My 2 Cents of Sense: OBL MAY HAVE BEEN RIGHT! Many moons ago, - TopicsExpress


My 2 Cents of Sense: OBL MAY HAVE BEEN RIGHT! Many moons ago, everyone was looking for OBL, Osama bin Laden... you know, the Islamic terrorist who ordered the planes into the Towers on 9-11? The Bush administration hunted high and low, under every rock, and the leader of the Islamic revolution against the free world was no where to be found. Then one day, NBC aired an interview that they had just produced with the man who was titled the worlds greatest fugitive. NBC said it was easy to find him, all you had to do was to look, though they refused to disclosed where he was at the time of the interview or why they never contacted the State Department to report his whereabouts. Had this been under the Obama administration, Im sure a cruise missile would have followed at the conclusion of the interview so that NBCs Dear Leader would have taken the credit along with his No 1 propaganda network in the destruction of the worlds most wanted. For some reason, the NBC website says that the OBL interview is no longer for public use, and I cannot seem to locate it elsewhere (it must be classified material now). But I distinctly remember what OBL said in the end when he rose to leave the interview. OBL said (paraphrased): America wont have to worry about us destroying it, America will destroy itself. The Constitution and political correctness will destroy America from within. They will rip America in half, and each side will fight one another until America is no more. Those words have been stuck with me ever since, because you know something? Osama bin Laden was 100% correct. America is destroying itself from within as we have cut ourselves into fragments of who we want to be, and what we want controlling us. I think many of us forget who we are, first. Does it really matter if Im Caucasian? Does it really matter that my great grandparents came from Norway and Germany? Does it really matter that I grew up in the upper crust of society and received a top level education? Does it really matter that I have been self-employed? Does it really matter that I am a Godly person? My past and my heritage makes me into the person whom I am, but I am an American, first, and my country is where I pledge my allegiance. America was created from the principles of God, that we are endowed by our creator, and that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is ordained from God, not by man. I love my country, and as an American, I am obligated to do my part towards the American idealism, or what I call Americanism. I wasnt created to sponge off others, nor to force others to give me part of what they have. Im not here to force my ways upon another, nor to let them force their ways upon me. Though I never served in the armed forces, those who have, I owe a great deal of gratitude, and am obligated to help for their sacrifice so that I may keep my freedoms and liberties, and enjoy the blessings of being an American upon this soil, and to someday see it passed down to my children and their children. I am not greedy, nor am I narcissistic that I let everyone defend for themselves without giving back something so as to share some of my blessings with others who have been less fortunate than I. That is the true makings of an American, but because of our independence, I do it willingly and not forced to redistribute to others who will never try, never believe, nor could care less about being a true American. To say that America is a divided nation would be an understatement. Being a student of history, I have never seen this country so split since the Civil War, and Ill go beyond that by saying that we are dividing into race, nationality, gender, age, educational degree, financial ability, Party line, ideology, religious preference, and even the music we listen to, technological skills we have, and what we view on the computer, TV and the big screen. What do African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Native-Americans, White-Americans, rich-Americans, poor Americans, young-Americans, old-Americans, smart-Americans, dumb-Americans, males, females (and somewhere in-betweens), Jews, Christians, atheist, conservatives, liberals, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and Libertarians all have in common? We all are Americans, first... though some of you dont want to recognize that fact. Many of you dont have a clue as to what this nation has endured in its over 600 year history. America started long before we fought for independence, as the earliest settlers faced uncertainty, hardship, death, and destruction to make something out of this newly discovered world. The pioneers of old fought extremes they had never witnessed before: hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, drought, sub-zero cold and tempest heat, new virus, famine, warriors, and little hope that they could survive when so many have died before them. Many went back to their homeland. But the few who did remain knew that if they worked together, they could overcome any and all obstacles put before them. And you know, they did! For, these people had a vision, a dream, and a pride so strong that nothing would stop them from achieving success... the earliest of American Dreams would not be denied to them. Even later, when the British Crown ruled, and the Americans sought liberty, they sacrificed and even put their own lives on the line so that the future of this