My 2 Cents of Sense: THE NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY On my way home - TopicsExpress


My 2 Cents of Sense: THE NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY On my way home from work today, I was tuned into the Mark Levin Show, as I normally am in my 45 minute drive through mayhem to reach my homestead sanctuary. Mark started out reading most of Ronald Reagans CPAC speech from 1977 after he had lost the bid of Republican nominee to President Gerald Ford by 50 delegates. It has been some time since I have heard this great speech made in a time of GOP confusion as the moderates and liberal-Republicans were driving to control the GOP. Conservatism seemed to be on the attack, as Governor Reagan addressed his concern of the Party, where it was dangerously headed, and how to right the ship before it lisp too far to keep afloat. Out of the many speeches in which Reagan gave in his lifetime, this may be one of the more important ones concerning our future in elections, and where we must strive if we plan not to surrender control of Congress and the Presidency over to a socialistic Democrat Party planning of influence to change America away from its heritage and Constitutional laws. Though Reagans words ring true, it seems they were short lived as the power of the elitists and Communist Party have been too strong against a socially rearranged citizenry too inept to understand their covert submissional domination through the media, education, film, music, and books. Reagan knew that the GOP was being taken over, and that conservatism was being challenged. Reagan stated To retain a conservative ideology, we must seek out and move leaders into battle upon the front line of the political battlefield, as there are many more conservatives in America than liberals. The problem has been that to get them to the front line has been an impossibility, as Reagan was and may be the last conservative president that America sees. I heard a statement by David Icke once where Reagan was an accident, as he was never supposed to win the nomination. It was supposed to have been GHW Bush to lead America into the mouth of the New World Order. Reagan almost derailed the globalists plans, but was met with a very sound warning to never again challenge them. Anyone who was alive and followed politics back then will know the change in Reagan after his meeting with Hinkley. Though Reagan challenged America to open its eyes, his momentum was slowed tremendously, as the Democrats pretty much had their way in Congress. I wont keep you any longer, you know what we are up against, as a Third Party seems to never get much of a spark going. It has been and will continue to be a 2-Party system which has merged basically into one. Those who have tried to make a difference have found the GOP to be their enemy more than the DNC. With those like Soros and the Rockefellers giving billions to eradicate conservative ideology and install a new type of socialism of control through government expansion, we are up against the corner of the ring as Big Mo has us where he wants us to take us down. If you have never read nor heard this speech, please indulge and understand the Reagan philosophy which today drives conservatives and the TEA Party. It is long, but well worth every sentence you read. His bullet points are exceptional. America needs another Reagan, and the drive to a conservative Republic once again. Thank you for your support! Voting for a Democrat is a vote for tyranny. No vote is a vote cast to the winds to let all we see today to let continue. We may slow this national demise down a tad, enough to regain something to our advantage, by voting Republican, though Im not happy in doing it, as a vote for another Party will not prove fruitful, and hand the nation over more to the Left on a silver platter. Read the piece... you will understand what I mean. Written By: Jim Hovda freerepublic/focus/f-news/1968211/posts
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 02:25:57 +0000

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