Mum question: Im a STAHM with 21mth old daughter, shes barley - TopicsExpress


Mum question: Im a STAHM with 21mth old daughter, shes barley begun to STTN in her own bed, I nursed her until 18mths and she never took a bottle.. perhaps I started trying too late? Anyhow everything was always on me. Only I could feed her, calm her and put her to sleep.. Before I knew it I was nursing to sleep and that was the only way. I couldnt ever go anywhere or do anything or take a break longer then two hrs bc she needed to be fed. I/we never got a break. I love her with every breathe I take BUT a bottle bottle and some help would have been nice. With that said... Im 4 weeks away from expecting #2, a boy! DH and I keep having talks about what to do diff. His main concern is that the baby need to learn and be able to take a bottle from an early start, no boob to sleep etc. So we came to the conclusion that Ill pump and bottle feed half the time! This stresses me out. Idk anything about pumping and bottle feeding, I feel like its a headache, confusing and too much work! PLUS, add a almost 2yr old to the mix! when I tried pumping with my 1st, Id hardly get anything!!! 1. When do I start pumping? From the hospital? 2. When do I start giving a bottle? Right away? 3. How often do I pump? 4. How often should I give a bottle? 5. How do I build a supply? 6. How how how!! Im feeling stressed and overwhelmed! Pinky says: Eek! this is a very stressful solution. Apart from the huge amount of extra work for you, you could find your baby totally confused about breastfeeding at all if you start with any bottles before at least 6 weeks. Its best to get breastfeeding and your milk supply established naturally at first. You can introduce either an occasional bottle of EBM or just one bottle a day when your baby is over 6 weeks. Any more than this and you risk your baby refusing the breast altogether. The thing is, you are having a different baby this time - he could have a different temperament, your husband may be able to help your baby sleep by cuddling/wearing him or settling him at sleep times and he can do this from very early on. You may be able to introduce some other sleep cues and if you do end up breastfeeding to sleep, there are gentle ways to wean from falling asleep on the boob.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 23:30:00 +0000

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