Muslims are decieved to believe that Islam is the only true - TopicsExpress


Muslims are decieved to believe that Islam is the only true religion , Islam is the truth . Lets assume the existance of the God and Satan and ask them a few questions : Is it really the truth? If it is then Muslims should be able to prove it. Where is that proof? I have been asking this very question for years from Muslims and the only answer I heard is that it is true because Muhammad said so. What if Muhammad lied? Isn’t it pathetic that so many Muslims are ready to kill anyone who disagrees with their version of the truth when they can’t even prove that their religion is indeed the truth? Truth is demonstrable. 2+2=4 This, you can prove. The Earth is round. This, although not so obvious at first, still you can prove it. Which one of the claims of Muhammad you can prove? Can you prove that he received his message from Gabriel? How do you know it was not Satan who disguised himself as Gabriel and seduced him? How do you know he did not make a pact with Devil to become the absolute ruler of Arabia in exchange of selling his soul? Why Satan would want to seduce people with a false religion? Because through this he can divide mankind and make one group kill the others. How do you know that Muhammad was not a mentally sick man just having hallucinations? How do you know that he was not lying? I can prove that the Quran contains tons of gross and ridiculous mistakes. This is enough to see that this book is not from God. Where is the proof that it is? Since I can prove that the Quran is not from God, I don’t believe in it, but since you can’t prove that it is, shouldn’t you at least doubt and stop advocating killing people who disagree with this book until you find out the truth? To the muslims who want to write some comments on this post : Please defend islam and answer the above questions. Attacking other religions will not get Islam of the hook.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 08:16:03 +0000

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