My 1st video and the original notes (just found it on an old - TopicsExpress


My 1st video and the original notes (just found it on an old laptop, from 2007). It (obviously) still applies: Simple analogy.. just to put things into perspective for those who would otherwise not have the ability to do so on their own: Lets imagine that aliens came down from outer space to live amongst us… And that these aliens eventually assumed control over every aspect of our lives! All forms of the media and the “educational” system, so that every bit of information that trickles down our way is controlled by them and is EXACTLY what THEY wanted it to be. Imagine they controlled big business, the banks, the law, the government and your mind, among other things? Now using this MONOPOLIZED control over the flow of information.. lets assume they ultimately taught humans to see them as being the “victims”, due to a false past in which THEY created and then indoctrinated us all with from the time of our births.. A history that was twisted in such a manner as to make us humans feel guilty for atrocities that either never happened or that none of us alive today ever played a role in..But imagine they told us that the humans who lived before us destroyed their home planet or something that was so bad that no decent human would EVER dare question such a thing.. and if he dare to do so, then it would be considered blasphemous and other humans would quickly silence him, due to this false guilt they have been taught their ENTIRE lives to feel.. So...They have not only made us their WILLING slaves, but they have also managed to manipulate us into thinking that they are actually the victims. So while they are destroying our cities, replacing our culture, displacing our people, polluting our environment, poisoning us, targeting us for their criminal acts, and slowly breeding us out of existence, those humans who are aware of their lies are powerless to do anything about it, since they would be in such a small minority and left only to whisper about it all among themselves (remember, the aliens control the media). And these humans that found themselves in this minority would 1st be faced with having to deal with the ignorance of their own species, since their fellow man now seems to resist the truth with EVERY ounce of themselves. The majority of humans actually believe these aliens to be exactly the same as they are: no threat to their culture, their lives, or the very existence of the human race. These aliens silence this minority resistance by training their loyal servants to shun the “aware humans” and to vilify them for simply speaking the truth. And some of these loyal servants willingly accept the extinction of the human race, as the aliens have so cleverly tried to teach all humans to welcome this fate (the world would be better off without us, they cry out in shame).. based on a false guilt that they have taught us our entire lives through the flow of information in which they completely control (I simply cannot be redundant enough in making this point about just how much effort they put into brainwashing their human subjects). MOST humans have been so manipulated by these aliens into accepting their own demise, that they not only welcome it, but lash out at any of the enlightened humans for even attempting to tell them the truth about it. They simply cannot handle this truth, as it would shake up the very foundation of what they think they know and who they now believe themselves to be. Therefore MOST humans are merely products of the aliens lies… loyal servants who obey without question and without independent thought. Thinking they know EVERYTHING there is to know, simply because they have finally reached the point of absolute obedience and conformity.. so they have lined up ALL of their beliefs accordingly. The very things they think or say are not even formulated in their own minds, they were HAMMERED in their a little bit at a time, since the day they were born. And now they are nothing more than cogs…. slaves…. sheep heading for slaughter….and completely willing sheep at that. So extinction doesn’t matter to them, they have been forcibly taught their ENTIRE lives that it doesn’t matter. In fact they are indoctrinated to believe with complete conviction that their own extinction equals “unity”, “Harmony”, and “open mindedness”.. and this doesn’t even seem to threaten them, since they accept their alien masters as being just the same as they are, DESPITE the fact that these aliens would NEVER think of humans as their equals… Thus, this false guilt that humans have been forcibly taught their entire lives makes them feel that they actually deserve to become extinct.. OR even if they are in the minority and dont feel this way, they have long since been silenced by the ENTIRE alien system. In other words, the aliens are having their way with us by now. So these aliens sit back and laugh at us all.. Not only do they enslave us, but most of their slaves will fight to the death defending THEIR lies. They don’t care how many of us starve or die off, they are after all a FOREIGN SPECIES and hold NO such ties or loyalties to any of us.. Why should we even expect them to? We are mere cattle to them.. Yet we fight and DIE for them… while they laugh at us ALL (even those of us who know of them and their sinister plan, since weve been reduced to mere spectators)! Well.. shouldn’t we fight back? Or should we welcome them and respond to all they do to us as pacifists? Our fear of being mislabeled or ostracized overpowering our very instinct for survival?? Would it even be of a concern to you as a human being? OR would you just openly accept our inevitable extinction? Too preoccupied or too afraid to react. Now that’s a pretty harsh analogy, but there are many valid and relevant points in it, that are in fact applicable to the situations that we are facing today. Whether it is an alien species from Mars or an alien race from Israel, Africa, or other parts of the middle east, the threat is JUST as real. And your being trained to think that these foreign people or the culture that they bring with them is of NO threat to your own culture or your very existence, does not change the FACT that they are indeed FOREIGN and the loss of your culture will cost you a great deal more than you can imagine.. it will cost you EVERYTHING! Everything you know, LOVE and take for granted. Now if that is not a cause for concern, then I don’t know what would qualify. How drastic must these cultural cleansings be? These foreigners, just like their alien counterparts, have mastered the psychology of the human race. This cleansing, manipulation, and extinction happens on a gradual and drawn out level, that way people get accustomed and blind to the consequences. In the same manner that a frog will allow himself to be boiled to death without resisting, when placed in a pot of water that is gradually heated.. Whereas he would quickly jump out if he were thrown in a pot of already boiling water. This same pot of water can be applied to us as well.. And we are ALL in it and the water is already starting to boil. And based on the way that these “people” in charge run things, their reckless abandonment and their clear lack of concern for the nations in which they destroy, the disdain they felt towards the people they have murdered, or their complete disregard for anything and everything other than our destruction, then I wouldn’t be surprised if they were in fact from another planet, sent here to destroy us all. Because they sure do a damn good job of it regardless of where they come from. They seem HELLBENT on destroying us ALL!!! They might as well be from someplace else, because then at least it would make sense as to how and why they could do the things that they do. Otherwise I have a hard time accepting or even comprehending how a member of my species could do such HEARTLESS and self-destructive things (to mother nature herself). It simply defies all logic, reason, and sanity. How could ANY ONE or ANY THING , let alone a group of “people” do such things and still sleep at night?
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 23:12:49 +0000

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