Must read! I dont care who you are... You need to read these - TopicsExpress


Must read! I dont care who you are... You need to read these words! When I was in the bed, as I call it... I often asked God why? Why me? Why did I deserve this... When all along I never deserved the blessing I had of jus being able to lay there and breathe, without effort, much less a machine! I didnt deserve the 20 years of pain free, good health he gave me in the first place! I only had it because he blessed me with it! Anything and everything you and I have is because God made the decision to bless us with it! I often look at the scars and fluid I have left over from the accident and I cry. I see the looks from others and have even had family members tell me they didnt recognize me because of my weight gain (nevermind the majority of my weight gained is in my hips from the pounds of fluid that took home in my lovely tissues there) I let the negativity defeat me often! Instead of letting it get to me... I should be proud and look into the mirror and see my flaws as proof that miracles still happen and I only have these deformities because God chose to restore my health! Now, Think of all that you have and thank God for blessing you with it because in all honesty and as harsh as it sounds, you dont deserve any of it! None of us do! Who hath prevented me, that I should repay him? whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine - Job 41:11 As God questions Job, we see even this righteous man coming quickly to the end of himself and to the realization of the sovereignty of his God. Job had lost everything he owned and all his children; he was covered with putrid sores from the top of his head to the sole of his feet; for an extended period of time, he felt utterly forsaken by God. Yet, when God does finally speak to him, there is not a hint of apology on Gods part. Rather, as God pounds Job with one question after another, Job is made to realize this startling truth: although his present pains have not come upon him because of any particular sin on his part (as his friends were suggesting), he did deserve everything that was happening to him and more! It is Job, and not God, who repents in the end. What brought Job to the recognition of his utter dependence upon the grace of God? It was the reminder that God is the sovereign creator of all things and that everything and everyone receives their strength and life from him. No one can demand anything from God, because no one has ever given anything to God that they have not first received from him. God is indebted to no one, for anything. If we enjoy good health, or prosperity, it is all because God has graciously granted it to us. Everything under the whole heaven is his. Have you surrendered yourself, like Job, to the sovereignty and mercy of God?
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 04:14:43 +0000

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