Much of the time I receive comments of concern that infringing - TopicsExpress


Much of the time I receive comments of concern that infringing upon right of Muslims to practice Islam will directly result in the rights of Christians, or any other religion, to be taken away. This is a valid concern, but it doesnt change my answer, and heres why... When you have a religion, culture, group, or practice thats teachings are proven to result in the slaughter on a mass scale since the dawn of its existence, theyve overstepped their religious freedoms. When freedom infringes upon even the most basic human rights (right to live), theyve forfeited their right to practice. When the teachings command the removal of others rights to practice, it should be null and void. Islam is the only religion of the 5 majors that, regardless of their denial that this is their intention, breeds militants who slaughter. If the result for over 1000 years, no matter peaceful the majority is, has been slaughter of unbelievers, it should have no place in the U.S. The world has watched Islam and, since Muhammad, it has witnessed that Islam breeds slaughterers on a consistently large scale 100% of the time. Since the crusades were launched to stop the Islamic enslaving of the world, it has been trying to regain control by the sword. This is, without a doubt, an unacceptable practice under the protective guise of religion. So, do I accept Islam as a religion? By definition, of course. Religion is not limited to peace. However, should slaughter and the condoning and encouragement of slaughter be allowed, even if in the name of religious liberties? Absolutely not. So, if someone murders in the name of their religion, whatever it may be, are they still not taken to prison for basic murder? Do their religious rights trump the infringing upon another? Of course not. So, why then do we wait for the outcome when the root of the source is so visibly vulnerable? Islam is the root. Beheading is simply a symptom. When will America wake up and acknowledge that no preservation religion is worth the destruction of life?
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 20:08:56 +0000

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