Most of YOU my fb friends and family know my daughter, Susan - TopicsExpress


Most of YOU my fb friends and family know my daughter, Susan Sylvest Morgan. She was my first and now only child, most precious to my aching and broken heart. Her bright and rewarding career in nursing makes me proud, as any Father should be of his darling daughters accomplishments. Though Susan excelled repeatedly throughout her high school and college years, I did not have to fork out towards her education because of her marriages and her many honors and scholarships. I was on the sideline gloating and cheering each time my Baby achieved recognition. Ive attended her graduations and marriages with joy and happiness, except when she last wed, and I was crudely spoken to by the pair. I immediately flew home thus missing their wedding ceremony. Well, her love for me has almost, if not, vanished and I am literally heart-broken and down-trodden. Numerous calls to my dearly beloved daughter go unanswered. My decision to move 500 miles was for my sanity; NOT to distance our father/daughter relationship. Her new family has come between us, much like her sister(cousin) has, too. My daughter would rather, or else, turned her affection towards those resentful of me, as some family members; her new family; etc. than care nor LOVE ME! Susan, is ALL the world to me! Shes ALL I have in this old wretched world beside my four beautiful grand daughters. Im tired of feeling loveless, and seeing shrinks! I WANT my daughter!!! Susan, I know youre sick with the shingles and today is Sarahs party, but please forgive me and then forget whatever it is that separates us. My marriage to your Mother is history and the book is closed. But, as I write this love letter from afar, my prayer to God and plea to YOU, is COME HOME!!! Lets let bygones be bygones, ok? Lets anticipate the most wonderful Thanksgiving ever, ok? Lets stop bickering and start loving again, ok? Lets use Sarahs birthday as OUR father/daughter reunion, ok? I LOVE YOU, SWEETHEART!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 20:08:21 +0000

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