Much is said about the Plight of Our Beloved Jamaica, from - TopicsExpress


Much is said about the Plight of Our Beloved Jamaica, from Politics, Religion, Poverty, Crime, Abuse of Children, Women, Animals, Illiteracy, things that happen all over the world, not just Jamaica. We all in Our own way feel we do what we can. But Seriously how much Responsibility falls on a Visitor who has One week or three to Assist a situation that through the neglect of the People themselves as well as their Government to a problem that has been going on seemingly since the beginning of time? No One Loves this island, my Adopted Home more than I, but there are times when I Have thrown up my hands and Screamed, PEOPLE GET A DAMN CLUE, Smiling faces that Hide the Pain while we sing Dont Worry, Everyting Criss is really just a Mantra, Its really time to go back to the basics of Life, You need food, plant a garden, you need fish learn to fish, You cant read, take a lesson, you have a neighbor who is an Elder check on them, you have no skills or Trade, learn one. Trash on the ground, clean it up. Young girl/boy with Baby teach them how to be a parent, lead by Example. Each One Teach One. Handouts are just a bandage to a serious Septic Reality. How Far into the Reality, Beyond the Rose colored glasses does a person Really want to travel and Explore, Why should you feel a need to even consider it? But who Really is the Culprit? What in your heart do you think Can and Should be Done. And How far are you willing to go to help it, and Really why should you have/Want to? Is this even an appropriate Question for a Group like this, but seeing and learning things daily I cant help but Wonder. Just Feeling a Way today. Early. But that is the Beauty of our Group we deal in not only Information for Euphoria we also deal in Reality. Eyes Wide Open. This is NOT A JUDGEMENT. Just a Quagmire going through my head and Heart. How True is this Sign?
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 14:11:20 +0000

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