Most of you have been on this journey called life with me for many - TopicsExpress


Most of you have been on this journey called life with me for many years. Life has been full of ups & downs for me which is no secret since I try to be pretty transparent. Over the last 2.5 months life has really gotten stressful and out control. If you really know me you know Im a control freak...thats no secret....LOL So you can see how this has thrown me for a total loop and into utter chaos. Back in January my husband lost his job at a local church we had served as a family for six years. Its been a whirlwind of emotions with many up and downs. During this time I discovered that I was an emotional eater or became one either way it was definitely a new discovery since I never saw myself that way until recently. LOL Its amazing how you can easily try to eat away your problems. Of course many things play into this equation. Economics certainly has it place on your grocery and food choices. That by the way was an interesting observation but thats for another post...LOL Needless to say the months of stress eating has taken a toll on my body leading me here today. Last week I stepped on the scale for the first time in months....eeeeeekkkkkkk To my horror I discovered I added a whopping 21 pounds to my short 52 frame in record time. Not a good combination....LOL I was a mad woman digging through my old clothes rummaging for anything that might fit. Trust me that was a sight....I can laugh today but I wasnt laughing that day....LOL It was more like a hot mess of tears and frustration. My point is....I have to take control of my life and life issues that have led me to this point. Stress, bad food choices, economics, disappointment, hurt, betrayal and a slew of other emotions. I have come to realize that for me...I have to be responsible for me and how I feel about me. So, back to the basics.....good food choices, exercise and remove the obstacles in my life that serve as roadblocks. Its too bad you cant lose weight as fast as you can gain it....Hah!!! Yes this is how I feel....except mine has been more of a cheat 3 months....well almost 3 months....LOL Here we go!!! Again!!! robbiecurlee
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 19:23:14 +0000

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