Mum question: Bubs is 7 weeks old now and were having a bit of a - TopicsExpress


Mum question: Bubs is 7 weeks old now and were having a bit of a rough time during the day. From about 9am in the morning till about 6:30-7pm at night theirs just nothing settling her. Shell eat, ill rock her to sleep, put her down and shes up again in 10 - 15 minutes crying. Then by about 3-4 in the afternoon shes rejecting the boob, fussing, pulling off, crying and even if I hold her and keep rocking she wont settle. Shell stir and maybe fall asleep for a few minutes but then up again. MCHN keeps telling me shes used to sleeping in my arms and I should put her down drowsy but she doesnt even sleep in my arms anyway! From 6:30-7pm when she finally settles she will sleep right through to 11-12 and then eats and straight back down and same again at 3-3:30am and 6am before it all starts again at around 9 ish. Ive tried taking her for walks, drives etc now constantly cries in the pram and the car when she use to love both. Ive noticed she will make a face and then swallow in her sleep and cry during the day too at times and thought it might be reflux but why is this not happening at night? I dont dry caffeinated drinks or coffee either. Feeling helpless :S Pinky says: This sounds as though it could be reflux - I just heard a fantastic talk last weekend by a NZ paediatrician who is also a lactation consultant, Leila Masson, who treats reflux nutritionally - (this is just from my notes - obviously medical diagnosis is important and individual treatment plan): probiotics for mum and baby, slippery elm for baby (to soothe acid damage), Eliminate dairy from mums diet; Mum take vitamin D, Zinc and omega 3 (flaxseed). Have you tried eliminating dairy? If you would like to do a Skype call with a dietician, Joy Anderson is a registered dietician and a lactation consultant in WA . Babies with reflux are often uncomfortable in the car. If shes sleeping well at night, she will need to feed frequently during the day - have you tried wearing her in an upright carrier such as an Ergo? pinkymckay/when-the-crying-wont-stop-is-it-reflux/ question:
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 10:40:01 +0000

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