Mum question:It has been suggested to me on numerous occasions by - TopicsExpress


Mum question:It has been suggested to me on numerous occasions by various people that I need to teach my 8 month old DD to self settle or go to sleep school with her as she still wakes frequently overnight (3-5 times, sometimes more) and will only sleep for 45mins max if I put her in her cot. She is bf to sleep at night and o/n and during the day falls asleep either in carrier/pram/car/cuddled etc. I would bf to sleep during day but she gets so distracted at the moment its hard enough getting her to eat let alone sleep! If I try to put her in her cot/on our bed drowsy but awake or even partially awake she just gets up and sits or stands up! We co sleep for most of the night and I figure she is waking for a reason (teeth, developmental etc) and for the most part Im not bothered by her need for assistance with sleep but I am going back to work in Jan next year and would like her to be comfortable enough to have day naps with someone else (if my mum looks after her now she will go to the effort of getting her to sleep by any means possible). Guess I just want reassurance that she will get it in her own time (which is hopefully soon haha).
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 23:20:01 +0000

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