nation could see freedom and independence, even if they didnt. The odds of winning the American Revolution were almost impossible, if you dont know history. In fact, we almost were defeated. But I think God had other plans for this land, and he gave a few men the hand needed to overcome tight odds, and take their battles into victory to where the British Crown surrendered, and America won her independence. Now, America was like a slave set free... what would it do with its new-found freedom? Those who worked so tirelessly in its independence now joined together to figure out the rules of this free nation, a Republic, for which was created for the people, of the people, by the people to work in unison towards a better good for all. They argued like there was no tomorrow on how to create a governance, and effective law over the land. All they knew was governments of past nations, not one which constitutes freedom and liberty to all who are sovereign independently. The US Constitution grew from the interpretations within their hearts, and a finger from God. Since the day of its formation, the US Constitution has been dissected into little pieces, and then those pieces have been dissected even further. The Federalist Papers gave the Founders interpretation on every Article they wrote... but, who reads those old books any longer? Certainly not the judges, nor Congress, nor the President, nor the SCOTUS. The Constitution has been re-interpreted through ideological beliefs, especially those from foreign entities. They use laws from other countries, the United Nations, the World Court, and even the ideological thinking from Karl Marx, Lenin, and even Saul Alinsky to define our laws, and create the future of Americas existence over the people. The Founders, today, would be flopping in their graves if they could see how their grand vision has turned into one huge nightmare. The Constitution no longer serves the people, but only for the ruling class which it was originally intended NOT to create. What we are seeing today didnt happen with Obama and Co. It didnt happen with Bush, Clinton, Carter, Nixon, Kennedy, or Johnson. It didnt happen with the 113th Congress, the 105th Congress, or even the 99th Congress. It wasnt because of Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Gingsburg, Justice Rehnquist, Justice Marshall, or Justice Brandeis. In this modern Era of Diffusion, we have come to a peak, a cross roads, where positive meets negative, good meets evil, and where the cultivation of so many un-American seeds have sprouted, grown, propagated, and need to be harvested from the garden of liberty, as the original crops have been overcome, died out, and the garden is now infestated with weeds of communist, socialist, globalist, Islamic, and even Nazism ideology. All that remains is the illusion of a garden that once existed, a facade of the vision from our Founders, as the newly constructed America has been built to the side, and is now fundamentally transformed, about to emerge, as the old America is discarded into the history books as a way of living that failed its people. Have we been warned? Time and time again, senators, representatives, historians, authors, even presidents have set off the alarms... yet, few paid heed. Books, movies, and even speeches have been wrote as to the internal strife within the boundaries of our borders, within the walls of government, that there are those seeking to dismantle our foundation, and reconstruct the temple of Americanism into their vision. Through technological advancement with film, video, and the Internet, many have viewed President Wilsons speeches on socialism; President GH Bushs speech on the New World Order; Rep AS Herlong (R-FL) introducing the intended Communist Goals into Congress in 1963; President Eisenhowers farewell speech about a dangerous black-ops military being inside the US military; President Kennedys speech about powerful, subversive groups controlling our government and governments abroad, just before he was assassinated; President Reagans numerous speeches about the influence of communism within American governance, education, and industries; President Obamas speech before the UN Assembly declaring Americas role in the coming New World Order; Caroll Quigleys interviews and his books, like The Creature From Jekyll Island; David Ickes interviews and films about the Rothchilds and Rockefellers plan to de-populate the planet, and setting up a global economy and governance; industrialist Fred Koch with his books and articles about how communism plans to overthrow America from within, after spending many years working with the Soviet government and sneaking out important documents on it; Orwells warnings as portrayed through his books, like 1984 (George Orwell had spent a great deal of time with the globalists before writing his novels); and numerous family members of globalists, like Foster Gamble, who moved away from their families to warn of the coming upheaval of the way the world runs by their families. These are but a few examples of those who have even put their own lives on the line to warn us of the impending disasters we will see if we do not stop these monsters from their mission. So please, dont try to tell me that this is all but some tin-foil hat conspiracy theory, because I have spent years researching this from thousands of perspectives. Karl Marxs Communist Manifesto and Saul Alinskys Rules For Radicals are two books which have pretty