Muy buenos Dias! Good morning! Here is a more of an update - TopicsExpress


Muy buenos Dias! Good morning! Here is a more of an update on what is happening on #SantaDiabla, the novela with more angles than a geometry problem! So I want to tell you about Lisette, Arturo, Mrs Hitler, and the new baby. Ok, so if I understood things correctly, which is a big if since I dont speak Spanish, Mrs Hitler (Arturos mother), had promised Arturo and Lisette (who was Humberto Canos mistress) one million dollars if they got married and gave her a grandchild. So they did, breaking Maras heart, who not only loved Arturo but is also unable to bear children. So then Lisette and Arturo move into Arturos high -school bedroom, and Lisette gets pregnant. Then Arturo is hit and almost killed by a car which is actually trying to kill Mara, by a hit-man sub-contracted by the now-dead Carlos Colletti, Chief of Police, who had been hired by Mrs Hitler to kill Mara, Arturos ex. While Arturo is in a coma, Lisettes pregnancy is moving along, and Mrs Hitler is keeping a close eye on her, making sure nothing goes wrong. The very same day Arturo comes out of his coma, Lisette delivers a baby boy in the next room, and then they are all back living with Mrs Hitler, with Arturo on crutches. Mrs Hitler literally throws some money at Lisette one day, and takes the baby into her room, and takes over. When Lisette hears Mrs Hitler planning the childs christening with the priest, Lisette has had enough, and in front of the priest (who deserves combat pay for trying to help these lunatics), accuses Mrs Hitler of trying to buy her baby, and takes him back. When Arturo backs her up, Mrs Hitler throws all 3 of them out with the clothes on their backs, and the crutches under Arturos arms. Luckily for them, Mara was spying on Arturo at that very moment, lurking behind a tree in front of Arturo s house. And even more lucky, Maras new boyfriend, who also happens to be a physical therapist, was spying on Mara, and was lurking behind the tree next to hers. So they are both there to witness Arturo, Lisette and the baby get thrown out by Mrs Hitler. Mara takes them in, to the dismay of her mother and boyfriend. Lisette goes secretly to Humberto to ask him for money, but he has his hands full already because Santa has already had the press conference laying out the Willie Delgado frame by the Canos, and naming Humberto as a murderer. So Humberto is both devastated and blind drunk (and broke, I think), and throws Lisette out of his office. So -and this is shocking if I have got this right- Lisette goes back to Mrs Hitler ( who is so smug at this point that what she deserves is a wedding night with Patricio-that will knock that smile right off of her face) and sells her all rights to the baby. Just sells the baby . Lisette and Arturo can still live there, but the child belongs to Mrs Hitler. I might be wrong, but I dont think so. That settled, Lisette returns to Maras to take them back to Mrs Hitler, but Arturo refuses to go, and so he moves into the boarding house. Since Victoria and Patricio are on their honeymoon, which will soon be over in more ways than one, Ulysses is running things at the boarding house. Arturo has no money, but Ulysses lets him stay there anyway because he is friends with Victoria. When Patricio gets home, Im sure that will change. When Lisette and the baby returned to Mrs Hitler, guess who showed up? A very drunk and heartbroken Ivan, Lisettes son recently freed on bond and thrown out of Victorias and Patricios wedding. I hope Mrs Hitler wont let him live there, so that his new uncle Pancho takes him to live with the Robledos, to get to know his new grandfather Mr Robledo and aunt Ines (prison might be preferable to all of the preciocitos hes in for!), and Lucy, his uncles deputy. Or better still, maybe he can go live with his dad, Humberto Cano, where there is a new narcotrafficante in town. Gracias for reading this! Besitos!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 16:16:34 +0000

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