Muslim Brotherhood: Taqiyya, Denial, Deception, Defense, And - TopicsExpress


Muslim Brotherhood: Taqiyya, Denial, Deception, Defense, And Obstruction A review of almost twenty years of statements and documents produced by a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood organization makes it possible to understand the public approach of the Brotherhood towards propagating terrorism. The analysis reveals that it is possible to confirm the Brotherhood espouse terrorism to achieve their goals. 1. DENIAL- Since the Brotherhood is pursuing Islamization and eventually Shariah (Islamic Law), it is necessary at all costs to deny that Islam as a religion has any connection to violence or terrorism. Of course, the Brotherhood represents Islamism as opposed to Islam in this regard though the general audience does not understand that distinction, it is Islam which is the Brotherhood reference. Use of the term Islamism is part of the denial in their quest to attain power under the false pretence of advocating democracy, hence the formation of the Freedom and Justice Party. The Brotherhood shamelessly claim Islam is unfairly associated with terrorism in the face of overwhelming evidence. 2. DECEPTION- In order to defend Islam (Islamism) from charges that it is inherently violent/terroristic, the Brotherhood deceives the public about the nature of Jihad. This is necessary because Jihad one of their 5 goals plays an important role for Islamism and the Brotherhood and if the connection between Islam and violence is to be denied, Jihad must be explained away. The Brotherhood cunningly represent “Jihadism” of the Islamists as opposed to the “classical Jihad” of Islam, a distinction refuted by Islamic scholars designed to confuse the public including muslims, the Brotherhood defends Jihad as a struggle against the evils of democracy and the infidels. It does so usually in one of two ways, sometimes employing both deceptions. Despite quranic verses (suras) and passages in the Hadith the Brotherhood claims that Jihad has little or no connection to violence and warfare (i.e. there is no “Holy War”). Firstly they conveniently explain Jihad as an struggle or self-improvement. Second, the Brotherhood suggests that Jihad is a form of “freedom fighting”, they even go so far as comparing Jihad to the American Revolution. Unable to escape the stigma of the term JIHAD they are demanding Islamic scholars replace the term with “Hirabah” which, if successful, would represent a victory for the Brotherhood deception strategy 3. DEFENSE- Having staked out the positions that Islam is not violent and that Jihad is not connected with violence, the Brotherhood is left with the task of defending the violence carried out by Islamist groups. With the knowledge terrorist groups like Al qaeda and Hamas are off shoots of the Brotherhood, they distance themselves by asserting these groups cannot, by definition, be motivated by Islamic ideology, there can be only one answer- they are fighting because of “legitimate grievances” and hence are “freedom fighters.” This defense of Islamist violence has angered many muslims who regard Hamas and Al Qaeda as terrorist organisation responsible for the shame and disrepute they have brought upon Islam. Given the sensitivity in the West towards terrorism at home, the Brotherhood has a far more difficult job explaining Al Qaeda terrorism which it does by suggesting while nothing “justifies” such terrorism, Al Qaeda actions spring from justified anger at U.S. and western foreign policy. This strategy has been manipulated to the extent it has provided a natural interface” for the Brotherhood with the political far-left groups in Europe, US, Uk, Australia and other western nations. The Brotherhood has been successful in infiltrating the white house during the presidency of Barack Obama. 4. OBSTRUCTION- Having explained the justification of violence perpetrated by Islamist groups as a response to perceived legitimate grievances; the Brotherhood has created a scenario where it is free to obstruct counter-terror efforts and manipulate western governments. One such portion of its efforts is devoted to using charities to fund Hamas and other Palestinian terrorism. The second part of the effort lies in hindering wider U.S and western counter-terror policies which it does by providing inaccurate analysis, alleging plots and conspiracies of a “war on Islam” and opposing almost every counter-terror initiative undertaken by those governments. The Brotherhood has succeeded in arguing that the correct response to terrorism is to change U.S. foreign policy, the ultimate goal is of course obstruction. Again, the natural ally is the far-left and the Brotherhood has been most successful in the U.S and forming such alliances with respect to counterterrorism policy. Taken as a whole, the Muslim Brotherhood public relations strategy regarding terrorism should be seen for what it is; a remarkably consistent and internally coherent means of obscuring the true aims and goals of the group. The fact is the Brotherhood is inherently deceptive and this was very clear to the predominantly Muslim nation of Egypt. It was so clear that almost without exception the majority of Egyptians took to the streets demanding the removal of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, no less than 23 million people protested against their rule, whilst the Brotherhood organization has no more than 500,000 members and supporters in a nation of 84 million people.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 03:52:18 +0000

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