Mr. Mead, in the debate and the following article, you say you are - TopicsExpress


Mr. Mead, in the debate and the following article, you say you are willing to spend millions for the state of WY to research ‘coal slipstream’ so, among other things, it can be sold to a food company to make a FOOD SWEETENER. Food from coal, what kind of food do you eat? It certainly isn’t a ‘natural sweetener’ is it? Once again, does every decision you make come back to money? What about the welfare of ‘we the people’... do you consider that... ever? Are you looking for the Federal grants for this at the expense of my health, as you did with the Refugee Resettlement plan? Sir, for those of us who do understand this concept of not eating chemicals, can you please further your education beyond your legal degree before you make choices like this or at the very least, seek the advice of experts in the field of healthy eating? Once again Mr. Mead, as with the issue you had with the WY Constitution, when you don’t understand something coming before you, why don’t you seek experts? Why is it that Dr. Haynes will sell our coal, in the form God made it, to Europe, yet you want to make an artificial/chemical sweetener? Well...we should have known... leave it to a Dr. to know what is best. I’m beginning to think doctors as a whole would make pretty good government... they understand the decision making process in critical situations and otherwise. powermag/wyoming-works-to-advance-carbon-solutions-to-keep-coal-viable/ In full disclosure, I used to own a health food store. I would hope that as owner of a health food store, you could expect me to have educated myself thoroughly on topics such as this. That I have done, which is why I am so thoroughly disgusted with this decision from our governor. Believe me when I say, regarding this topic of artificial sweeteners, “I know of what I speak and this is NOT a good choice!” Can we not find something to do with coal that benefits society as a whole, selling it for heat and electricity maybe, instead of lining the pockets of a few? Even if... this ‘slipstream’ stuff is simply left over from processing the coal, why would you use it for human consumption, make highways or something with it, I don’t know... but don’t eat it?
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 20:04:22 +0000

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