Mother Nature always makes sense to me, and we ignore her plans to - TopicsExpress


Mother Nature always makes sense to me, and we ignore her plans to our disadvantage. That in particular applies to statins, which are in the news almost every day, one report saying they are the best thing since sliced bread, the next saying they cause so much harm to so many people, including increasing the risk of breast cancer. The trouble is we all need cholesterol, and the reasons for the medical profession’s current attitude are based on flawed information, information that relied upon the results of deaths from heart problems and cholesterol levels in only five countries, when the other twenty or so failed to show the same results. Yes it is certainly possible to bring down a raised level of cholesterol with statins, by blocking the liver enzyme HMG-CoA. But that same enzyme also manufactures Co-Enzyme Q10, which is your heart’s and brain’s most important energy chemical. Without Co-Enzyme Q10, you are likely to suffer from heart failure and/or Alzheimer’s disease. I do not believe Mother Nature was so stupid as to create an enzyme (HMG-CoA) to make two chemicals, one (cholesterol) a bad chemical, and another (Co-Enzyme Q10) a good one, with the same enzyme. That strongly suggests to me that the bringing down of cholesterol is bad medical practice, against Nature’s good intentions. In my opinion, cholesterol is trying to smooth over roughened arterial walls caused by some form of inflammation. Find the cause of that inflammation and the need for extra cholesterol will fall with it. One very possible cause is a raised level of homocysteine, which is an arterial poison, or a food intolerance, especially animal milks and products, or a fungus cause by the inappropriate use of antibiotics.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 17:33:42 +0000

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