Mr President, sir, Your Excellencies, friends, friends, I promise - TopicsExpress


Mr President, sir, Your Excellencies, friends, friends, I promise you that I will not speak of what I spoke this afternoon, let me comment opening that I wanted to be part of the previous point exposed by the delegation of Brazil, China, of India and Bolivia, we also wanted to ask to speak, but it was not possible to obtain it. He spoke the representative of Bolivia, by the way, my greetings to Comrade President Evo Morales, who is there, President of the Republic of Bolivia. The Bolivian representative said, among other things, the following, I have noted, said the text presented is not democratic, it is not inclusive. I was just coming and were taking place when we listened to the President of the previous session, the minister, there was circulating a document, but no one knew about it, I asked for that document, we have not yet, I think nobody knows of that top secret document. Of course, now the Bolivian companion said, is not democratic, it is not inclusive, then, ladies and gentlemen: Is not this the reality of this world? Are we in a democratic world, including the current world system? What we live on this planet is an imperial dictatorship and from here we continue to denounce it, down with the imperial dictatorship! Long live the people and democracy and equality on this planet! And what we see here is a reflection of this: Exclusion. There is a group of countries who thinks they are superior to us in the south, to us in the third world, to us the underdeveloped, or as a great friend Eduardo Galeano says: we the countries hit by a train that has invested in the story . So that we should not be surprising that, we are surprised, there is no democracy in the world and here we are, once again, in front of a powerful evidence of global imperial dictatorship. Then came two young, fortunately enforcement agents were courteous, there was some pushing, but they cooperated. There are many people out there, you know ?, of course, does not come into this room; I learned from the newspapers that there were some prisoners, some violent protest, there in the streets of Copenhagen, and I want to say goodbye to all those people that is out there, most of them young. Of course, young people are concerned, I think rightly much more than we do for the future of the world; we have - most of the ones were here - the sun behind us, they have it in front and are very worried. One might say, Mr. President, that a specter is haunting Copenhagen, to paraphrase Karl Marx, the great Karl Marx, a specter is haunting the streets of Copenhagen, and I think that ghost moves in silence in this room, is there, between us, is part of the corridors, out from under, salt, that ghost is a ghost scary, almost nobody wants to mention his name: capitalism is this ghost, almost nobody wants to mention. It is capitalism, there roar peoples, listening out there. I read some words that are written in the street, and I have the impression that the watchwords of these young people, some of them when I heard the young man and the young were there, there are two that I noted. There is one in particular that reads: Do not change the climate, change the system. And I make my own. Do not change the climate. Lets change the system! And, therefore, we begin to save the planet. Capitalism, the destructive model of development is destroying life, threatens to permanently exterminate the human species. And the other lemma stimulates reflection. Adapts very well with the banking crisis that swept the world and still hits him, and with the shape of how the countries of North opulent helped the bankers and the big banks, only the United States, well, they have lost the digit , which is astronomical, to save the banks. On the way we hear the following: If the climate were a bank, they would have already saved. And I believe that this is the case. If the climate was a capitalist bank of the largest, the rich governments would have already saved. I think Obama has not arrived yet, received the Nobel Peace Prize almost the same day that he sent another thirty thousand soldiers to kill innocent people in Afghanistan, and now, the President of the United States, is here to present the Nobel Prize Peace. But the United States has the machine for the bucks, to make dollars, and have saved, that is, they believe they have saved the banks and the capitalist system. Therefore, this comment marginal, was what I wanted to do there, we were raising his hand to accompany Brazil, India, Bolivia, China, in their interesting position that Venezuela and the countries of the Bolivarian Alliance firmly share; but, unfortunately, we were not allowed to speak, so that I do not count these minutes, please, President. Look, there I met, I had the pleasure of knowing the French writer, Hervé Kempf, I recommend his book, I recommend it, is in Spanish - there I see Hervé - also in French, certainly in English: How the rich destroy planet. This is why Christ said, that it is easier for a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich sit in Paradise. That the said Christ our Lord. The rich are destroying the planet. They will want to move to another planet when perhaps destroy this? They will have plans to go to another planet? Until now you have not spotted any planet in the horizon of the galaxy. As soon as this book has reached me, Ignacio Ramonet gave it to me, which he is in this room; and as I finished reading the prologue or the preamble of the book, there is a very important phrase that struck me, Kempf says the following, I read: We could not reduce material consumption globally if we do not do so the powerful descend some stairs and even if we do not fight against inequality. It is necessary that the principle ecologist, so useful in the hour to become aware, to think globally and act locally, add also the principle that the