most important cities in America, New York. What is even more disgraceful and outlandish here is the fact that to those with the biggest wallets at the power, convince the few of us, who do vote in America that this is the best person and most suitable person to lead us in these complex times. I believe the vast majority if they were query and informed of the facts would be shocked at the prospect of such a ridiculous idea. I also believe that the possibility of accurately informing America, through the biased prism of the media today, becomes increasing difficult as time goes on. It is not a question of remembering the oaths of office, most of these people of whom I speak go to bed each night repeating it over and over to themselves, “Now I lay me down to sleep.” The problem is however, that it would appear on an unconscious level. They are trying to figure out ways to manipulate the system to their own narcissistic advantage–without getting caught! “--THIRD, we need to realize that in the long run schools matter most.” In between global adventures, some of whom have involved Mort Rosenblum, I have been an university professor. Needless to say everything Rosenblum said about the role of education and educators is of the utmost importance. Watching the curious become informed and therefore more curious, is perhaps one of the most gratifying experiences a person can have. These folks don’t get paid anywhere near what they deserve. Especially when you consider we are giving them the right and responsibility to program our children to see the world with wanting and curious eyes. We are blessed with a bright beautiful 15-year-old daughter. I was shocked when I found out her History class, consisted of DVDs being played, without explanation or basic instruction on the important topics that were supposedly being taught. Needless to say, a complaint was lodged and nothing was done. Inspiration must be felt before it is shared with others. It is contagious but it seems that fewer and fewer have the bug. Of course, there are so many exceptions. Many of those who are the exceptions do not hold the position of teacher, they simply educate by example as many wise people have and will do in the future. We need them so badly today for our tomorrows.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 21:57:28 +0000

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