Most of us are aware of ATFs botched Fast and Furious operation, - TopicsExpress


Most of us are aware of ATFs botched Fast and Furious operation, but how many of us have heard of ATFs “storefront sting” operations in six cities called “Operation Fearless ? A Journal Sentinel investigation uncovered mistakes and failures in an undercover sting in Milwaukees Riverwest neighborhood by ATF, resulting in stolen guns, sensitive documents lost, wrong people charged and a burglary of the sting storefront. Yesterday, Rep. Darrell Issa, (R-CA) House Oversight Committee chairman, issued a subpoena for ATF documents on the operation, saying that despite ATFs continued assurances to the committee of cooperation into the investigation, they have thus far, refused to do so. With Attorney General Eric Holder still hiding behind executive privilege on the Fast and Furious documents, and ATF apparently stonewalling on this newer scandal, it raises legitimate questions that ATF has something to hide. jsonline/watchdog/backfire-190528221.html?ipad=y
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 21:24:41 +0000

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