Most of my friends know that I work every week-end. Because I am - TopicsExpress


Most of my friends know that I work every week-end. Because I am alone in the office, I read at lunch. Mostly, I read The New York Times or CNN news. These last two days, CNN has had two incredible articles! I shared one yesterday about the regrets that dying people have. Today, there is an article entitiled, Caught in griefs riptide. by Jessicas Dunne. It is a good article for alll who have suffered so, in the loss of our loved ones. Who escapes this life without this loss? The author says, I dont think anyone is ready for grief. But when it hits you, it knocks you out cold. I was told that tears and the sorrow would come in waves. For me, its been more like a riptide or a tornado constantly circling around me, whipping me in the face. Sometimes it stabs, sometimes it punches, sometimes it drowns me... But Id be lying if I said it wasnt a struggle every single day. The biggest relief from the pain has been surrounding myself with photos of joyful moments. Some days, I still feel the blow, fresh as new. I still have my riptide moments, and some days there are tornadoes. But mostly, theres just love. And that has to be good enough for now. I remember after Sarah died, friends would come over and ask to see pictures of Sarah. We would laugh and cry together. So often people will say, without really thinking, I know how you feel. But, we never really know how another is feeling, do we? One of the sweetest things ever said to me was when I was talking to Kerry Gilbert. We were sharing our griefs. He said, I know a little of how you feel because I saw how much my mother suffered after my brother died. Yes, he does. This month will be the third anniversary of Sarahs death. Some days it feels like yesterday and some days it feels like a hundred years ago. Some days it still feels like a tornado and some days, I just feel the love...but even in that, there is always the missing...bless you all dear fb friends as we deal with this is the price we pay for loving and being loved...but, it is worth it...xoxo
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 17:50:55 +0000

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