much outlined the how and why that they plan to use to covertly dismantle the American government by using our own laws, and our own people, to do it. Communism is but a tool used by the globalists to get what they want completed. (See link at bottom) So as you see, our Constitution has been so radically changed that it resembles very little of its original intent. Through secret treaties, secret documents, secret articles of declaration, our elected officials have signed away our sovereignty, our freedoms, our liberties, and our independent rights. We are but a number to them, a product on the exchange to buy and sell shares from. We see this every day as we get abused and discredited by those who have sworn to defend us and the law. But you see, the law is no longer applicable for you and I. It no longer protects and serves us, but only for those who its truly meant for... those in power, and those affiliated to those powers. Legally, we cant touch them. They are protected. Wonder why we never have legally gone after Obama? Glenn Beck spent a great amount of time digging into the lineage of those who surround Obama. Others have done so with past presidents, too. What they have learned is that they have a clan of people who are mostly related, by blood and marriage, who have spent decades with each other to create the organizations you see today. Some have dug into the bloodlines of our presidents to learn that since Lincoln, all but a few are somehow related, even Obama. I still remember the look on Obamas face when he was told he was a 6th cousin of George Bush. Have you ever asked yourself how all our leaders seem to have come from the same schools, the same societies, the same jobs? Coincidence? I doubt the odds could come close to covering it! Political correctness is but a tool used by the communists to shift blame, and create victims. It gives a detrimental stigma upon those who they wish to subvert. PC is used to divide. It was said that to conquer a nation, it first must be divided. How are they doing so far? We have lost our values, our morals, our standards and our virtues. We are but a shell of what we once were as America... we exist in name only. Two things have spared us, thus far. Our dollar and our guns, and both are under heavy assault right now. The Federal Reserve was created because a new fiat currency cant be traced. The accountability of our dollar can go undetected forever, and this is how they have funded their operations. Since the early 1930s, these entities have bought up virtually everything in site, at least anything they can use against us and to promote more wealth for themselves. Once there were thousands of huge corporations owned by individuals... today, only 6 exist which own it all. Im not taking about Burger King, Starbucks, and Blue Bell Ice Creme, Im talking about oil and energy, banking and finance, insurance, Wall Street, computers and technology, manufacturing, coal and diamonds, and now, even the farm. Follow the money if you wish to find the culprits. As far as guns are concerned, some form of plot has been devised to remove them from our homes. What that may be is anyones guess, but Id say todays racial divide plays a big role in it somehow. But mark my word, they will be coming for them, and for our dollar, soon. America can not sustain this level of indebtedness much longer, nor can we sustain this turmoil between ourselves. We will crash and burn like a jet running out of fuel. The only thing saving our economy is that ability to print more Monopoly bills to keep others happy. Eventually, we will inflate the US dollar too high, or deflate theirs too low... something will give. Once the new global system is in place, Im sure our dollar will make good toilet paper to wipe our puckered butts with when the financial poop hits the fan. And when that happens, theyll be calling in our guns to stop violence and bloodshed. I still wish them luck on accomplishing this tactic. Should our dollar collapse, it would be very wise to declare open season on these globalists and their cronies... dont you agree? Because that is exactly what they are afraid of us doing. Its time we quit fighting with each other. Isnt our nation more important than some artificial crisis to keep us in disarray? Crisis creating is another step which moves us closer into their web of entombment. Have you noticed that before one get rolling, we move into another one? Its been this way since Obama took office, maybe even before. These battles have got to end, as we really need to unite as one if we plan to defeat these Devil dancers with evil. All of us will be standing there in the same boat when they complete their agendas, so we might as well work together now before we never get the chance later on. How we go about bringing them to our side is a great question, as Im sure we dont want to surrender to their side. But so long as we sit here in check, we might try to figure this out before it is called check-mate. Id hate for Osama to be completely right, dont you? Thank you for your support. Have a blessed New Years. Written By: Jim Hovda wn/osama_bin%29_laden Be sure to watch this short interview with a key special agent with the FBI, Herman Bly, who spilled the beans about communism and the one global order being created by our government: https://youtube/watch?v=_cK8QYzplJQ
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 02:46:15 +0000

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