Most of this is from a book I’m working on. It is not legal - TopicsExpress


Most of this is from a book I’m working on. It is not legal advice. It is for entertainment only. Consult your attorney before acting on anything you read here! And go to the links; they can spare you a good deal of grief in court! The Four Core Rules of Fighting There are hundreds, even thousands of “rules of fighting.” Every “rule of fighting” is a corollary to one of these four rules. Almost all of them are exceptions to the first one. 1. DON’T. The first rule of fighting is, “DON’T!!” You have the legal and moral, inalienable, undeniable, natural, G#d given, common sense right to defend yourself, and to defend those for whom you are responsible, UNTIL YOU ARE FORCED TO DO SO! Facts are irrelevant. Witnesses won’t help. During my days of “field research,” ONE witness, ONE time, came forward and spoke the truth. That’s a scathing indictment of your fellow man’s character, but it’s also a sound basis for prediction! Even videotape won’t help. Unless you’re on the “A-list” (in law enforcement, or a member of the right family or other ‘protected species’), it WILL work out to be ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT, and Hizzonner will be “compelled” to “rehabilitate” you, at your expense. Once you’re mud-sucked into the system, you’ll play hell getting out. YOU DON’T WANT TO FIGHT! THE ONLY WAY TO ‘WIN’ A FIGHT IS TO AVOID IT! And you REALLY don’t want to take a life! Under certain circumstances, you are legally permitted to use lethal force, UNTIL YOU ARE FORCED TO DO SO. Once you’ve killed, “why” doesn’t matter. Unless you are on the “A-list,” you WILL be prosecuted for manslaughter AT THE LEAST. And even if you dodge that bullet, Mr. A-Lister, SOMEBODY will sue you for wrongful death. Your cost for THAT will be north of a hundred grand! If you internalize nothing else I tell you, ABSORB THIS: THE FIRST RULE OF FIGHTING IS, “DON’T!” See barnesandnoble/w/surviving-aggressive-people-shawn-t-smith/1005611761 to get really good at enforcing Rule One. Great material, and with minor modification the techniques can be applied to dealing with law enforcement, who are institutionally trained ‘expert aggressors.’ 2. End it NOW! If you are forced to violate Rule One, END IT NOW! We’re talking 5 seconds, tops! You must IMMEDIATELY render the enemy incapable of continuing its assault, summoning help, or following you. Bear in mind that if you’re killed on scene, what happens in court won’t matter. Go “dirty” early. Gradual escalation of force is great in court, but in the real world, it can cost you more than you can afford to lose. The enemy is probably bigger, stronger, and/or in better condition than you are. And it probably brought help. Maybe you got surprised. Their kind won’t pull this sort of thing unless they think they’re holding ALL the cards. The longer the confrontation lasts, the greater the probability that you will make a mistake or wear out, or that one of the enemy will get in a “lucky shot.” JUST END IT!! If it does go on for a while, and you’re on top, one or more dogooding bystanders will decide to “break it up before someone gets hurt,” usually getting some hard licks in on you in the process, to “teach you a lesson.” The wannabe hero who just saw you debilitate an enemy instantly and effortlessly is much less strongly compelled to bite off a piece of you now that both of your hands are free and you can devote your full attention to Mr. Hardcase. Funny how that works… The longer the confrontation lasts, the more time law enforcement or those sympathetic to the enemy will have to respond. Either of these groups will gleefully stomp you to goo. Just end it. EVERYBODY is “#1” at Rule Two. Find competent instruction in a reality-based system. Engage a live instructor. Books & videos should be “in addition to,” NOT “instead of.” 3. Leave. That’s right, get out of there! And don’t attract attention while doing it! This goes double when you’re responsible for someone else’s safety. Get your parent, spouse, child, sibling, date, whoever, to somewhere safe! See nononsenseselfdefense/NNSDeandefull.htm to get really good at, “Goodbye!” Based on experience, more enemies will arrive before your… ahh… uhmmm… “help” from law enforcement gets there. Sticking around to stomp a mud hole in the enemy’s chest and then stomp it dry wastes time you could spend putting distance between you and more trouble and gets you more grief in court. If you’re still there when the police arrive, they WILL arrest you. DO NOT RESIST! Resisting turns a bad arrest into a good arrest. It will also get you pepper sprayed, tazered, clubbed, choked, stomped, bitten by one or more large dogs, and/or shot, probably killed, then arrested anyway. Don’t judge the lawmen too harshly. They deal with a lot of these situations, and this response is usually correct. Don’t go home tonight; you’re likely to find police waiting for you. Just as the police who respond will not be at their most cordial, you aren’t at the top of your game, either. You’re angry, possibly wounded, maybe you’ve had a drink or two. Add these factors to the chemical processes that happen in your brain before, during and after a fight, and you can see why now is not the time to be confronted by lawmen. If you’ve been on this Earth long enough to find yourself in a situation like this and you don’t have ONE FRIEND who’ll put you up for the night, you’re doing SOMETHING wrong! As soon as you can safely do so, take the battery out of your cell phone. If you can’t do that, turn it off and put it in a potato chip bag. Do the same for everyone in your away team. The sooner you disable your phone, the sooner your trail stops. Don’t lead trouble to a friend’s home! (I don’t really have to warn you not to use your credit card or real name for a motel room, do I?) I can’t dispense legal advice, but here’s some from two highly qualified people: youtube/watch?v=6wXkI4t7nuc and youtube/watch?v=08fZQWjDVKE Clear about two hours to invest in some education that COULD spare you years behind bars! If you must speak to a policeman, have your attorney make an appointment, so he can be there. You’ll probably still get arrested, but you have a better chance of surviving it. Show up well-rested, freshly showered, and well fed. You don’t know when you’ll shower, eat, or sleep again. You’re better off talking to Detective Reasoner weilding his scratch pad than you would be facing Officers Colt, Smith, and Wesson, who are armed and dangerous, frightened, and responding to a violent situation where you’re the only one left standing. You can see how Marshall Drillem might be impervious to reason. If you’re shot and killed, it really doesn’t matter who did it, or why. 4. SHUT UP! Don’t dig your grave with your tongue! Silence makes no mistakes! If you were able to acquit yourself with minimal damage and quit the scene without being identified, it’s over. Don’t screw it up! JUST DON’T TALK ABOUT IT! The story can only be told by those who know it. Whether the story is repeated by family, friends, enemies, witnesses, or law enforcement, IT WILL GROW WITH EACH RETELLING! Anything YOU say WILL BE MISQUOTED AND USED AGAINST YOU! There’s a counter to everything. One of the best counters to being immortalized in story and song, mug shots and prison stripes, is to keep your mouth shut! This has been a public service announcement for the prevention of violence. And prison time.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 16:48:38 +0000

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