circumstance: consume less and share better. I think its good advice that she offers us this French writer, Hervé Kempf. And now, Mr. President, climate change is, without a doubt, the most devastating environmental problem of this century, floods, droughts, severe storms, hurricanes, thaws, the average sea level rise, ocean acidification and heat waves , this makes the acute impact of global crises that affect us. Current human activity exceeds the threshold of sustainability, putting at risk the life on the planet, but on this we are profoundly unequal. I want to remind you: the 500 million richest people, 500 million, this is equivalent to 7%, seven percent, seven percent of the world population. This seven percent is responsible, those five hundred million richest people are responsible for 50% of polluting emissions, for this reason I am curious, is a bit strange, put here the United States and China at the same level. Therefore, the United States alone, will come perhaps, 300 million inhabitants. China has nearly five times more than the US population. The United States consumes more than 20 million barrels per day of oil, China reaches only 5.6 million barrels per day, you can not ask the same to the United States and China. These are the issues that need to discuss, maybe the heads of state and government could sit down to talk seriously about the truth of these matters. Then, Mr. President, 60% of the ecosystems of the planet is in ruins, 20% of the earths crust is degraded; we have been impassive witnesses of deforestation, land conversion, desertification, alteration of freshwater systems, the over-exploitation of marine resources, pollution and loss of biodiversity. Using exacerbated land exceeds 30% of its capacity to regenerate. The planet is losing what the technicians call the ability to regulate itself, what it is losing the planet earth, with each passing day, it produces more waste than can be processed. The survival of our species haunts the conscience of mankind. Despite the urgency, have two years of negotiations to conclude a second period of compromise under the Kyoto Protocol and we are in this event without any real and meaningful agreement. By the way, the document that comes out of nowhere, as some have called it, the representative of China, Venezuela, the countries of ALBA and the Bolivarian Alliance say that we do not accept, as of now we repeat, no other document which is not is the one coming from the working groups of the Kyoto Protocol and the Convention, are legitimate documents that in recent years are being discussed with great intensity. And in the last few hours, I guess you have not slept, and also you have not had lunch, you have not slept. It does not seem logical that now points out a document from scratch, as you say. The goal scientifically founded to reduce the emission of polluting gases and be able to create a conference of long-term cooperation everywhere, today, at this hour, it seems that it failed, for now. The reason, as can be? We have no doubt. The reason is the irresponsible attitude and lack of political will on the part of the stronger nations of the planet, no one should feel offended, I resort to the great José Gervasio Artigas when he said: With the truth I do not offend or fear. But, in truth, is an irresponsible attitude of gears, of countermarches, exclusion, management elite, a problem that affects everyone and that only we can solve them all. The political conservatism and selfishness of the largest consumers of the richest countries, denote a high insensitivity and lack of solidarity with the poor, the hungry, with the most vulnerable to disease, to natural disasters. Mr. President, it is essential to a new and unique agreement applicable to absolutely unequal parties, for the greatness of his contributions and its economic, financial and technological, and rests in compliance without restrictions of the principles contained in the Convention. Developed countries should establish compromises binding, clear and specific with regard to the substantial reduction of their emissions and assume obligations of financial and technological assistance to poor countries to cope with the destructive dangers of climate change. In this sense, the uniqueness of island states and least developed countries, should be fully recognized. Mr. President, climate change is not the only problem currently affecting humanity, other scourges and injustices beset us, the gap that separates rich and poor countries has continued to grow in spite of the MDGs, the summit financing of Monterrey, all those exposed summit as the president of Senegal, denouncing a great truth, promises and unfulfilled promises and the world continues its destructive march. The total earnings of the five wealthiest individuals in the world is greater than the income of four hundred and sixteen million of the poorest people, the twenty-eight hundred million people living in poverty on less than $ 2 a day and representing 40% of the world population, gets only 5% of the entrance worldwide. Currently 9.2 million children die a year before reaching the fifth year of life and 99.9% of these deaths occur in the poorest countries. The infant mortality rate is 47 deaths per thousand live births por, but is only 5 per thousand in rich countries. Life expectancy in the world is, on average, 67 years old, in the rich countries is 79, while in some poor nations reaches only 40 years old. Moreover, there are eleven hundred million people without access to safe drinking water, two thousand six hundred million without service recovery, more than eight hundred million illiterates and Milleventi million hungry people, this is the current world scenario. Now, the cause, what is the cause? We speak of the cause, not shirk responsibility, not shirk the depth of this problem, the cause, no doubt, and back on the subject of this disastrous scene, is the