Mum question:Im wondering if you can point me in the right - TopicsExpress


Mum question:Im wondering if you can point me in the right direction for some advice or others experience. My partner and I finally conceived by IVF after 4 years of trying naturally and we now have a beautiful 5 month old boy. Because I wasnt able to conceive naturally I was determined to do everything else as naturally as possible Im fortunate enough to have been able to. I had a wonderful drug free natural delivery and was very determined to breastfeed for as long as I could however I have started to feel pressured by friends and family to top up or switch my son to formula because he wakes up often throughout the night to feed/comfort suck. I caved and we tried it and both my son and I hated it. But since then Ive worried my milk supply might not be efficient enough for him Im terrified of starving him. Hes such a happy energetic boy and weighs over 8kg so I know hes healthy. But its hard to ignore the comments and advice others are giving. Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated so much! Thank you Pinky says: You are doing a great job! There are many reasons for babies to wake, other then hunger. Comfort, immunity, connection to source (you). Being distracted during the day feeds at tis age can mean babies feed more overnight. Your baby is thriving so you really dont need to worry or doubt your milk supply. The best thing you can do to boost your confidence is to surround yourself with cheerleaders - a village of people who support your mothering. Try the Australian Breastfeeding Association, have a look at our Parenting by Heart Mummy Meetups (earlier post today). beautifulbreastfeeding/does-your-baby-really-need-night-feeds/
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 11:15:00 +0000

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