Muslims of Sri lanka represented by Civil Religious and Political - TopicsExpress


Muslims of Sri lanka represented by Civil Religious and Political leaderships unequivocally condemn the barbaric attacks on Budhagaya the sacred Budhist Historical Heritage in the State of Bihar India, No disciples of any faith would dare to engage in acts of hurting the feelings of another faith by means of causing physical damage to the places of worship or humiliating the ideals ,sermons and traditions of a different faith. The State government of Bihar and the Central government of India should conduct immediate investigations over the unfortunate incident that took place and bring the culprits to book ! It is upon the responsibility of the said Central and State governments to ensure the safe passage of pilgrims to Budhagaya from Sr Lanka and other parts of the world. Authorities should accord equal importance to all faiths irrespective of numerical demography of the disciples upholding the noble human values preached by all the religions. Inamullah Masihudeen Representative of the International Union of Islamic Scholars
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 05:39:45 +0000

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