Most of us here that follow me on FB will agree that Citizens - TopicsExpress


Most of us here that follow me on FB will agree that Citizens United was insanely bad for US democracy. Here are some possible solutions to reform it. Thanks, Evan for the link. blogs.reuters/great-debate/2015/01/16/democracy-is-drowning-in-a-sea-of-dark-money/ Citizens United will not stand the test of time. When the court’s ideological makeup changes, the ruling is bound to be overturned. As long as the decision governs, however, the flow of huge contributions into U.S. elections cannot be prevented. Yet some key legislative reforms can be made — even within this constricted constitutional framework. They include: • Repairing the presidential public financing system and establishing a small-donor public matching-funds system for congressional races; • Disclosure requirements to end secret money; • Ending individual candidate Super PACs by strengthening rules prohibiting coordination between candidates and outside groups; • Repealing the new, exorbitant party-contribution limits; • Banning lobbyists from bundling contributions, and • Creating a new, effective campaign-finance enforcement agency. Id include: • Ban corporate lobbying in general, or make the lobbying process completely transparent so we know exactly who is buying our politicians and for how much, and • Term limits for Congress.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 00:07:09 +0000

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