destructive metabolic system of capital and its model in person: capitalism. I have here a quote that I want to read briefly, the liberation theologian Leonardo Boff, as we know, our American is Brazilian. Leonardo Boff says on this subject as follows: What is the cause? Ah, the cause is the dream of finding happiness through material accumulation and endless progress, using for this purpose the science and technique, through which you can exploit, without limit, all the resources of the earth ; and, later, Boff mentions to Charles Darwin and his natural selection, survival of the fittest, but we know that the strongest survive on the ashes of the weakest. Jean Jacques Rousseau, we must remember, he said that: between the strong and the weak freedom oppresses. It is for this reason that the empire talks of freedom is the freedom to oppress, to invade, to kill, to annihilate, to exploit, that is its freedom, and Rousseau adds the phrase saving: only the law can liberate. There are some countries that are playing the game that here there is a document, precisely because they do not want a law, they do not want a standard, because it means that there is no rule that allows them to play with their exploitative freedom, their freedom overwhelming . We make an effort and we insist here and in the streets so that this site is not a trade-off, we draw up a document that compromises the stronger countries of the earth. Therefore, asks Mr. President, Leonardo Boff, - You have got to know him? I do not know if Leonardo could assist here, I met him recently in Paraguay, but we always read - can a finite Earth withstand an infinite project? The thesis of capitalism, infinite development is a destructive pattern, Lets face it. After, Boff asks us: What can we expect from Copenhagen? Just this simple confession: Just as we can not continue, and a simple intention, change course, lets do it, but without cynicism, without lies, without double agendas, no documents out of nothing, with the truth before. How long, we ask from Venezuela Mr. President, ladies, gentlemen, as long as we continue to allow such injustices and inequalities; long as we continue to tolerate the current international economic order and market mechanisms in progress; until we allow the great epidemics such as HIV AIDS sparse entire populations; until we allow the hungry can not eat or feed their children; until we allow them to continue to die millions of children from curable diseases; until we allow the presence of armed conflicts that massacre millions of innocent human beings, in order to appropriate the resources of other peoples. To cease attacks and wars, is what we ask the people of the world to the empires, to those who claim to continue dominating the world and exploit us. No longer the presence of the imperial military bases or military coups, we build an economic and social order more just and equitable, eradicate poverty, stop immediately the high levels of emissions, freniamo environmental deterioration and avoid the great catastrophe of climate change, integriamoci in the noble project of all be more free and united. Mr. President, about two centuries ago a universal Venezuelan, a liberator of nations and precursor of consciences left to posterity a apophthegm full of desire: If nature opposes, we will fight against it and we will act so that we obey ..., was Simón Bolívar the Libertador. From Bolivarian Venezuela, where a day like today, ten years ago, exactly ten years ago we lived all the biggest climate tragedy in our history: the so-called tragedy of Vargas, from that Venezuela whose revolution tries to win justice for all people. Which is possible only by following the path of socialism, socialism, the other ghost was talking about Karl Marx, who wanders the world, indeed, socialism is like a antifantasma, what is the path, that is the road to the salvation of the planet, I have not the least doubt, and capitalism is the road to hell, to the destruction of the world. Socialism, from that Venezuela faces the threats of the American empire. The countries that conform the ALBA, the Bolivarian Alliance, we call, I would, with respect, from the depths of my soul, exhort in the name of many on this planet, we urge the governments and peoples of the Earth, to paraphrase Simón Bolívar, The Liberator if the destructive nature of capitalism opposes, we fight against it and act so that we obey, we stop to wait for the death of humanity with his arms crossed. History calls us to unity and struggle. If capitalism offers resistance, we are obliged to do battle against capitalism and open the roads of the salvation of the human species, its up to us, raising the banners of Christ, Mohammed, equality, love of justice, of humanism, the more true and deep humanism. If it were to do, the most wonderful creation of the universe: man, will disappear, there will be more. This planet has millions of thousands of years and this planet has lived without us, the human species, for thousands of millions of years, that is to say, does not need us to exist. Instead, we do not live without the land and we are destroying Pachamama as Evo says, as they say our brothers Aborigines of South America. Finally, Mr President, to finish, we hear Fidel Castro when he said: A species is in danger of disappearing, man. We listen to Rosa Luxemburg when he said: Socialism or barbarism. We listen to Christ the Redeemer when he said: Blessed are the poor because they will be the kingdom of heaven. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, let us make this earth does not become the graveyard of humanity, we make this Earth a heaven, a heaven of life, peace, brotherhood and peace for all mankind, for the species human. Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much and god bless.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 20:09:06 +0000

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